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you probably don't know this,

but sometimes it gets really hard.

it's not just that i have real feelings for you;

i try to make an effort

and you remain unfazed

like it didn't even matter

what am i supposed to do

The locker room was bustling with girls moving around in a mad rush to get changed, whether they were leaving the gymnasium to get to class, or trying to get into the gymnasium to avoid being late and having to run laps. Mae heard her gym teacher blow the whistle, and she urgently tried to tie up her hair in a satisfactory ponytail while skipping out the door and sneaking into the group.

Minhee, on the other hand, was not so lucky. Her mind was plagued with thoughts about upcoming tests, a recent movie she watched (specifically some hot character named Peeta Kaminsky or something), and her own love interest. She, unfortunately, tripped on her shoelace and yelped loudly, causing all attention to turn to her. Minhee sighed, already knowing what the punishment was — she had been through this way too many times. [a/n: i know i make minhee sound like a total klutz, but the person she's based off of isn't too different to be honest.] Mae giggled softly and gave her a reassuring thumbs up. With another blow of the whistle, the class dispersed into their groups for whatever they were currently doing in gym (no one ever really knew what the theme or objective of the class was). 

A few messy throws and unsuccessful catches (seconds) later, Minhee joined the group, having successfully completed her punishment laps.

"That was shitty," she grumbled as she effortlessly caught and threw the frisbee. 

"Yeah, why were you late anyway?" Molly asked, turning away from the group. Minhee looked down with a blush.

"What, you were too busy thinking about Jasper and you lost track of time?" Mae teased. Her blush deepened and she looked away, coincidentally in Jasper's direction, made awkward eye contact, then turned back. 

She cleared her throat before saying "It's not really him. To a certain extent, while I do like him, half of it might just be that I don't really want to be alone and so I want to live my life with a guy I like."

"You're worrying about spending the rest of your life with a guy when you haven't even gotten through high school? You do realize that relationships aren't easy. They're built on trust and understanding; it's more than wanting to be with someone because you're in love with the idea of being in love. Fantasizing about a romantic encounter with a guy means that maybe you don't really like him," Moni spoke up. There was an awkward silence as Minhee looked away guiltily.

"You do realize that we're in high school? You guys are talking about falling in love when I'm sure you've hardly met anyone to be qualified as the love of your life, " Mae supplied. A panicked then an irritated look passed over Minhee's face.

"I'm sorry, but while I appreciate the advice you guys are giving me, I don't think you guys are in the right place to tell me what to do about my feelings," she looked Mae dead in the eye, "you're probably discouraging me because you want Jasper to yourself, aren't you? I can't believe you would ever do something like that." Mae's eyebrows furrowed and her eyes flashed with hurt and disbelief. 

"How could you even believe that? Long before, I decided that you were way more important than any of the guys. We both said that we wouldn't let a guy come between us. And you're one to talk. You think I"m stealing him away from you, but you're the one clinging to him 24/7 and trying to grab his attention." Mae began choking up and turned away to wipe her tears. Minhee took a step forward, but then decided against it and turned away, crossing her arms.

Jasper, who was alarmed (and slightly intrigued) by all the yelling, went to go approach them.

"Hey Minhee, what's up?"

"Sorry Jasper, I don't really want to talk to you right now. I need some time to myself." Luckily for everyone, class ended and they all had a free period, so they could all go hang out wherever they wanted. 

Jasmyn fidgeted with her hands as she waited outside the boys' locker room for Jasper. She grabbed him by his sweater sleeve.

"I'm assuming you know what's up, Jasmyn."

"Of course I do. It's you."

"What do you mean it's me?"

"Because I'm loyal to my friends, I'm not going to tell you. And as much of a dense idiot you may be, you'll have to figure it out eventually."

"Figure out what?"

"Which one you really like."

hi please don't hurt me

i hate making my characters sad

but this will slowly make jasper less dense as he figures out what's going on

thank you for reading this chapter!

(shameless self promo: please check out "of vodka shots and beer bottles" please and thank you)

- daze

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