Chapter 17: Rough Truths

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Within mere hours, Jaden and Syrus arrived at the main land and they set off by taxi cab to the tournament's hosting arena in Domino City. The tournament was sponsored by Industrial Illusions and a flashy and sparkly image of Pegasus looked upon them with a conceited and goofy grin.

They entered the arena with some uneasiness, to think of such a major duelling event and strong location of entertainment could also be the setting for one of Nightshroud's dark plans. The receptionist introduced them to the tournament officials.

"Welcome, Mr Truesdale." greeted the lady in the centre, "Are you here to claim a place in the new Pro League?"

"Yes." replied Syrus, "And Jesse Anderson asked me to tell you that he would soon be joining us to take part."

"Oh, that is excellent news." said the gentleman on the right, "Two of our three empty slots are filled...but we still need to find someone to take part in place of Mr Newman."

"Actually, that's why I have brought my best friend here." put in Syrus, "This is Jaden Yuki, and I am fairly certain that he is just as skilled, if not better a duelist than Zorath Newman."

The three officials looked at this newcomer with doubt.

"Wait, is this the Jaden Yuki whom defeated the deck of the famous Yugi Muto?" asked the man on the left.

"Yes, and he has saved many lives and souls with his duelling." added Syrus proudly.

Jaden's face coloured deeply. "I um, I er-"

"He is more than suitable for the Pro League." continued Syrus, "I doubt you will find another candidate in time anyway."

The officials looked to each other, murmured under their breaths, looked to Jaden once again and slowly nodded.

"It is settled between us." said the man in the middle.

"Jaden Yuki, consider yourself a contestant in this year's Pro League Championship." said the woman on the right.

"On condition, of course, that Mr Newman does not return to reclaim his place first." added the left official.

Jaden smiled; the plan was underway.

"Thank you." he said pleasantly.

Syrus grinned. He was pleased that he would have Jaden alongside him in the Pro League, and he was certain that together, they would be able to take down Nightshroud and his cronies in the tournament.

Jaden and Syrus booked into a nearby hotel, readying their decks for the upcoming challenges embedded in the tournament.

Jaden thought alongside Yubel of whether or not Nightshroud himself is the threat lurking within the Championship.

"If it isn't him, it must be a servant with a lot of Darkness within his or her soul." said Yubel with a foreboding air, "And I mean a LOT of Darkness."

"Whether or not it is Nightshroud, we will still take it out." said Jaden, sounding more confident than he was, but his determination was matchless.

Yubel smiled at his mingled courage with that of the Supreme King's. That night, Jaden went through his deck one more time...and pulled out his Miracle Dimension Fusion card.

"Don't worry, Bastion, I will not let you down." he thought to himself.

Winged Kuriboh and Sir Freed's cards glowed with encouragement, as both hid in their cards, to hide themselves from public. Jaden smiled, feeling slightly more confident. With all the friends in his deck he could hope for, how could he lose?

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