Chapter 16

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I stayed at work extra late that night to try and distract myself. When I got home it was about 11. I sat on the couch with my head in my hands. I missed Charles so much. I missed his smile, his hands, his eyes. I missed everything about him. 

Without thinking twice I called a cab and landed at his front door. My heart was racing as I knocked on the door. After a minute, I realized he wasn't there and I started to walk back down the steps.

"Blake?" I heard his voice quietly say.

I turned around to see Charles shirtless, in his pair of plaid pyjama pants. I walked over so I was standing right on front of him.

"Blake-" He started to say as I cut him off with a kiss. I missed his kisses so much. I felt his warm hands grab my waist as I ran my fingers through his messy hair. We kissed at the door for a few minutes until we walked into the house, our lips never breaking contact. He lifted his hand from my waist to shut the door.

The next morning I woke up in his arms, laying against his bare chest. I snuggled in until I came to my senses and realized where I was. I got out of the bed and pulled the sheet around myself, picking up my clothes from the ground. I dropped the sheet and got dressed quickly as I heard Charles get up. 

"Where are you going?" I heard him asks I opened the bedroom door.

"I'm leaving."

"W-What? But-"

"Charles, this changes nothing." 

I saw his calm face turn into one of shock.

"Blake please just sit down."

"I can't." 

"Please can you just sit for one damn second!" he yelled.

I sat down, shocked at the sudden yelling.

"My parents were out so I decided to meet the guys for dinner."

"Charles what are you doing?" I questioned.

"After, they decided to all go out for a drink. They convinced me to come with because they didn't know about my past problem. I thought I could control myself but I couldn't. I had so many drinks that night, I couldn't even remember my name when the woman came and hit on me. She took me back to her place and started kissing me. She was wasted. We were both too drunk to realize what was happening until it was too late. Blake I'm so sorry, I should've been stronger. I shouldn't have drank. I miss you so much. I need you. I love you." 

I just sat there and stared at him for a moment before standing up.

"This changes nothing." I repeated coldly.

I went back to David's place, showered and got ready for work.

The whole day I could only think about what Charles had said. I walked around the office bumping into things in a daze.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I heard Shannon say as I looked down at the cup of coffee I had just successfully dumped all over the floor.

David walked into the break room to see me staring at the coffee on the floor. I heard him snort a little, trying to contain a laugh. I looked up at him with a dirty look.

"Here, get yourself another cup. I'll clean this up." he said, laughing.

I started laughing too as I thanked him and got my coffee. I slowly walked back to my office, trying my best not to spill it. 

I gave myself a pat on the back as I successfully sat the cup down at my desk. I signed on to my computer and looked through the online reviews of my article this moth.

"Dull and boring."

"Where's the fiery compassionate Blake?"

"Did Blake Rose lose her spark?"

"Very disappointed in this months article. Get it together Ms. Rose."

 I slumped back in my chair and crossed my arms at the sight of the reviews. Normally they cheered me up, but this put me in an even worse mood. I agreed with the reviews though. I had lost my spark that month, but could you blame me?

I decided to do something about it. I opened a document and started typing.

My name is Blake Rose. I write for this magazine. I love to write, but I feel like I owe you as the readers, an apology. You know me as Blake Rose, the writer. Today I've decided to let you all in and get to know me as Blake Rose, the girl who got hit by a car this year. Blake Rose, the girl who was kidnapped and shot this year. Blake Rose, the girl who fell in love with a guy and got cheated on last month.

"First we'll start off with the morning before I got hit. I was on my way to work."

The words kept flowing and flowing. I stayed at the office overnight and I kept writing until the sun came up, making every single word meaningful.

"And that's where we finish here. Blake Rose, the girl who just wrote for eight hours straight. Blake Rose, the girl who just found her spark."

I sent the article to my boss and looked up to see Shannon and David coming out of the elevator. They looked at me with confused looks on their faces. I shrugged as I closed my laptop and walked out of the office.

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