special chapter - 3

32 3 0

Jun 6, 2018

i don't understand girls.

i probably could understand them if i tried. but i don't know how to. is there a formula for this? is there something that i should know? how complicated is it to understand the female sex, really? as far as i'm aware, everyone knows i have a sister (i'd hope you do, because this is technically a joint account with my sister) and i think i understand her quite well. so why is it that when it comes to those two i never know what they're thinking? 

oh yeah, by those two, i mean two girls in my class. let's give them fake names, shall we? (for legal reasons.)

so one of them named, stella, is super fun and quirky. she's pretty nice and she also cracks jokes. although most of them are lame puns. she's usually hyperactive, whether it be with me, or luna, or anyone else in our friend group. and she usually never snaps. but she's been super emotional and when i asked her what's wrong, she said it's my fault. was it though? i don't remember doing anything to her. and as far as i'm aware, i've heard rumors that she liked me but i'll assume they aren't true because she's been pretty snappy and cranky lately, and i don't think anyone would act that way to someone they like. 

The other one is luna. luna is...quieter, and more subdued, i guess. she's super smart though. she kinda acts like a mom, but i'm not complaining. her caring side is what made us friends. but she's been acting the same way as stella?? i don't get it?? what have i done wrong?? don't get me wrong, both luna and stella are practically my best friends. second to jasmyn anyway. but like, if i want to be friends with them, they can't be so confusing all the time. literally. one moment they're all happy and loud and the next they're quiet and gloomy. was it me? was it one of the other guys? what did i do wrong?

the other day i went to a ramen shop with my friends, including luna and stella. i was literally just talking to stella, and luna was like "nope i'm going bye" and she gave me one of those looks and i literally don't understand what happened. 

to be very honest though, i don't know my feelings toward them either. jasmyn has asked me about my feelings for either of them before, but i've never really thought about it.

yep, i don't understand girls. oops.

(sorry jasmyn i hijacked your account.)


m93 said: if you don't really like either of them then this shouldn't matter

      — you said: ye you probably right,,

arno said: they're literally not that confusing like what's so complicated

      — you said: that's what you think

            arno said: as a female, i can tell you that we're not that complicated

                  — you said: ,,,tHAT'S WHAT YOU THINK bc you're a female; as a male i find yall confusing

wkye said: have you ever tried talking to those two girls

like i can guarantee you that they just have their off days 

maybe you're just dense

      — you said: maybe i am BUT THEY'RE ALWAYS LIKE THAT WHAT DO I DO

             arno said: you realize this was originally a female's blog right like we understand girls because we are girls 

 like we can't help indecisive, dense rocks like you figure out what to do with  two girls when clearly you just have to talk to them

                  wkye said: ^ we can't help you maybe ask your guy friends

                        — you said: YEP I DON'T UNDERSTAND FEMALES

i wanted to try something from jasper's point of view.

the concept is like jasmyn's blog or something and jasper hijacked it to rant about two particular girls in his class (no need to tell you who because it's highly obvious)

sorry for making jasper so obnoxious in the rant and in the comments and tbh i would reply like that if the situation ever arose so

btw, mae and minhee are both in the comments section--can you guess who is who?

and this is a little gift to those who have been supporting me.

love yall

- daze

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