Land Before Swine

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I was out walking through the woods, the yellow light was back and this time I was going to see it and nothing was going to stop me. I was almost near it when the ground began to shake and I was thrown down a hill, I screamed trying to grab onto something so I wouldn't fall into the lake below. I finally grabbed a branch and latched onto it looking down at the drop and taking a deep breath. I climbed back up the hill and looked up at the moon. It was getting dark and I couldn't see the light anywhere anymore. I was about to turn around when I saw something fly past the moon. I rubbed my eyes looking back and seeing nothing. 

"STAN!" I yelled jumping in front of the Mystery Cart he was driving. I had been lost in the woods all night. "Where have you been kid?!" He said stopping and letting me in before driving again. "I was searching for this ye- something and I got lost." I said picking off leafs from my hair and throwing them off the cart. "I'll take you back to the shack." He said looking at me concerned but looking back at the road. 

I held the bag of money while Stan counted some he was holding, we walked into the shack and I tripped over something falling onto the floor and almost spilling the money everywhere. "Aah! Mabel? What are ya doing on the floor?" I asked standing up. "Being cute and great!" She ssaid squishing her and Waddles' face together. "And I thought her brother was weird." Stan said looking at me and taking the bag of money. "No. He's more like." She put on one of the hats Dipper wears trying to mock his voice. "Aaaah! Let's solve a mystery! I kiss a pillow with Wendy's face drawn on it!" I laughed into my hands and looked at her. "Ha ha ha. That's pretty good. Kissin' a pillow." I walked away going up to the bathroom to shower. 

"Hey Mabel, what do you want to do today?" I asked walking down the stairs to her in the living room but she was watching TV. "Okay...Stan?! Need anything doing in the shop?" I asked looking at him but he was looking at Mabel. They were talking about Waddles. I walked back out and Dipper walked through the front door with Soos. "We did it! It tripped the wire! Somewhere in one of these cameras is a photo of that creature! I'll go develop the film!" He yelled I smiled following him wanting something to do. "I'll go make us victory Nachos. Dipper and Soos for life!" The fist bumped and laughed/.

I looked at the film developing in the make shift dark room I had helped create with Dipper. "I saw something last night, it flew past the moon!" I said looking at Dipper. He was too busy looking at the films to even listen. "C'mon, c'mon! Hmm...." He lifted up a picture. "It's a pterodactyl wing." I said looking at it. "If Camera B got the wing, then the one should have gotten the rest is...Camera C." I said looking at the tray. He picked it up and it developed. "The creature!" We yelled together when the door opened. "NO!" I yelled as the picture faded away. 

"I cant believe you, man!" Dipper said to Soos. "Sorry, dude. I was just so excited! Nachos cause excitement!" I looked at Dipper who was starting to get mad. "Soos, no offense, but you gotta be more careful sometimes. I mean, what are the odds we'll get another picture of-" Something flew pas the window. I ran outside and saw a trail of red yarn. "Dudes, did you see that? That thing was a dinosaur, bro!" I looked at Dipper. "How is it possible that a dinosaur survived 65 million years?" I asked frowning. "Did you see it, Mr Pines?...Mr Pines?" Soos said looking at Stan who was looking up scared. "It-it took him." I frowned. "Took what?" Dipped ask. "The pig! It took Waddles." Mabel rode up on her bike. "What did you say about Waddles? Oh. Woah. Awkward silence." I bit my lip and walked over to her. "What's going on? Why are you standing around awkwardly?...And wheres Waddles?" I looked at Stan and hugged Mabel. "Um-Uh." He looked around before hiding a stake. "The good news is, you're gettin a puppy!" I shook my head and Mabel walked out of my hug and closer to Stan. "What happened?" She asked him. "Well, see, uh, when the uh-" Stan couldn't seem to get his words out. "Your pig got eaten by a pterodactyl, bro!" I slapped my forehead. "Soos." I groaned. "What?! Waddles? Waddles! Oh no, how did this happen? Grunkle Stan, you didn't put him outside?..." She said looking at him. "What? No! I didn't put him anywhere! I'm not acting suspicious! YOU'RE acting suspicious. What's a pig?" I shook my head. "Then...what happened?" Dipper asked looking at Stan. "Uh, look, it went down like this, see? So there I was, in the living room...tenderly nursing him on only the richest of creams. When all of a sudden the pterodactyl bursts through the door and takes Waddles from my arms. So I said, no dice, cowboy! And I started punching him right in the face! But he played dirty...That really happened! Why? Why couldn't you have taken me?!" He yelled starting to fake a cry. I had seen him fake cry so much I don't think he ever did really cry. "Oh, Grunkle Stan, you tried to save him!" She hugged Stan tightly. "Uh, yeah! I'm a great man, alright." Stan said patting her back. "You punch the the face?" I said standing next to Dipper and crossing my arms. "I thought you didn't even believe in the supernatural." Dipper said doing the same as me. "Dinosaurs aren't magic, they're just big lizards! Get off my back. What are you mulder and scully." I shook my head. "Oh, Waddles." Mabel said starting to cry. "That's it. No pterodactyl is gonna mess with MY sister. We're gonna go out there, catch him and save your pig! For Mabel, guys!" Dipper shouted. "For Mabel!" Soos and I yelled in unison. "But how do we even find the little guy?" Stan asked. Mabel gasped looking at the red yarn. "We follow that!" She yelled. "Yes! Yeah! That's genius!" Soos yelled. "Or, you know, we could just cal it a day, maybe hit the pool haul, or-" He stopped when we all stared at him. "Yeah! Let's Woggles!" He yelled. "Waddles." Mabel correcting him. "Him too."

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