Chapter 10

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I woke up in Charles' warm arms. The clock read 8:00am so I had to get up to go to work.

I gently removed his arms from around me and took a quick shower. I changed into a floral romper and nude heels. I pulled my hair into a bun and started to do my makeup.

I heard Charles start to move around until I felt his arms wrap around me from behind.

"Good morning." I said.

"Good morning, beautiful." he replied.

"I have to go into work for a couple hours this morning, will you be okay here on your own?"

"I'll be fine. I wanted to go to the gym today anyway." he replied.

I applied a brown shadow on my eyelids, some mascara, and light pink lipstick. After I finished, I walked over to the kitchen to grab a granola bar and call a taxi. Charles was there making coffee.

"So, I was thinking..." he started.

"Charles, you were thinking?" I joked.

He chuckled and rolled his eyes at me.

"I was thinking, maybe we should buy a place together?"

"Charles that's a great idea, but are you sure now is a good time? Would it be too overwhelming?" I asked.

"I think it's the perfect time. Maybe a change of scenery will be good for both of us."

"Yeah. You're right. Let's just go for it."

He smiled contently and went back to making his coffee. I loved to see him smile.

I grabbed my bag and went out the door to catch my taxi with a smile on my face. The thought of Charles and I buying a house together made me excited, yet kind of terrified. Would I enter a house and see a nursery? That would be terrifying. I wished that I could know what he was thinking.

I crossed the street to my building quite carefully. It still shook me up a little to cross the street where I was hit, but nothing I couldn't deal with. The panic that I had been through got better everyday while I was away. The doctors said that it was common for people like me to get PTSD, but I barely ever got panic attacks like I had the night before I left.

I walked into my building and got myself a cup of coffee before stopping by everybody's office to say good morning. Some people appreciated me talking to them first thing in the morning. Others thought it wasn't necessary.

I went to my closest work friend's desk. Her name was Shannon. I hadn't known her for very long, since she just started working here but she has some of the same passion for her work like I do. I genuinely enjoyed spending time with her.

The bad thing was, since she had just started working there, she didn't have her own office. Her desk was set up next to David's office. I hated David. He didn't care about anything but himself and money. His writing was dry and boring. He slept with all of the women at work, leading them on with a charming and sweet act, but he'd break all of their hearts in the end. That guy made me sick.

He tried to flirt with me more than once, but I had already heard about him and never fell for his act. Once I even ended up pouring coffee all over his new dress shoes. It felt great, I didn't even try to pretend that it was an accident.

Anyways, I greeted her and sat down in the chair next to her desk while sipping my coffee.

"So how is Charles doing?" she asked me.

I had filled her in about the whole situation before.

"Great apparently! This morning he suggested buying a house together."

"Blake, that's great!"

"I know! I'm slightly freaking out but I know-" I was cut off by David strolling out of his office with an annoying smirk on his face.

"Morning ladies! Don't throw that coffee on my new shoes now Blake."

"So you've decided to be Mr. Charming today huh David?" I replied.

"Blake, I'm always Mr. Charming." he said as he walked away with that same smirk.

"Ugh." Shannon and I both replied, pretending to gag and laughing.

"Well, I have to go drop some papers off, and do some work. I'll see you later Shannon."

"See ya." she replied.

I walked down the hall to my bosses office and dropped of some rough drafts for article ideas.

"Blake, I need you to travel to Mexico City to report on a story there."

"When? For how long? Now isn't really a good time Ms."

"It can be delayed for about two months at the latest, it's not urgent but I want it done.It will be a short trip. I will get you the details soon."

"Okay, two months should be good."

After that I headed over to the break room to put my coffee mug in the dishwasher before I left for the day.

Sadly, David was also in the break room.

"Hey Blake, did you have a nice meeting?" David asked.

"Yes David, it was fine." I replied flatly.

"You know, you look really beautiful today. You look really beautiful everyday Blake." he said, as he started to move closer to me.

"Bye David." I said as I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room.

"Oh Blake! I'm glad I caught you!" Shannon said.

"What's up?"

"There's another company banquet tonight. You can bring Charles if you want."

"Yes, I'll see if he wants to come. Thanks Shannon."

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