Chapter 32

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I woke up as Charles placed kisses on my cheek. I instantly smiled and turned to him.

"Good morning." I said with a smile.

"Good morning." He replied.

I turned and raised my hand into the stream of sunlight that was coming in from the window. I smiled as my ring sparkled in the light.

"Wow." I said quietly.

Charles laughed and placed another kiss on my cheek before getting out of bed.

"Where are you going?" I pouted.

"Packing for us. We're going to my parent's remember?"

I nodded and got out of bed.

"I'm going to go shower." I said.

"Okay babe." He replied.

After I had showered and gotten dresses, I walked back into the bedroom to see two duffel bags packed and ready. Charles was sitting on the bed with his phone in his hand.

"You packed for me?" I asked.

"Yeah." He replied, looking up from his phone.

"You packed my makeup?"

"Mmhmm." He hummed.

"You packed the dress that I want to wear for the family dinner?"


"You packed-"

"The sweater you like to wear to bed? Yes I did." He replied.

I paused for a moment and furrowed my eyebrows.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"You're good. Too good."

"Why thank you." He chuckled.

Before I knew it Charles was packing the bags into the car and we were puling out of the driveway.

I smiled to myself as I thought of Charles proposing to me. My smile grew as I remembered calling everyone except Charles' parents because we anted to surprise them.

"Charles proposed!" I remember saying to Shannon and David at the office.

David had a big smile on his face as Shannon screamed.

"We know!" He said.

"He called us and had us get you down here." Shannon explained as she pulled me into a hug. 

After getting a hug from David, I went back to work but didn't get too much done because of my excitement.

I remembered calling my brother and my parents. 

"Ben! Charles proposed!" I remembered saying to him over the phone.

"I know! Mom and Dad are both crying downstairs. He asked my permission anyway."

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