Carpet Diem

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"Hwaah! Total domination! I am the master of Attic Stuff Mini-Golf! From the mighty Swiss Alps! To the badlands of Dipper's old laundry where man fears to tread!" I giggled as Mabel yelled out her victory and put down my golf club. "Alright, let a pro on the field, or floor. Whatever." Dipper said lining up his shot. He hit the eyeball very hard sending it across the room until it crashed through the window. "Ah, my head! It hit me right in the head!" I bit my lip and looked from the hole laughing at him. "Yes! Stan shot. Is that legal?" Dipper asked looking waddles who was eating our score cards. "The judge says it's out of bounds!" Mabel yelled. "You're out of bounds!" Dipper yelled back lightly jabbing Mabel in the stomach with his golf club. "Hey! Watch it!" She yelled back jabbing him in his stomach and it went back and forth until the clock started ringing. "Hey, Dipper, Y/N , I gotta go hang out with Candy and Grenda tonight."  I nodded. "Aw, again? You can't leave mid-game." I smiled softly at what Dipper was saying, kind of hurt though because I knew I could have joined in. "Don't be silly. I'm not leaving. My friends are coming to me!" My eyes widened. "Oh no." I mumbled. "Wait, what? Oh no. No no no. Sleeping bags?" Dipper said looking at the sleeping bags. "Rom-Coms?!" I yelled looking at the romantic comedies on the floor. "Calling All Boys: Preteen edition?!" Dipper said looking at the game. "You're not having a-" Before he could even finish the door burst open and Candy and Grenda stood there grinning. "SLEEPOVER!" They yelled in unison. I slowly walked towards the door avoiding them. "Oh no." Dipper said grabbing my hand sending a wave of tingles up my arm. "If I have to endure it, so do you." I groaned and we walked over to his bed to look through the journal. 

"Okay, so how much do you like boys?" Mabel said looking at the two girls. "So much!" Grenda yelled out. "Boys make me think about kissing!" I pulled a pillow over my face. "Candy!Oh my gosh!" Grenda said before Candy yelled out ''Ow'' in paint. "We are so crazy tonight!" Mabel yelled before screaming. Then they all joined in. I pushed the pillow over my ears and looked at Dipper. 'How?!" I mouthed to him while he chuckled lightly. "Who wants to smear makeup on my face?" Grenda said pulling out a bag. "Ugh, you're already so beautiful, Grenda. What would be the point?" I took the pillow off my ears and watched them. "Beautiful! Beautiful!" Grenda yelled punching the floor. Dipper threw his pillow down. "Arrrrrrgh" Mabel! Do you think you can do this somewhere else?! You're laughing at frequencies only dogs should hear!" Dipper said looking from me to his sister. "Come on, it's not that bad. Right Y.N?" She looked at me and I bit my lip. "It kind of is." I said slowly. "You know what they both need!" Grenda yelled, Mabel gasped. "A Makeover?" Candy grabbed my arm and pulled me onto the floor while Grenda grabbed Dipper. "AHGH!" We both screamed in unison. 

"I look..Like a clown." I said holding onto my pillow and blanket walking out of the attic room. "You look fine." Dipper said wiping off the lipstick from his mouth. I groaned before doing the same. "Hey, Soos, can we sleep in your break room tonight?" I asked looking at Soos. "Of course, dudes." He said opening a door to show a very cramped room with hazardous pipes and stem. "You just gotta make your body go like a video game puzzle block. Beebity boop boop boop beep beepity boop bop boop boop." He got into the room. "The trick is to hold perfectly still." He then started to try and rest his head but burnt it on the pipes. "I think we'll find somewhere else..." Dipper said going towards the front door. 

We laid under the stars and looked up. "Ah....sleeping under the stars...not bad." I smiled and then looked at the wolf that was coming closer to us. "Uh Dipper?" I said before it started biting at his leg. "Aaaah!! Get off! Aah! Get away!" He yelled. I looked up at the window and saw Mabel and her friends singing and jumping around. "Lalalalala girls!" They sang and then I looked down at Dipper with the wolf. "This is still better." I said laying down as the wolf calmed down a little. "You don't like sleepovers do you?" Dipper asked looking at me. I shook my head. "I never really had friends to have them with, and I'm not really into all of the things Mabel's into." I said with a small laugh. "You're not boy crazy." I shook my head. "Nope, I'd rather sit down with a good crime book than one about boys and how a girls life changed when she met one guy." I said looking from the stars to his eyes. "Yeah, I prefer not having to listen to them talk about guys all night long." I nodded in agreement. "So how come you never had friends?" I bit my lip. "I cant stand Pacifica and thats who everyone loves. I don't really hang out anywhere but the shack and at school it's mostly about boys so I stick to myself." I said rubbing my arms. "I'm a loner there." I said with a small laugh. "Goodnight Y/N." He said turning over. "Goodnight Dipper." I said pulling the blanket over me and closing my eyes.

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