Chapter 1: The Next King Returns

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Five years ago, Jaden Yuki had completed his time studying at Duel Academy, the school of duels set on an island out at sea. Jaden had his rough patches at the Academy. He battled Shadow Riders, faced the three Sacred Beasts, battled the Society of Light, faced the dark consequences of his past across many dimensions and faced the darkness of humanity itself, in the form of Nightshroud. But for all that, Jaden had managed to pull through and "Get his game on!" to use his popular catchphrase.

In the Dimensions, Jaden had fused his soul with that of his Duel Monster card, Yubel, whose spirit wanted revenge on Jaden for abandoning her after she hurt other duelists in order to protect him. Now the two of them are reunited and Yubel no longer desires revenge, but the experiences had for a time changed Jaden into a serious young man whom had no longer a fondness for duelling, until he had stumbled into the past and got to duel the King of Games himself, Yugi Muto.

Now Jaden's love for duelling has revived and he currently travels the world, searching for new challenges, accompanied by Yubel and the other Duel Spirits from his duelling deck, as well as the spirit of Jaden's deceased tutor, Professor Lyman Banner, whose spirit resides in his cat, Pharaoh.

Jaden had also recently had an encounter most remarkable. On his travels, he had learnt that many of his friends' most powerful cards had been stolen. He ended up on an adventure through time and duelled alongside Yugi Muto, the Pharaoh Atem, unbeknownst to Jaden as well as a man from the future, Yusei Fudo. The three of them fought a mysterious man named Paradox and after a lengthy battle, saved time from changing at the menace's hands. Jaden is now back in his own time, with Yugi and Yusei's friendships in his heart.

One day, Jaden was staying at a hotel not far from his home, but still a long walking distance away. He rarely was able to write to contact his old friends from Duel Academy, but was able to keep in touch enough to know how their lives after Duel Academy were going.

Syrus and his brother, Zane have apparently become a duelling tournament team, Chazz Princeton is a Pro duelist, well into his career, still using his own catchphrase, "Chazz It Up!" Chumley Huffington is still a successful card designer at Industrial Illusions, and Tyranno Hassleberry is an explorer and traveller, rather like Jaden. However, Hassleberry mainly travels for archaeological purposes, as he is now studying this, while duelling on the side. Aster Phoenix and Jesse Anderson are also still worthy Pro duelists. One person that Jaden knew nothing of since leaving was Alexis Rhodes.

As Jaden lay on his hotel bed, exhausted from his tireless travelling in cross country, he heard a knock on his door.

"Huh? Wonder who that is..." he murmured seemingly to  himself, but also of course to his Duel Spirits and Professor Banner, "Uh, come in!" he called out loud.

The door opened and the hotel receptionist came up.

"Hello, sir." she said, "This was delivered to the hotel to be given to a Mr Jaden Yuki. I presume that is you."

It was a letter. The receptionist held it out for Jaden to take.

"Oh, thanks!" said Jaden, quite surprised that he had a letter delivered. He rarely ever got one. As the receptionist took her leave, Jaden surveyed the handwriting on the envelope, he recognised it. How could he not? It was the same handwriting he had seen being written in classes at Duel Academy right next to him, only after five years, it was much neater. It was the handwriting of Syrus Truesdale.

"Sy?" thought Jaden.

He unsealed the envelope and read the letter:

Dear Jaden,

It's been a long time. I was in Domino City and I asked your mother if she knew your whereabouts. She confirmed you were at this hotel, where you are probably reading this letter now.

Anyway, I thought you would like to know that me and the other guys from Duel Academy are having a school reunion in the town hall of Domino City. I am inviting you to attend. And if you do turn up, please bring your deck, because the reunion also has an event of reunion duels too. The reunion is this next Saturday.

I hope you can make it, Jaden. It'll be just like old times.

Hopefully see you soon,


Jaden gazed at the letter. After all he and Syrus had been through, he was never forgotten and still considered a friend in spite of all the dangers of their school days. Jaden was flattered, but felt hesitant.

"You're troubled, Jaden?" asked the spirit of Professor Banner.

"Well, duh." snapped Yubel.

Jaden sighed humorously. Banner and Yubel had grown to bond as friends over the five years Jaden had spent travelling across the world, but they were all the same prone to petty arguments, mostly brought forth by Yubel's sarcastic demeanour. 

"Yeah, I am troubled." replied Jaden.

"Why?" asked Banner, "I see your friend, Syrus is happy at the thought of meeting you again."

"Yeah, but after all the danger I put him and the others into, I don't feel ready to face them again." said Jaden in a tone of self-pity.

"But those things that happened, Jaden," said Banner sympathetically, "were not your fault."

"But...if I hadn't abandoned Yubel..."  murmured Jaden.

"But it was me who retaliated." sighed Yubel sadly. She deeply regretted her actions six years ago.

"But I..." said Jaden.

"I think you ought to go, Jaden." said Banner. Pharaoh the cat meowed in agreement.

"It'll be good for you to see friends again." added Yubel.

Then a spiritual squeak sounded over Jaden's shoulder. It was Winged Kuriboh, handed to Jaden by Yugi Muto himself.

"You agree, Kuriboh?" asked Jaden.

Winged Kuriboh squeaked and nodded its confirmation.

"And so do we, Jaden."

Jaden saw the Duel Spirits of his Elemental Heroes and Neo-Spacians. The speaker was Elemental Hero Neos.

"We believe that you have delved too deeply with your status as the Supreme King." said Neos, "It's time you remember your childhood and duelling dreams."

Jaden looked uncertain. But the encouragement he was receiving from his Spirit friends was too strong for him to deny their mutual wish.

"Okay..." he sighed, "I'll meet Syrus on Saturday."

Banner and Yubel smiled, Winged Kuriboh squeaked joyfully, Neos gave Jaden a thumbs up and Pharaoh purred lazily.

Jaden had five days until the reunion so he had ample time to prepare his deck and himself for this reunion. With all of his travels across the world, he had become a terrible mess of a man. He felt that now was as good a time as any, since Syrus and....Alexis would be expecting the same old Jaden, whom was not necessarily clean, but always took pride of his Slifer Red uniform, the jacket of which he still wore to this day.

So Jaden went to clean himself up, little knowing of what adventures were in store for him after the school reunion of Duel Academy....

Author's end of chapter talk: So we have the first chapter of GX Season 5, and immediately I need to apologise for the briefness of this chapter, but that is partly because this book will have more chapters than its predecessor, Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 6, and partly because the next chapter has more detail and more to write about.

So how will things go when Jaden returns to his friends in Chapter 2? Will he be reunited with all of them? Will any trouble occur during the school reunion? And what is the threat? Is it old or is it new? Find out soon! Comment and vote!

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