special chapter - 2

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The bell rang but Jasmyn remained in her seat, copying the last of her notes. Without warning, Toad plopped into the seat in front of her, his head in his hands as he stared at her.

"What do you want, Toad?" she asked, without bothering to look up.

"Come to the mall."

"What? No. I have to study. We have a test in like 3 days!" she responded, putting her notebook and pencil in her backpack.

"You seem to think that I was asking," he replied, and picked her up.

"TOAD WHAT ARE YOU DOING PUT ME DOWN!" she screamed as he walked out of the classroom with her in his arms.

"And why should I?" he asked with a smirk.

"This is embarrassing," she mumbled. A blush formed on her cheeks and she covered her face with her hands.

"Aw, are you blushing?" he asked, poking her now red cheek.

"No shut up what are you talking about? This is just weird so I'm feeling a bit embarrassed!"

"Are you sure it's not because of me?" he asked softly into her ear as he slowly walked down the stairs, hugging her closer so she wouldn't fall down and get hurt. She could hear the distinct thump-thump of his heartbeat and she couldn't help but feel more embarrassed.

"...yep, I'm sure," she said, but she could feel her heart thudding inside her ribcage. She knew that she wasn't feeling anything emotionally except for confusion and embarrassment. She also knew that falling in love with Toad meant that the end of the world was near. So in all efforts to clear her head and her blush, she dropped her gaze and looked straight ahead.

"Okay, but seriously, come to the mall."

"Why are you making such a big deal out of it?" she asked, and reared her head around to look up at his face. 

"Because Mae asked. And you know how Mae is when she doesn't get what she wants."

"Actually I don't, but I'll take your word for it. Anyway, I told you already that I want to study."

"How about this: if you come, I'll buy you food." At the sound of food, she perked up. 

"Okay I'm in.  You have to promise that you'll buy me food though."

"Fine, fine, I promise I'll buy you food," he said, rolling his eyes in response. He pushed the door open with his feet and they found themselves at the front entrance, waiting to be picked up by either Mae or Jasper. Within seconds, Mae pulled up to the front, and stared at them incredulously (which was just covered up by her sunglasses).

"Okay Toad get in."

"Hey wait I'm bringing her too! She agreed to come!" Mae shrugged and unlocked the doors, and the two got in. Mae drove away and she turned the radio up, smiling as she watched Jasmyn sing along to the catchy pop music. She pulled up into an empty spot in the parking lot and she parked her car. She saw that Jasper, Minhee, Mark, Emily, Molly, Monique, and a lot of their other friends were already there, and they began to walk towards them.

"Alright, so where do you guys want to go?"

"Let's just go to the Microsoft store and play there," Emily suggested and everyone agreed. 

"Sorry guys, I have to take Jasmyn for food first. We'll catch up later," Toad added. The group smirked at this.

"We'll be going then. There's a really good ice cream cafe around here, you should go there. Or go to Starbucks," Minhee said. Toad and Jasmyn turned to leave, when Mae suddenly shouted "HAVE FUN ON YOUR DATE!"

Jasmyn, who normally doesn't use vulgar language or actions, turned around and gave her the finger. But the blush on her face wasn't fooling anyone.

yep i know a lot of you wanted an update. and i know this isn't an actual update, so i'm sorry.

i kind of wanted to take a break from the love triangle/square/pentagon whatever it is now and focus on this (toadxjasmyn) and maybe on the other ships i have in the book. we'll see.

anyway, hope you enjoyed these little moments between toad and jasmyn. i'm almost done with school now anyway so i should have more time to write and think about what i want to write. besides that, you can expect earlier updates.

- daze

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