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i'm warning you. i'm pissed. so expect cursing.

to be honest, most of this is true. my friends can probably figure out what's true and what isn't- if you have questions just comment and i'll tell you.

i'm sure you've all watched the music video but i really like this song

in any relationship, problems happen.

but problems happen within friends too.

would you expect this:

two people, the closest of friends,

stop talking to each other the moment they see each other?

yeah, me neither.

because it looks like we don't talk anymore, j.

we don't talk anymore

we don't talk anymore

we don't talk anymore

like we used to do

First days, even when you know everyone, are always stressful, whether you want them to be or not. Because even if you know everyone, someone might have changed and you're still meeting new teachers and you don't know how your relationship has progressed over the summer. 

At least in Mae and Jasper's case, there was no relationship. But it was just them- between Mae and the rest of her friends, she had the same sense of humor and she was still the same.

"Mae, what's wrong?"

"What do you mean?" Mae asked, frowning at Minhee's question.

"I mean, what's wrong with you and Jasper?"

"There's nothing wrong with us, Minhee."

"...hmmm okay." Mae stared at her for an extra second and then turned to her lunch, twisting spaghetti on her fork and slurping quietly. But everyone could tell something was wrong between Mae and Jasper. Her friends let it slide for a bit, still uneasy because of the silence between Mae and Jasper; they passed by each other while throwing out their trash and didn't look at each other at all.

"Okay, something's wrong," Moni said, pushing her hair out of her face.

"No shit, Sherlock," Minhee scoffed.

"Mae will open up," Brooklyn said, quickly glancing at Mae as she hugged Emily.


"You're not telling me why you're not talking to him, Mae. There's no point being pissed off at him and we can't help you unless you tell us why," Minhee said, to which Mae sighed.

"You don't understand. I'm just really pissed off."

"So tell me."

"Did I tell you that I find him rude, Minhee?"

"No, but I don't think he's rude."

"Okay, I'll tell you why I'm pissed. But it's for a really stupid reason, I'm telling you. So basically, what happened was that I texted him a congratulatory message because he got a medal in the competition, and a month later, he replies thanks."

"That's why you're pissed?"

"He annoys me. He's a great friend, and he's nice to me, but when it comes to texting, he's shit. He doesn't reply to any of my texts, he doesn't even treat me with proper manners when he does reply...I'm pissed off. That's why."

"Let it slide, Mae." Mae grumbled. Mae turned around, seeing Jasper right behind her with a hurt look on his face. Mae looked down at the floor, not meeting his eyes.

"Sorry, Mae."

omg i'm so sad :(

1) i didn't end it the way i wanted to

2) jackson left, and so did a bunch of other people.

also, school sucks.

like seriously.

and i don't know how i feel about jasper anymore.

i still like him, but it's not as strong as before, i guess.  

lots of love,


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