The Hand That Rocks Mabel

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I strolled into the living room seeing everyone gathered around in front of the TV. "Well, don't get too curiously. Ever since that monster Gideon rolled into town, I've had nothin' but trouble." I rolled my eyes sitting down next to Mabel. "Honestly he's just some 'adorable' kid with big hair. I don't see what the whole fascination is about'' I said stealing popcorn from Dipper. "Well is he really psychic?" Mabel asked looking from me to Stan. "I think we should go and find out." Dipper said standing up. "Never! You're forbidden from patronizing the competition. No one that lives under my roof is allowed under that Gideon's roof!"I giggled. "Do tents have roofs?" Dipper asked looking at me. "I think we just found our loop hole...literally!" She said holding up a string with a loop in it. 

I pulled on my yellow tank top and walked downstairs meeting Mabel and Dipper outside and starting to walk to Gideon's tents. Soos joined us on our way. "Whoa, this is like a bizarro version of the Mystery Shack. They even have their own Soos." Dipper said pointing to the maintenance man who looked a lot like Soos but his name tag said 'Deuce' "It's starting! It's starting!" Mabel said jumping a little and pulling us to some seats. "Let's see what this monster looks like." 

The curtains pulled open and there he was. The little 'monster' as Stan described him. "Hello America! My name is Li'l Gideon." Everyone clapped as a dove flew from his big hair. "That's Stan's mortal enemy?" I nodded looking at Dipper. "Yep, He said he's a little monster with big hair." I said before looking back at the stage. "But he's so wittle!" We all laughed and stared at the kid on stage. "Ladies and gentlemen, it is such a gift to have you here tonight!...Such a gift. I have a vision. I predict that you will all say aww'' I frowned looking around at the crowd. They were actually buying this crap. "Awwww!" The crowd yelled out, I turned back to the stage and Gideon was stood pulling a cute pose. "People are actually buying this?" I whispered to Dipper while he rolled his eyes. "I'm not impressed." 

"Hit it, Dad!" He yelled to his dad who was sat at the piano. "Oh, I can see, what others can't see. It ain't some sideshow trick, it's innate ability. Where others are blind, I am futurely inclined. And you too could see, if you was widdle ol me! Come on, everybody, rise up! I want y'all to keep it going!" He sang to the crowd. Everyone rose singing along with him when Soos and I started rising as well as the twins clapping along to the beat. "Wha--How did he?!" Dipper asked out confused. I try to sit down but it was no use. "Keep it going!" Gideon yelled. "You wish your son would call you more!" He sang before pointing to an old lady in the crowd holding a cat. "I'm leaving everything to my cats." She sang. "I sense that you've been here before.!" Gideon sang again pointing at Bulbs. I looked around the room hearing my name being yelled. "What's up?" I asked looking at Dipper. "I didn't say anything." I frowned walking away from them and towards where I heard my name being yelled. ''Hello?'' But I heard nothing. "Man, that kid's an even bigger fraud than Stan! No wonder our uncle's jealous...You okay?" I turned to see Dipper standing in front of me. "Yeah, I just thought I heard someone calling me." I said shaking my head and following them outside the tent. "Oh come on. His dance moves were adorable! And did you see his hair? It was like, whoosh!" I laughed as Mabel talked about him. "You're too easily impressed" I stated before grabbing a hot dog and going back to the Shack. 

I flipped the page of my magazine while Mabel danced around the room. "Check it out! I successfully bezazzled my face! Blink!" She yelled before blinking more sequins fell off her face. "Ow!" She giggled. I bit my lip shaking my head trying to hold in my laughter. "Is that permanent?" Dipper asked walking into the room. "I'm unappreciated in my time..." As I was about to reply the door bell rang. "Somebody answer the door!" Stan screamed from god knows where. "I'll get it!" Mabel yelled walking over to the door. "Howdy." Me and Dipper looked at each other. "Gideon?" I mouthed to him and he shrugged his shoulders. "It's wittle ol' you!" Mabel said gesturing to his awful song. He laughed nervously while me and Dipper listened in on the conversation. "Yeah, my song's quite catchy. Now, I know we haven't formally met, but after yesterday's performance, I just couldn't get your laugh out of my head." I put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing and hit Dipper playfully as he laughed. "You mean this one?" She asked before laughing obnoxiously. "Oh, what a delight! Now, when I saw you in the audience, I said to myself, 'Now there's a kindred spirit! Someone who appreciates the sparkly things in life!" I shook my head. "That's totally me!" She said laughing but coughing some sequins out bedazzling Gideon's jacket. "Enchanting. Utterly enchanting." 

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