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that feeling that you get,

when someone from your past,

comes back again,

the one who gave you all the troubles,

the one who wrecked you,

the one who you still end up falling for

because you think he's the one for you?

yeah, that's j.

Having a gym class is okay. At least you get to hang out with your friends, and if you're lucky, sometimes your teacher doesn't care whether you put effort or not. Except when it's the mile run. When it's the mile run, all hell breaks loose. And by then, you can mostly see who's athletic and who isn't. In the whole class, mostly everyone was athletic. Well, except for a few.

"Minhee, don't forget your water!" Mae reminded as she held her turquoise water bottle and asthma inhaler. 

"Oh, right. Thanks."

"And your phone, if you want to listen to music...I'm not taking mine though. I can't concentrate." Minhee quickly grabbed her phone and her earbuds, selecting a song to start her playlist. After doing stretching as a mandatory part of gym class, the class went outside to begin running the dreaded mile. The gym teacher blew the whistle and the class began running, hoping to complete the mile within the 12 minute limit. 

"We'll pace ourselves," Mae suggested, breaking into a light jog as they neared the rest of the class. Ryan, Mark, and a few other boys in the class were athletes, of course- they seemed like they would finish the mile in 6 minutes flat. But Moni, Minhee, Mae, and the other girls? Not really. They took their sweet time. The group managed to finish 2 laps in 6 minutes time (at least the slower group). Mae began panting as she realized she should have taken her inhaler before gym; she began feeling lightheaded and paused while the group continued to run farther.

"Hey, Minhee, is Mae okay?" Jasper asked worriedly as he saw Mae trying to keep her eyes open and control her breathing slowly.

"She'll be fine, Jasper. Let's keep going." Despite her pulmonary restrictions, Mae had caught up with them once again.

"You guys take too long," she muttered and ran ahead of them, hoping to finish the mile with a good time. Minhee quickly grabbed her phone to change the song from the slow, lullaby-like music to something more inspiring, when suddenly, her phone fell—

Jasper caught it, lucky for her. Jasper carefully wrapped her earbuds around her phone and handed it back to her as a blush colored Minhee's cheeks. He's so sweet, she thought. 

Meanwhile, Mae had finished: 9 minutes and 13 seconds, watching the people who still had to finish running the mile. And she did see Jasper hand the phone back to Minhee. Was it anything to get jealous of? No, not really. But the only reason she got jealous was because she knew Minhee liked him too.

hey guys.

how are you all doing? well i'm doing great, by the way.

this chapter took me such a long time to update. like seriously.

minhee gave me this idea like last week but i never did it because i was so busy with schoolwork. even though we go to the same school. so i guess it was just a matter of me doing more work than i should have? idk.

um anyways if you wanted to know,

mae's mile time— 10:30

minhee's mile time— 10:29

jasper's mile time— 7:??/8:??

signing off,


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