Chapter 5

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Charles had me in his arms until the ambulance came. He lifted me onto the stretcher and then followed me into the ambulance. He sat down with a worried look on his face. He was sitting with his elbows leaning on his knees and his head resting on his hands, which were tightly squeezed together. I saw how worried he looked so I took one of his hands and squeezed it. I was surprisingly calm for a girl who had just been drugged, kidnapped and shot all in the past 24 hours. Charles looked sickened with worry. I hated seeing him like that so I did what I do best. Make awkward jokes.

"Seems like I just can't catch a break, huh?" I joked.

He let out a small smile, but not a laugh. He placed his hand on my head in a loving, comforting way. I just laid there, looking straight at him, and he did the same to me. There wasn't much of a conversation happening when the paramedics started to bring me into the hospital.

"Where are we going" I said quietly. I was feeling very sick at that point.

"Straight to surgery miss." A paramedic replied.

Charles ran behind us. The stretcher was moving quite fast. Right before we were entering the operating room, Charles muttered something.

"What?" I asked, dizzily.

"I love you." Charles said.

And then the OR doors closed. Charles couldn't follow. It was me and a bunch of doctors. They quickly gave me anesthesia, asking me to count back from 10.

"10, 9, 8-" and I was out.

When I woke up Charles was sleeping next to my bed. Déjà vu? This time I didn't spill my water on his shoes. I didn't wake him up either. I waited for him to wake up.

I waited for about fifteen minutes until his eyes slowly started to open. When he realized that I was awake he smiled and kissed my hand.

"Blake, I was so worried." he said.

"I know, but I'm okay now. I promise." I replied. I really couldn't promise that considering I've kind of had a streak of bad luck lately but, I said whatever so he wouldn't worry.

I spent three more days in the hospital until I convinced my doctor that I would be okay. I know that was a short time, but I was so sick of hospitals.

That night I went home to an empty apartment. Charles had my cat at his place. He had to work late. I called my work and told them I would be in two days later. They were a bit skeptical, but they agreed. I needed to go back to work. I needed to go back to normal life.

Hey! So I know this was a pretty short chapter, but I have planned out stuff and I don't want too much to happen in one chapter. So far, I think this story has about 22 reads and I'm so so thankful. If you enjoyed you should follow so you know when I post a new chapter! Thank you so much for reading!

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