Chapter 15

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I woke up with my head pounding. I obviously had way too much to drink last night. Then it hit me again. All of the hurt that I felt before I fell asleep came tumbling back. I sat up and put my head in my hands. David soon came in and threw a bottle of advil at me.

"Thanks." I said quietly.

I knew that I had to go back to the house. I dreaded it. I really hoped Charles didn't take the day off from work. 

I was so overwhelmed, all I wanted to do was sleep. Before I knew it I was laying back down on the couch and I had fallen asleep. 

I opened my eyes to realize it was already dark. I looked at the clock and realized it was already 8:00 at night. How did I sleep through the entire day?

I ran over to my suitcase and pulled on some skinny jeans and an oversized t-shirt. I then realized I had stolen that t-shirt from Charles, so I had to change. I chose a burgundy sweater instead and pulled on some ankle boots. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and brushed my teeth. David must've been out so I left him a note and headed out the door.

I took a cab to the house. I was just praying that nobody was home the whole way there. Once we pulled up I paid the cab driver and stepped out of the car. My heart was racing.

I walked up the steps quietly. I walked up to the door and breathed a sigh of relief when I didn't see any lights on in the house.

"Hello Blake." a deep voice said.

I screamed and jumped back as I noticed Mr. Moreau sitting in the my wicker chair on the front deck smoking a cigarette.

"I- I didn't know you smoked." I struggled to say.

"Yes well, my wife and son don't know either." he said, putting out his cigarette.

"Come sit Blake." he said as he pointed to another wicker chair.

I slowly sat down.

"Charles told me what happened." he said.


"Blake I'm so sorry." he made a sympathetic face. In that moment he looked exactly like Charles. That did it. I burst into tears and hid my face in my hands. He placed his hand on my back.

"I'm sorry Mr. Moreau, I- I don't want to cry in front of you." I said, standing up.

"Call me Jim, Blake." he said as he stood up and pulled me into a hug.

After we hugged, I went into the house and grabbed my papers which were in the bedroom. I ran my hand on the soft duvet. I already missed my home. The comfort. Charles.

Even though he hurt me, I missed him.

I walked back out to the front deck and sat with Jim until my cab came. I stood up when it arrived and smiled weakly at him.

"Goodbye Blake."

"Bye Mr- Jim." I corrected myself as I walked down the steps and got into the cab.

I stayed on David's couch for the next few weeks. He really was a good guy, even though he could be a jerk sometimes. 

In those weeks, I worked my butt off. I went into work at 7 in the morning and went home at 9 at night. I just needed to be distracted. My best efforts normally failed when I went back to David's place and tried to sleep. All of the pain would just come back to me. 

The one bonus of all of the working was I managed to get a raise, and receive a bigger office. It took me a few days to move offices. Once I moved my last box, I sat down in my chair and looked at the view from the huge window. I still didn't feel happy.

That day, I got a call from the secretary.

"You have some visitors."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Who?"

"Patricia and Jim Moreau."

"Send them up."

A minute later Patricia stood at my office door with a plate of cookies with Jim next to her.

"Hey Blake!" Patricia said in her cheery tone.

"Hey! It's so nice to see you again." I said as I got up and hugged them both. Patricia placed the plate of cookies on my new desk.

"A little congratulations gift."

"Thank you guys." I said, smiling my best smile.

They could obviously see right through me. I caught their sympathetic looks.

"We just wanted to drop by to say goodbye, our house has been fully repaired." Jim explained.

I pouted.

"I'm going to miss you guys." I said as I hugged them both again.

"We'll miss you too dear." Patricia said.

Through the glass door of my office I could see Charles leaning against the wall next to the elevator. My heart stopped. Patricia and Jim saw the expression on my face as I saw him. He looked like he hadn't slept in weeks. His eyes that normally shone were dull and dark. His hair was messy. He was wearing a t- shirt and jeans. 

"He- he's driving us home." Jim explained. 

I smiled and nodded my head as they walked out of my office towards Charles.

"Goodbye dear." Patricia said with a sad smile.

"Goodbye." I said as Charles looked up at his parents, and then made accidental eye contact with me as I stood in the door frame. I looked away and sat back down at my desk, typing on my laptop. I felt his eyes stuck on me until they all got into the elevator. I breathed a sigh of relief  once he was gone.

Stupid glass doors.

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