Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of a heart monitor beeping. I felt like I had been hit by a car.

Oh wait.

That's funny.

Because I was.

A female doctor came in and told me that I had been hit by a drunk driver. He ran the red light. She told me that I had to undergo surgery to stop the internal bleeding. The car had broken some ribs and gave me a severe concussion. I wasn't allowed visitors. Therefore, all I could do was lay there. I was bored out of my mind.

After a month, I was finally allowed visitors. One problem. I had no one. Not in this country anyway. I'm not saying that to get sympathy, or to start some sob story, it's the truth. My parents were very young when I was born. They tried their best, but they always felt more like friends than parents to me. As soon as I was old enough, I moved out. I loved my parents with all of my heart, but I knew I could handle things on my own. I never really made friends at work, the people I worked with were cold. They showed no compassion for what they wrote about. If I'm going to surround myself with people, I want them to have a passion for what they do. I got the nurse to call my landlord so he could take care of my cat while I was in the hospital when I first got there. He's a good guy, and he likes cats.

One morning, I woke up to the same beeping of the heart monitor. I turned my head and realized that there was someone in my room. A man. Sleeping. Right there on the chair. He was strangely familiar. He wore a maroon coloured sweater and jeans. He had black hair. When you looked at it in the light you could see shimmers of brown in it. 

I didn't know what to do. There was a strangely familiar man sleeping in my room. I contemplated waking him up or coughing to wake him. Maybe I'd just wait until he woke up himself. Should I call a nurse? I reached over to press the call button. My hand knocked over my cup of water on the floor, spilling on his shoes. He flinched, and opened his eyes. 

He had blue eyes.

Blue eyes? Blue eyes! I remembered this guy now. He was leaning over me before it all went black. The day I was hit by the car. 

I covered my mouth. I didn't know if I should say sorry for spilling the water on his shoes or if I should question why he was there, or thank him for coming? I don't know! A strange squeak came out of my mouth instead. And then a "I'm thanks why water!"

He looked at me with a strange look. As a reflex I started laughing at myself. Laughing hurt. Great. Now he thinks I'm crazy.

Then he looked at me with a concerned look. "That car really hit you hard, didn't it?"

He had a deep, comforting voice. At the same time there was a cold, concerned tinge to it.

I was so embarrassed. "Apparently not hard enough." I replied.

He let out a quiet laugh. I didn't think it was funny, I was serious.

"So... why are you here? I- I don't mean that in a rude way. I'm confused." I said

"I needed to know that you were okay" he replied.

"But you don't even know who I am" I said

"Well, I know your name is Blake. I know that you write for a magazine here, and I I know that you travel a lot. Oh, and your cat. You have a cat."

"How?" Was the only thing that I could say

"Well." He started as he pulled out my huge binder out of his bag.

"Your name is on this binder, and the company name is in here too. You have a list of flight dates and places where you travel. And a receipt for cat food was stuck in between pages" he stated.

"Are you a detective or something?" I asked.

"No, but I am a lawyer. I'm good at finding information about people."

I was kind of speechless. His cold blue eyes mixed with his comforting smile gave me butterflies. I was just sitting there,staring. I didn't realize it, I kind of just zoned out. 

"Um, I was thinking, maybe you might need a lawyer?" he asked.

"Yes... wait why?" I said, a little too loud.

"To sue the driver." he replied.

To be honest, I hadn't even thought about suing anybody. Makes sense though. 

"Yeah, I guess so." I said.

"Okay great, I'll be back tomorrow morning with some files and info. We're gonna get this guy Blake."

He stood up and left, leaving me there with just myself and the butterflies in my stomach.

Was this a long chapter? Im not really sure BUT if anybody read this I'm extremely grateful and I would really appreciate some comments. I'm really enjoying writing this, and I'm working on getting these chapters out there fast. If you are enjoying the story so far, follow me i guess? I don't know :D Thanks for reading! 

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