Chapter 14

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-1 week later-

I landed back home around 6pm. I was greeted by Patricia. She gave me a big hug and helped me put my luggage into the car. By the time we got in the car we were both soaked since it was down pouring.

"Charles got stuck at work again." she said with an annoyed tinge to her voice.

"I'm very excited to see him. I missed all of you a lot."

"We all missed you too Blake. Especially Charles. He wasn't himself all week without you."

I sighed.

"Whats up, honey?" Patricia asked.

"Patricia, your son. He- he's absolutely amazing."

She smiled proudly.

"Blake darling, you're absolutely amazing.

I looked at her with a smile.

"Look how tan you are!" She yelled.

I laughed. We continued talking about my trip the whole way back.

When we pulled up to the house, Mr. Moreau was on the front deck waiting. He greeted me kindly and grabbed my bag from the trunk and dropped it off into my bedroom.

"We will let you get some rest after a long day of flying. We're going to go get some dinner. We'll bring you back something for later." Mr. Moreau said.

"Thank you." I replied with a smile.

I flopped onto my bed. My bed. It felt so good to be home. I couldn't wait for Charles to get back. Before I knew it I was asleep. 

I woke up a few hours later to hear a door closing. I walked out of the bedroom to see Charles taking his coat off. He looked absolutely exhausted. I walked over to him and gave him hug. Something was wrong. Something felt cold about the hug. I pulled away.

"Charles?" I asked, concerned.

"I- I don't deserve you Blake."

"What? What would make you think that?"

"I-I did something bad. Really bad." I saw his eyes start to get teary.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the couch to sit down. He was shaking.

"Charles, what happened?"

"I-I got drunk."

I knew it wouldn't do any good if I got mad so I just decided to be there for him. I grabbed his hand.

"Charles, it's okay. People make mistakes."

"N- no. That's not all."

I looked at him worriedly

"When I was drunk, I- I slept with someone else."

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. I felt all of the colour wash out of my face and I suddenly felt nauseous. I pulled my hand away from his and held it to my lips.

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