Northwest Mansion Mystery

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A/N: As you can see I have skipped two episodes, there is a reason behind this. ALSO WE HAVE A NEW COVER PHOTO!!! Special thanks to ArticStarFox177 for creating it!! I love it!! If you would like feel free to message me hun and I'll get you an imagine with ANYONE you like sorted :) 

"You asked for it, you got it! An entire 48-hour marathon of Ghost Harassers on the Used To Be About History Channel" The man on the scream yelled at the camera. "Be strong, bladder." Dipper said patting his stomach. "We're not gonna move till sunset." I laughed a little and then watched the TV again. "We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news!" Toby Determined yelled. "Aww what?!" Dipper moaned. Mabel, Candy, and Grenda all came running into the living room and sitting in front of the way of the TV. "It's starting!" Mabel yelled looking at me. "Turn it up!" Candy said sitting next to Dipper. 

"Well tonight's the night, but I've been out here for days!" They were stood outside Pacifica's place. "The Northwest family's annual high-society-shindig-ball-soiree is here." I rolled my eyes, every damn year they did this. "And even though the common folk aren't let in, that doesn't stop us from camping out for a peek at the fanciness!" The girls all Oooh'd with excitement. "Okay, can someone please explain why people care about this?" I went to answer when Grenda did. "It's pretty much the best party of all time. Rich food, richer boys!" They continued talking and Dipper looked over to me. "I don't see the big deal, it's just some excuse for Pacifica to get all dressed up in a big ball gown and act like she's better than everyone else! Every year she invites someone and they think they like her but no they just sit and bully her!" I yelled getting annoyed before walking out of the living room. "Pacifica is the worst," Dipper said following me out of the living room when the door knocked. "And that's not just jealousy talking. I'd say that to her face." I opened the door and there she stood. "I need your help." She said looking into Dippers eyes. "You're the worst." He said before slamming the door shut in her face. I high-fived him. "Nice!" He laughed and all the girls gasped. The door knocked again and Dipper opened it reluctantly. "Look. You think it;s easy for me to come here? I don't want to be seen in this hovel. But there's something haunting Northwest Manor." She took off her sunglasses and looked at Dipper. "If you don't help me, the party could be ruined!" Dipper shook his head. "And why should I trust you? All you've ever done is try to humiliate us." He said looking at me and then to Mabel. "Just name your price, okay? I'll give YOU anything." She said pointing at Dipper and Mabel. "But not her." I rolled my eyes and looked at her. "Like I would want anything from you anyway." And with that, I walked away going to find Stan. 

I walked back downstairs, "Stan where are the twins?" He looked up from his newspaper. "They left with that Northwest girl ages ago." I frowned looking at the time. It was almost time for the party to start. "Kid?" Stan asked as I ran off upstairs to my bedroom. I searched through the wardrobe. "Where is it?!" I yelled throwing clothes everywhere. "Aha!" I yelled grabbing the box and putting it onto the bed. "Kid!" Stan said in the doorway. "Remember last time you went to that party." I looked down at the box remembering the horrible memories. 

"This is going to be so much fun!" I yelled jumping around and holding Stans hand as he walked me into the Manor. "Now behave yourself," I said sorting out his bow tie. "We have to impress my friends' mum and dad." He nodded sorting out my hair. "I remember kid, I always behave." I giggled before ringing the doorbell and being escorted in and through the house. "Pacifica!" I yelled hugging her tightly. "Goodbye, Stan," I said before walking off. "Your house is amazing pacifica," I say looking at all the photos hanging on the wall. "I know." Her hair was in a tight bun and she was wearing a nice pink dress. "Your dress is super pretty." She smiled again and walked into the kitchen. "Yours is too, shame it won't stay like that for long." I frowned and she poured a drink over me. "Pacifica! Friends don't do that!" I cried out looking at the stained white dress. "You really think we're friends?!" She said laughing loudly, her servants joining in. "I wouldn't be friends with you even if you paid me!" I ran off going to find Stan. "What happened Kid?!" All I could do was cry. "Let's get you home." He said picking me up and carrying me back out to the car. 

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