Little Gift Shop Of Horrors

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I groaned as the door bell to the shack rang, it's so late who would be visiting now. I opened the door to see a man stood in front of me. "Well, hello there, traveler. I see your car broke down on this lonesome country road. A place so remote, that NO ONE CAN HEAR YOUR SCREAMS!" Stan yelled making the man back away. "Pretend I didn't say that. Come in come in, but be warned: If you enter, you may be subjected to my tales....TALES DESIGNED TO SELL MY MERCHANDISE!" I shook my head after the man walked into the shack and closed the door. I ribbed my eyes before going into the room with Stan. "You've come to the Mystery Shack after hours. A time when the most cursed objects are for sale! Like that thing! There..." He looked at the lump of random body parts. "Nope? Not a fan? Too many orifices? Alright, I can tell what you're looking for is this." Stan pulled a hand from a chest. "Disembodied hand! Why is it so expensive? Well, that's quite a talk. And it's called HANDS OFF! No seriously, hands off." He said taking the glowing reptilian eye ball from the man. "That's not for sale. Alright, HANDS OFF!" I rolled my eyes knowing Stan was going to tell the tall tale of when Him, Dipper, Mabel and myself were at the swap meet. 

"Swap meet, swap meet, swap meet! Look at all these priceless treasures! Bobbly heads!" Mabel yelled running over to the bobble heads and tapping them. "They agree with everything I say." I nodded in agreement. "Priceless is right, it's all junk." I said looking at the stalls. Dipper picked up some glasses and slipped them on. "Professor glasses! They make me look like a genius." I giggled looking at him with them on, he looked so adorable. He span around before crashing into the glasses rack. "Let me try." I said picking up a pair of big black glasses like Stans. "Look I'm Stan." I said with a small giggle making Dipper laugh along with me. I looked over at Stan who was admiring some watches. "Look at these vogue gold beauties! They're mob boss quality!" He looked over at us. "Okay, kid. Prepare to watch the delicate art of the deal. Hey hagface! How much for the junk watches?" I looked at the woman behind the stall. "They are not for sale! NOT FOR YOU, STAN PINES! THE WIND WHISPERS YOUR NAME!" Wind chimes began chiming and Tyler Cutebiker looked at them. "Shush you guys!" I glanced back at Stan. "Alright, I get it, you're creepy. Anyway, less talky, more watchy." He put money down on the counter and took a watch. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY WATCH!" The crazy old lady screamed grabbing Stans arm. "AAH!" Stan screamed pulling away from her. "YEESH! Freak show!" We all walked away from her. "Wow. Someone needs to work on their social skills." Mabel said looking at Stan. "And their observation skills." He showed us his wrist with the watch on. "BOOM! Good job, heisting hands." He said kissing them. I shook my head. "I don't think that was a good idea." Dipper nodded. "Grunkle Stan, are you seriously shop lifting from a witch? That sounded like a curse." While Dipper and Stan continued to talk me and Mabel walked behind them looking in stalls as we exited the swap meet. "Y/N." Someone whispered, I span around trying to figure out who it was. "Y/N!" There it was again. I looked at Mabel who was looking at jumpers. "Mabel did you hear that?" I asked catching up to her. "Hear what?" I frowned biting on my lip. "I could have sworn I heard someone say my name." We continued walking but every now and then I would hear my name, "Firestone I know you can hear me and soon you will see me." I frowned and walked faster towards the car. 

I woke up and walked to the kitchen when I heard Mabel screaming. "NO HANDS! GRUNKLE STAN! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HANDS?!"  I looked at Stan and he had no hands, it was like his wrist just stopped. "So I might have got cursed a little. But the watch looks nice, right?" I shook my head and looked at the watch when a face appeared. "Foolish man! Thieving hands find wicked face! You must return what isn't yours..." I looked at Stan and he just put the oven mitt on muffling the witches speak. "That's better." I sighed. "I told you Grunkle Stan. You gotta give that watch back and apologise."Dipper said looking at Stan. "What? That old crone should apologise to me for denying my right to buy cheap junk. I don't need hands. I've got self-respect." He tried to pick up the coffee cup but dropped it on the floor, he slaps the fork and it flung bacon into his face. "Mabel, sweetie, will you make your uncle some hands?" Mabel started tapping plastic cups with forks onto Stan. "Lalala...hands makeover!" She added some glitter. "Say hello to your new hands! In quotes." I shook my head grabbing a drink of milk. "Nice work, kid! See, hands are overrated. I'm ready to take on the day." Lazy Susan walked by the window. "Ma'am." He said waving to her before she screamed running away. 

Throughout the day Stan went through struggles, he couldn't bowl and when Jimmy tried to play toss me a dozen eggs he got pelted by them. "Are you ready to find the witch?" I asked handing him a towel to clean himself with. "Lets find the witch." He mumbled to the three of us. 

We walked towards a dark cave and I looked at the pamphlet Mabel was holding. "Are you sure it's here?" I asked looking at her. "According to the swap meet pamphlet, the hand witch lives in a horrible hand witch lair, on Hand Witch Mountain." I looked over at the cave. "Stop saying hand witch." Stan grumbled. We all walked into the Cave when someone tapped Mabel. "Grunkle Stan, did you just tap my shoulder?" Stan groaned. "Kid, I can't tap anything." I jumped as something grabbed my ankle and I grabbed a hold of Dippers hand in fright. "Guys, can someone stop tapping my shoulders." Stan shines a flashlight at us and we saw Hands on Dippers shoulders. "Ahhhhh!" We all screamed as hands started coming towards us. I still had hold of Dippers hand as we were being punched by hands. "Hands! Lots of hands!" Stan yelled. "Dip I'm scared!" I yelled punching off the hands that were trying to get us. "Look at this...touching scene! Up top!" The witch yelled as a hand high fived her. "You guys get me." I frowned and the hands stopped attacking us. "Alright, you horrible wench. You got me. Stealing is wrong, et cetrea." He took off the watch. "Take it. Now can I have my hands back? I have a certain gesture I'd like to share with you." I slowly went to let go of Dippers hand but he kept our fingers interlocked with each others. "Alas, your hands cannot be gotten so easily. The spirits say...Ummmm....that the curse can only be broke, by a kissssss." I held back my laughter. "What?!" Stan yelled. "It's alright, kids. Just look away." I watched as Stan kissed the witches hand. "A KISS ON THE LIIIPPPSSSS!" I nearly threw up and Stan shook his head. "What? Forget it! I'm not kissing any of that mess! I don't need my hands that bad!" I looked at Stan. "Yeah, you're just making stuff up now." Dipper said to the witch now letting go of my hand. "Let's go kids." Stan said as we walked towards the exit. "NO WAIT, DON'T GO! Ehh- You're right, you're right. I-I-I was just making all of that stuff up. I-I was just trying to get something going, you know? It's so hard to meet people these days..." She snapped her fingers and hands started braiding Mabels hair. "So this was all just a ploy to get a date?" Dipper asked her. "I'M DESPERATE, OKAY? But every time I bring someone back here without keeping their hands hostage, they just run away." I nodded looking around. "I would too." I mumbled looking at the hands all over the floor. "Well, yeah. Look at this horror show! It's creepy even for a cave." Stan said looking at the witch. "You just need to redecorate! For example." Mabel grabbed a bunch of hands and started putting them together. "A handalabra!" I giggled. "OOOH! THE HAND WITCH LIKES!" I looked at Dipper with a confusing face and he looked at me the same way. "Then watch me work! HOME MAKEOVER!" Mabel yelled getting to work. 

I was sat on the floor when Mabel finally finished working and Dipper tapped my shoulder. "Men will definitely tolerate you, now. And I left a book of pick up lines on the end table." I looked around and it was actually nice. Well nicer. "AAAAAGH! MY GOODNESS, I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS THE SAME CAVE, OH MY GOODNESS. I just can't find the words..." I looked at Stan. "How about 'here's your hands back' " I looked back at the witch. "Oh, right." Hands crawled out from behind me and I jumped onto Dipper's back and watched as they attached back onto the end of Stans writs. "Sorry." I whispered getting down and Standing by Dippers side. "Shakey! Scratchy! I've missed you, old rascals. You're all right, sister." Stan said to the witch. "Will you be my boyfriend now?" Stan shook his head. "Nope. Never." We all walked out of the cave, "Well I learned nothing." 

I looked at the man who wasn't paying attention to the story. "Alright I get it, you don't want the hand." Stan said throwing it behind him. "You're a savvy customer. But perhaps you'd be interested in buying..." He went through his pockets before seeing waddles, He quickly picked him up. "This magic pig! Sure, he doesn't look magic but there's a very interesting story I'm about to come up with about him," I rolled my eyes before walking upstairs to the twins. "Mabel Stans trying to sell Waddles." She grabbed a arrow suction cup and ran downstairs to face him. "What stories has he told?" Dipper asked as I sat down on Mabel's bed. "The one with the hand witch." Dipper laughed along with me. "That was crazy." I nodded in agreement. "I'm so tired." I said looking over at Dipper. "Usually we've been on adventures and I'm so bored I could just sleep." I said closing my eyes and snuggling into the bed. "Goodnight Y/N." I heard someone whisper, but it wasn't Dippers voice. Suddenly I felt a pair of lips on my forehead and I opened my eyes to see the room in pure darkness, it was just me and Mabel's bed that was seen. Nothing else was around me and I looked where Dipper was sat but it was like everything had been torn from around me. "Sleep well my child." Someone whispered before I fell back onto the bed. 

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