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everyone has something special about them.

in my eyes, you have everything.

you have perfect grades,

a perfect smile,

a perfect personality,

and that's what you seem to be: perfect.

i never believed in perfection, 

at least not before i met you.

"Finals are the absolute worst," Mae mumbled as the bell rang and she took her seat in the classroom. 

"Well not really...just kidding they're horrible," Jasper responded, throwing his binder onto the desk with a loud slam. Ms. P walked up to the front of the room, arms holding a stack of papers and a stern look on her face.

"Alright, as you all know, you have a test on Friday. So today, what we're going to do is a final jeopardy review sort of game today. You all get one packet and everything is individual, so if I see you talking to anyone, I'm taking points off. I'll give you 10 minutes for this, and then after that you'll split into two teams and we'll play the game," she instructed and passed the packets to everyone in their rows. Mae anxiously bit on her eraser as she stared at the questions, because she knew that she got some of them wrong. Well she thought she got most of them wrong. Somehow she finished within the time frame and she played with the eraser, waiting for everyone else to finish writing down their answers. 

"All right, I'm splitting teams straight across the middle. Um...Jasmyn, you're the scorekeeper for the right side. And on the left side...I'm thinking either Jasper, Ryan, or Molly," Ms. P said with a pause, "alright, Jasper you score for the left side." He walked up to the board and took the marker, randomly scribbling all over the board until Ms. P gave him a glare and he erased it. The jeopardy game played on the screen overhead and the two teams began to converse, spitting out answers left and right [a/n: okay well that's not how it actually worked but whatever]. Mae felt a nudge on her shoulder and she turned around to see Minhee smirking.

"What?" she asked cluelessly.

"You were staring at him," Minhee teased and Mae's face went red abruptly.


"Yes you were. You sat there with your head on your hand and you stared at him for the whole period!"

"No! Not so loud!" Mae hissed. 

"Hey Mae! Look at how nice Jasper looks!" Minhee shouted, to which Jasper rolled his eyes and Mae lightly slapped Minhee on the face.

"You cutie," Minhee whispered and poked Mae's cheeks as she turned away, trying to hid her blushing face [a/n: no seriously. over text she always says "u cutie" i mean idk why but still]

"...that sweatshirt looks nice on him, that's it. Just stop making fun of me!" Mae yelled with a pout.

"Alright, I'm sorry. You stared at him for a whole 40 minutes but I think it's cute! Don't worry, it wasn't that obvious. Only I noticed it," Minhee said softly, a reassuring smile on her face. 

"He's just so perfect, I don't know. Whatever, the view was nice so I won't dwell on it too much."

hi loves!  

it's been such a long time since i updated, sorry! i couldn't think of anything poetic enough for the first part and i had something for the dialogue but i changed it to match today's events.

but yeah, minhee caught me staring at him :<

okay look. he looked nice, so i stared at him. i think it's a normal reaction when you like someone, to just stare at them (now let's stop before i start sounding creepy).

but he looks really good in the sweatshirt (no, it wasn't the maroon one even though the maroon one is also very nice) AND HE WAS WEARING THE JACKET WITH IT


but yeah.

maybe i like him more? but maybe i'm starting to like him less? idek anymore.

if i stopped liking him, ever, should i trash this story or continue it?

also i have finals so idk i won't update soon obviously. maybe i'll try every other week but i'll probably only do once a month unless if something really happens and i want to write about it.

lots of love,


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