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the most beautiful thing in the world

is seeing a person's eyes light up about the things they love,

just like mine do whenever i talk,

or think of you,

but will your eyes ever do the same,

when you talk about me?

It's not something out of a psychology textbook--rather, it's common sense. When a person is passionate about something, or someone, even, their eyes light up and they seem to harbor special feelings and happiness. 

But males aren't too interested in that. The only reason Toad was trying to confirm this was because Mae asked him to.

"What do you want me to do?" he hissed as they divided into their separate friend groups for lunch. Mae shrugged.

"I don't know. Just ask him about his daily life and at some point you'll notice," she replied and then turned back to her table, turning her attention to her sandwich. Toad rolled his eyes and put his elbows on the table as he watched Jasper animatedly talk about Fortnite. Well, there's one instance, Toad thought. 

"I really need to stop playing that game," Ian mumbled, "My grades are already slipping. I almost have a C in chem."

"Oh yeah speaking of which, what did you guys get on the chemistry tests? She put them up this morning," Ethan mentioned. Jasper immediately dove into his backpack to find his phone. 

"You know, Minhee got 94 on the exam," Toad said, hoping that Jasper would say something.

"Of course she did! She's super smart!" Jasper replied enthusiastically.

"Mae al--"

"Did you guys know that Minhee's a painter though? She has all these paintings on her Instagram and I thought that she just went to museums a lot but turns out she actually paints them. She's also really funny and nice to be around. Like the other day we were just talking about stuff and she kept making me laugh and it was really great." Jasper looked at his phone suddenly, and his eyes widened as he saw his grade.

"WOOHOO! I GOT A 95! TAKE THAT!" he yelled. 

"Jasper, sit down, you're causing a scene. But you know, Mae got a 97, so she did better than you both."

"Well that's not very surprising either, you know. Mae's also pretty smart. She tutors me in chemistry, and she helped me out with this test, which is why I probably got a 95. She's also good at math which is why she probably did well on this chemistry test. She's really kind and everything, and it was super nice of her to help me out..." Jasper rambled on. 

Now, Toad was confused. Jasper talked about Minhee and his eyes lit up. Jasper talked about Mae and his eyes lit up then too. Toad sighed, blowing the hair out of his face.


"Yeah?" Jasper responded, his mouth filled with his sandwich.

"Do you like her?"

i don't know if that qualifies as a cliffhanger.

also i didn't know how to write this.

i do want to update honestly (i have people physically telling me to update lol) but idk how to progress this story.

i have the ending planned out and i know what i want to do. also, i'll slowly be adding some characters. like ethan? he's a new dude, and he might not have a major role now, but like later on he might get the spotlight. mae's friend circle will have increased soon too. maybe at the end of a chapter i'll do like a list of characters or something idk.

- daze

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