e p i l o g u e

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While it was an unfortunate thought, no one in the group really expected to have reunited after these 10 years. Sure, sometimes they met up, but this was the first time the whole friend group had assembled in those past years. As Mae stepped out of her car in the parking lot of the church, she couldn't help but let out a sigh. No one had expected them to get married, but here she was, at her friend's wedding. And she was so, so proud.

"Hey, Mae, over here!" Minhee shouted when she saw the other girl. Mae grinned and walked towards her, enveloping her in a bear hug.

"Minhee, it's been a while! And wow, you look absolute amazing. I would have expected white, but then again this whole thing is unconventional in its own way, right?" Minhee threw her a fond smile.

"Yeah, I guess that's right. Did you talk to them yet?"

"No, I haven't. I guess we should meet the bride and groom formally, right? By the way, did you talk to Em before today? She was kinda missing in action," Mae inquired.

"No but I think she's gonna be here today. I mean she has to be, I don't think she can skip today."

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Mark is the best man, isn't he?"

"Yeah," a new voice said from behind her and she turned around, seeing Toad.

"Hey, Toad! Buddy! I mean we saw each other a few days ago, but it's great to see you again!" Mae exclaimed, fist-bumping her cousin's hand. 

"I can't believe we're meeting after so long," Jasmyn added, appearing from behind Toad and clutching his hand. 

"Yeah, you're right. I mean I didn't expect this to be happening either, considering we all had our ups and downs but we all ended up here somehow," Mae added. 

"High school was a mess, but college was even worse, huh," Minhee questioned out loud sighing. They were interrupted when Mark and Jasper stood up and requested the bride and groom, and everyone dispersed to where they needed to be.

"Today, we are gathered here because two of my very best friends are getting married today. We all first met in high school, and our friend group expanded quickly. Our group quickly became tight-knit and we were always around each other no matter what. And then we all started liking each other, which I guess caused some problems," Mark paused as the audience laughed, "and then it was just hellish. If no one pushed them together, they probably would have still been hating each other and they wouldn't have been the wonderful couple they are today. Or maybe that could have been avoided if neither of them were oblivious and realized that they had feelings for each other instead of hurting the other people around them," Mark continued, and Mae began to zone out, playing with her hands and the bracelet that was around her wrist.

"But now that we're here today, it's clear that relationships always have ups and downs. He had his own problems, and so did she, but he worked through them like the strong and determined person he is. These have been a long 10 years, but I'm so proud of you both and I have so much love for you both. I wish the very best for your good lives," Mark finished, and smiled as he saw some of the audience members wiping tears away. The audience clapped as the priest finished the ceremony, and the two took their first dance, smiling like nothing else mattered. (Mae thought it was absolutely adorable.)

Moments later, the group of friends found themselves gorging on the catered food that they had, and Mae grinned as she saw the people surrounding her finally happy. College and graduate school had sucked out so much happiness from a lot of their lives, leaving the once lively friend group isolated and depressed. But now, here they all were, thriving and moving on with their lives, giving themselves new starts. 

She felt a tap on her shoulder, and she turned around to see a man with curly hair, a shy smile on his face.

"Hey, uh you're Mae Foster, correct?" he asked, fidgeting with his hands.

"Um, yeah, and who might you be?" she asked in return, and he handed her his business card, which she read and nodded in understanding.

"Oh, you're the photographer! It's so nice to meet you, and I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to meet you that day for rehearsal," she added, to which he just smiled once again.

"No worries Ms. Foster, I just wanted to say that your decorations for the venue are incredible. It's also even more incredible that you're managing your event planning  with your graduate studies. You're studying psychology, correct?" 

"Oh please, call me Mae! And yeah, I'm studying psychology to become a psychiatrist. The event planning is just for fun. I'm so glad that you liked what I was doing."

"The cranes especially, those are my favorite."

"Ah, the origami cranes. Yeah those are kind of my symbol, I suppose. The bride and groom agreed because they knew how much it meant to all of us to have the cranes there, considering everything that happened in high school."

"That's really awesome! This was such a nice wedding too, and I'm really excited to be taking photos here," he murmured.

"Oh, is it your debut?" she asked.

"Yeah, that's especially why I wanted to thank you. I just started in the industry and hopefully this makes me well known."

"Since I'm an event planner, I know a lot of people. I can help you out! Your photography is awesome, from what I've seen in your portfolio of the nature shots you took," she added and a warm blush passed over his face.

"Thank you," he replied and she smiled warmly, getting up and taking his hand with her and they drank some champagne together. As they were talking at one of the side tables, Mae couldn't help but sigh happily. She had never had time for romance after high school, and now after seeing her best friends get married, she finally felt like maybe she could start anew. 

Toad and Jasmyn were surviving well—their mutual pining had served as a proper foundation and the two were still so in love. Sure, they had fights, like who moved in first, and they had stupid arguments ("No, the cheese goes on after! What are you doing?" "Shut up Jasmyn! You don't know everything!") but they had still made it work even after 10 years.

Minhee and Jasper were talking simply, and while their relationship had changed from friends to lovers and back to friends long ago, that didn't change all that they had been through. Long distance doesn't always work, Minhee thought ruefully but she was happy and treasured the moments they had together.

Mark and Emily were also just as happy. Like any couple, they had their fair share of arguments, just like Toad and Jasper, but marital bliss was coming for all of them and having your best friend by your side seemed like it was better than anything else.

Life will take you as it will. Heartbreak happens for everyone, but you just need to find the right person to make you whole again.

This was actually so bad, I'm so sorry. I feel like the previous chapter would have been good enough as an ending chapter, but I wanted to have an epilogue of two of the characters getting married (whose names I didn't mention, so you could pick whoever you want even though they're just supposed to be blank characters). 

But anyway, yeah! This is the end, we're finally done!

Thank you for reading this book and for all the support I've gotten over the past few chapters. It's been a wonderful journey with all my readers.

- Daze

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