Tourist Trapped

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Narrating will be like this! It is written from your point of view

Ahh summer break. A time for leisure, recreation and taking it easy? Unless you're me

I held onto the pole of the golf buggy as we crashed through the forrest of gravity falls. We crashed through the welcome to gravity falls sign and screamed as we were being chased and it was knocking down trees. Me and Mabel looked at each other before looking behind us. "It's getting closer!" We both yelled together as a giant hand reached out trying to grab us. The cart tumbles and we lang roughly on the floor.

My name is Y/N. The boy in the hat is Dipper and the girl about to puke is his sister Mabel. You may be wondering what we're all doing in a golf cart, fleeing from a creature of unimaginable horror.

"LOOK OUT!" Mabel screamed as a tree came flying towards us and blocked our path.

Rest assured, there's a perfectly good logical explanation for it though. Let's just backtrack a few years to when my parents left me here. Here is Gravity Falls. It's a sleepy town in Oregon and I was taken in by a great man called Stan Pines. He gave me a bedroom and I was able to stay with him as long as I worked in his 'Mystery shack.' The start of the summer was going just like any other, miserable but then Stan pulled up in the car with two new people.

"Upstairs is where you'll be staying, Y/N Help them out." I nodded rushing to help them with the bags and up to the attic room. I stood in the door way while I watched them unpack. The girl with long brown hair was hanging up some posters. "This attic is amazing. Check out all my splinters!" She said holding up her hands and showing the gigantic splinters. The boy backed away from her landing onto my pet goat Gompers. "And there's a goat on my bed." I stiffled my laugh from the door way as Gompers jumpered down and chewed the Girls jumper. "Hey friend. Oh! Yes, you can keep chewing on my sweater." She started laughing and I smiled.

I later learnt that they were Stan's great niece and nephew Dipper and Mabel. They both seemed like nice kids and they were both my age. Stan said it would be good for me to hang out with people my age instead of with Wendy all the time.

"My sister tends to look on the bright side of things." Dipper said to me as we sat together on the pouch while Mabel rolled down a hill. "YAY GRASS!" She yelled, I laughed looking towards dipper and seeing a woodpecker peck his hat. "BOO!" Stan yelled jumping up from behind us with a mask on. "AH!" Dipper yelled falling over onto his bum, me and Stan broke into laughter.

Stan owned a small home which he transformed into a tourist trap called 'The Mystery Shack' The real mystery was why anyone turned up to the place.

I watched from behind the counter as the Jackalope's antler broke off falling to the floor causing gasps amongest the tourists. "Ladies and gentlemen, behold! The Sascrotch!" Stan yelled pointing at the Sasquatch wearing underwear. The Tourists all moved along speaking excitedly and snapping pictures. Dipper was sweeping the floor while Mabel was playing with a jar of eyes. "Ohh!" Se said reaching in the grab a large eyeball. Stan slapped her hand with his magic 8-ball cane, "No touching the merchandise!"

It looked like it was going to be the same boring summer like always until one day...

Mabel hit my arm excitedly as she watched a boy from across the room. "He's looking at it! He' looking at it!" Me and Dipper locked eyes before looking at the boy holding a note. " Uh..Do you like me? Yes? Definitely? Absolutely!!" He looked around and Mabel laughed to us. "I rigged it!" Dipper rolled his eyes going back to cleaning a jar. "Mabel I know you're going through your whole 'Boy Crazy' phase, but I think you're kind of overdoing it with the 'crazy' part." Mabel laughed. "What? Come on, Dipper! This is our first summer away from home! It's my big chance to have an epic summer romance!" I laughed. "Yeah but do you need to flirt with every guy you meet?" I asked looking from her to Dipper. "Remember that time you pushed the guy into the display!" Dipper said laughing. "My name is mabel but you can call me, the girl of your dreams." I said doing my best impression of her. "Oh my gosh, you like turtles? I like turtles too! What is happening here?" Dipper said before laughing.

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