Chapter 27

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"So, Blake what have you been up to?" Ian asked as we walked down the halls.

"Well, It's been one hell of a year." I replied, laughing to myself.

"How so?" Ian and Ben both said at the same time.

"For one, I got hit by a car."

"WHAT?" Ian and Ben said at the same time again.

"And then I got kidnapped."


"And then I got shot, but that was on the same day." I said casually.


"And then I went away for a while, and now I'm the editor in chief of the magazine I work for and I'm pregnant."

"WHAT?" Ian said along this time.

"At least I knew that last one." Ben said.

"Woah." Ian said with wide eyes.

"That's... a lot." He continued.

"I couldn't even tell you were pregnant."

I unbuttoned my coat and opened it up, so he could see my slight bump.

He smiled and I buttoned my coat back up.

"So, what have you been up to?" I asked.

"I taught some math. And some more math." He said as I laughed.

A few minutes later we were standing by my car, saying goodbye to Ian.

"Next time you're in town, give me a call." He said with a grin, handing me his number.

"I will." I said with a small laugh.

"Good. I want you to meet my daughter."

"You have a daughter?" 

"Yeah. I adopted her a couple of years ago. Her name's Lilly." He said with a proud smile.

"She's in my class." Ben added.

"I'll be sure to call then." 

Ian nodded and gave me another smile before walking away.

Ben and I both got in the car. I cranked the heat up automatically and rubbed my hands together from the cold.

"Is he married?" I asked Ben as we started driving.

"No. I think he decided to adopt Lilly by himself." He replied.

I nodded and continued to drive.

"So, this Lilly. Is she cute?" I asked with a smirk.

"Blake..." He said with a groan.

"Oh come on! Is she cute?""

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