Soos and the real girl

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After the next few chapters this is where the writing will start to get different as things will be happening. BIG things. Enjoy ~M (HA that awesome moment when your name is in an episode of GF)

I swept the floor while Mabel ran around singing. "La la la la la!" She bumped into the screen door getting her braces caught. "Braces! Braces caught in the screen door! Someone dictate my will, I'm giving it all to Waddles!" I giggled at her and grabbed Soos. "Say ah, girl-dude." He said holding up a screwdriver. She opened her mouth wide. "Aaaaah" I watched as Soos free'd her from the door. "Soos! You saved me!" She yelled. "Heh, heh! Just doing my job, hambone." He put the screwdriver into his tool belt. "I'll see you dudes tomorrow." He left through the door. "Bye Soos!" We all yelled in unison. "You ever wonder what Soos does when he's not here at The Mystery shack?" Mabel asked us as I put the brush away. "No." Dipper replied. "Nope." I said sitting on the desk. "Not really." Wendy added. "Not once ever." Stan joined in. 

The next day I was stood with Dipper cleaning the snow globes when we heard a woman scream dropping one onto the floor. "Huh?" I looked around and noticed Soos descending into a shirt rack. "Soos?" Dipper asked moving the shirts. "What was all that about?" He asked as I cleaned up the mess. "I....I think I was flirting, but I'm not sure." I softly smiled at Dipper and looked at Mabel who popped out. "Did someone say flirting?!" I joined Dippers said. "Well, I kinda promised my grandma I'd get a date but the end of the week, but I've never actually been on a date before." He grabbed the out of order sign. "You belong on me, out of order sign." He said putting it on himself. "Finally, my prayers for a chance to match-make this summer have been answered." I giggled looking at her. "Soos, a little advice. You need to get rich. Or lie about being rich. outside of that, I don't like your chances." I rolled my eyes at Stans answer and looked over at Wendy who was scoffing. "Don't listen to Stam, dude. You're a  sweet guy with a steady job and a pickup truck." She said smiling at him. "Would you date him?" Stan asked her. "Oh!Would you...heh...look at that." She said holding up the magazine to her face. "Soos; you help us so  much, its time we help you , dude. We're gonna get you that date." I looked at Dipper. "Dip, we're kids we don't know the first thing about dates." He chuckled/ "We're taking you where romance lives and fashion styles die! To the mall!" Mabel yelled.

Once we were all at the mall Stan looked at us. "I'm gonna find a replacement for old Goldie. Babysit Soos while I'm gone." Stan said to Dipper. "Alright Soos. Are you ready to explode the charm bomb on these poor, unsuspecting ladies?" I looked over at Soos who was already sweating. "Uuh. But what if I embarrass myself again?" I sighed and rubbed his back. "Well look at it this way, you can't be any worse than Dipper." I said looking at Dipper smirking. "Yeah!...wait what?!" I pushed him playfully and Mabel looked up at Soos "And flirt!" I shook my head. "I'm going to go get food." I said walking away leaving them all to it. 

I walked into the video games store and saw Dipper. "How's it going?" I asked looking over at Soos who was hiding. "Not well." I sighed and looked around. "Virtually improve your dating skills. Nine out of ten basement dwellers recommend." Soos said looking at a game case. "This is perfect!" I giggled. "Well I guess you're better at games than flirting." Mabel nodded in agreement. "Anything to get you out there, Soos." The store clerk looked at Soos. "I'm not sure you want to buy this game, sir. This is the third time someone's brought it back, and there's a note on it that says 'destroy at all costs' " I looked at the case and then at Soos who was talking to a cardboard cut out. "So, hey there. What's your deal? Like to-" It fell over. "Oh, she's dead." I sighed and paid for the game. "We'll take our chances." I gave the game to Soos. "Have fun dude." I said walking out of the mall with them. 

"You don't understand, Wendy! This animatronic badger sings, it dances. It's the perfect money taking attraction. But he won't sell it to me!" I sat on the desk and watched Wendy and Stan talking. "This is literally too dumb for me to care about." She said reading her magazine. "Heym have you guys seen Soos? We're supposed to help him with match-making today." Dipper said walking into the gift shop. "Yeah! I wore my motivational sweater and everything!" She said pointing to her sweater. "U Can do it Soos!" I said looking at him. "He didn't come in today. It;s the first time he's missed work ever!" Stan said looking at us. I frowned and looked at the twins. "This isn't like Soos." I said jumping down from the side. 

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