Chapter 18

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A week later I woke up and put on my best 'boss lady' outfit. I chose a fitting white dress and a black blazer, paired with my favourite heels. By this point, the heels were getting worn out, but I loved them. I grabbed my bag and climbed into the black limo that was waiting for me. That's right, a limo. I was surprised by all of the bonuses this new job came with. I called my new assistant on the way there.

"Good morning, Ms Rose."

"You can call me Blake, Cindy." I laughed.

"Yes Ms- I mean Blake. What can I do for you?"

"I want a meeting set in half an hour, make sure all of the writers are there. Oh and line up some extra chairs in the room for the interns too."

"Yes ma'am. Will that be all?"

"Yes, thank you Cindy." I said as I hung up the phone.

When I got to the office, I set my bag in my new room. My hands were shaking from how nervous I was. I took a deep breath and walked to the meeting room. I opened the door with shaky hands and gave my best smile.

The meeting room table was filled with the magazine's writers, and the interns sat in chairs that were lined up against the window.  Everyone was having their own conversations.

Cindy walked up from the corner of the room and handed me a coffee.

"Thank you." I said quietly as she nodded and returned to where she was standing. 

I took a sip of the coffee and placed the cup on the podium that was at the front of the room.

"Good morning." I said loudly as everyone stopped their conversations and turned towards me.

I smiled at them and continued speaking.

"This month will be my first month as your new boss. I want to start out strong by blowing our readers away." 

Everyone nodded and continued paying attention. I walked from behind the podium to stand in front of it.

"Therefore, I want your absolute best efforts in your articles. I want 100 percent."

I scanned the room again to see one writer rolling his eyes as he snorted and said something to the person next to him. I could tell he wasn't taking me seriously so I knew I had to do something.

I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow at him while he continued talking.

"I'll wait Mr. Knight." I said as his head popped up and his eyes widened.

"Do you have a problem with putting in the effort, Mr. Knight?" I said sternly as I took a few steps towards him.

"N-no ma'am." he said with wide eyes.

"Good." I replied as I walked back to my original place and continued.

"Anyways, I want passion in your articles."

Everyone nodded again.

"Also, I have something special for our interns. Each month, I will choose one intern who has showed the most commitment and has worked the hardest to write an article that will be published in the magazine."

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