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after a while, this story is going to be centered around a huge love triangle. but whatever you do, please don't hate on minhee. she's my best friend and she deserves love, not hate (because harris is stupid).

is it surprising?

i really like j, i know that.

but i also really think that j and minhee in a relationship would be really cute.

however, all my friends say it's weird because i like him.

and i should want him for myself.

but is it too weird to say that i'd rather see him happy with someone he likes,

rather than be sad with someone who likes him?


Mae loved to have Minhee around, no matter what. Sure, she could be annoying, and sometimes, she could even embarrass them, but she was still super fun to be around. And Mae and Minhee always had each other's backs. They were almost stuck to each other like glue: Mae and Minhee were always together.

While walking together back from class, Minhee did the Naruto run, to which Mae erupted into a fit of giggles. That was the good thing. Minhee made everyone laugh [a/n: you're hilarious honestly JIMINNIEE116].

"Don't you think you're too comfortable around us, Minhee?" Harris [a/n: Jasper's friend who is a bitch like literally all the time] asked, to which Minhee's face went slack and the smile was wiped off her face. 

"Man, that's mean. I think Minhee's fine," Jasper said, standing up for Minhee. Minhee shuffled close to Mae, whispering in her ear.

"Yeah, sure. Speedwalk with me, then," Mae whispered back and they walked to their bus (with Harris unfortunately being on the same bus as them).

"I literally hate him so much," Minhee said quietly, still irked by Harris's horrible comment. 

"I know, Minhee. He's a horrible person. Don't take it to heart." Minhee slumped into the seat angrily as Mae tried to soothe her by stroking her shoulder [a/n: no, i was not trying to turn her on] but it didn't help and Minhee's eyes began tearing up. 

"I've always been so insecure. I've never told anyone this, you know that, Mae. I was super insecure in eighth grade, and the only person I could talk about it to was Gabriella and I thought I was too weird and I didn't know what people would think of me, so I stopped for a while. And I finally thought that I could feel nice in high school and not be insecure anymore. But now because he said that, I feel super insecure."

"Minhee, don't worry. You have absolutely every right to have this kind of comfortability around us. You've been with us almost one and a half years. If you haven't warmed up by now, no one would know how funny you are and how nice of a person you are. And I've known you for 8 years. So if he thinks you're too comfortable now, then you're way more than comfortable around me, Minhee. Don't take it to heart. I don't want to be really cheesy right now, but you're fine just the way you are."

"I know, but like I can't do anything about it. His comment hurt so much." A tear fell from her eye, splashing on her pants.

"You don't have to change anything about yourself, Minhee. I think you're perfect and it's okay to be comfortable at this stage because you've been with us such a long time and you being able to show a side like this means that you trust all of us. And that's the best thing about you." 

Even though Mae's words made her feel better, Minhee couldn't help but keep crying. Because every time she thought about school, her mind would go back to the comment that Harris made. Mae reached over and wiped her tears.

"Stop, Mae. Your hands will get dirty."

"If my hands are getting dirty, it should be from hurting the person that made you cry." Minhee laughed and she snorted, which caused her to laugh even more. 

"You're the best friend ever, Mae," she complimented, to which she received a hug.

"Also, Minhee, you know Jasper sort of stood up for you? He told Harris it was mean and that you were fine and there was nothing wrong with you."

"Really? Are you sure you aren't lying to me?" Minhee asked, wiping a stray tear. 

"I'm not lying. He said it, I'm telling you."

"I'm only believing you because we're good friends."

"You have to believe me. He definitely cares for you, Minhee. Don't think for one second that Jasper doesn't like you."

"...that sort of makes me like him a little bit..."

"And I'm not going to stop you. However, if he creates a wedge between our friendship, meaning we both end up fighting for the same guy, I'm killing him."

"Oh, if he ruins our friendship, I'll help you kill him too."

short inside story, i guess?

every single thing in this chapter is TRUE


i've known minhee for such a long time and she's the greatest person ever and everything that happened in this chapter is what i said in real life and what she said in real life but like i advise you (that if you ever see her) don't question her too much about it because it's something that she might not want to talk about.

i mean harris is really dumb and i can't believe he insulted minhee and forgot about it the next day. so he pissed me off.

however, this was a few days ago, so i'm not sure if she still likes him or not.



signing off,


p.s. minhee you're my (second because jasper is first) bae and don't you ever forget that 

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