Weirdmageddon Part 1 / 2

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I groaned looking around, I was back in the attic. Wait, what? I sat up on the bed and looked around the room. "Mabel?" I asked as she sat reading a magazine. "Y/N! You're awake!" I smiled and swung my legs over the bed. "Where are we?" I asked looking around, she giggled. "Home silly." I looked out of the window and saw Stan talking to tourists. "How long have I been asleep?" She looked at the clock on the wall. "About 12 hours, Dipper said beating the gnomes tired you out." I looked at the wall again. "Gnomes?" I looked at the floor thinking about it for a moment. "Oh yeah." I said remembering that we had just come back from fighting the Gnomes. "Dipper is on the roof waiting for you." I nodded and walked out of the attic. "Kid!" I looked to my left and saw Stan stood there. "Stan?" He smiled and hugged me tightly. "Go have fun, but not too much fun." I slowly walked to the ladder and began climbing it. 

"Dipper?" I asked noticing he was sat with his legs over the roof. "Hey!" He said to me, I sat down next to him and he took my hand in his. I instantly felt the spark ride through my body. "You're awake, listen I need to tell you something." I smiled and nodded. "Sure." He looked at me with a giant smile on his face. "So I like this girl." I looked at the floor and saw Wendy hanging out with her friends. "But I'm not sure she likes me back." I looked at him. "She's older than me and she's super nice. I'm glad I got to meet her this summer because I'm not sure my life will ever be the same." I laughed. "Wendy?" I asked looking at him but he shook his head. "No, you." He cupped my cheek in his hand and connected our lips together gently. My eyes widened before closing and leaning in to kiss him back. 

"Dipper I-I had no idea." He chuckled and held my hand. "Since the moment I saw you I've liked you." I smiled widely when we heard someone talking downstairs. "You're back!" I looked down and saw Stan talking to someone. "Who's that?" I asked looking as the figure walked into the house. "Ford, our uncle. He went away on a trip for a few months and was due back last week." I nodded and we both stood up. He took his hand in mine and we walked towards the ladder again. 

I was at the swimming pool with everyone when I saw Robbie in the corner of my eye. "Something doesn't feel right," I said joining his side and looking around. "Why?" I looked at him. "Dipper told me he likes me, everything feels unreal." He wrapped his arm around me and chuckled. "The joys of growing up my friend." I laughed and he looked over at Wendy. "Everything is fine here, we get whatever we want. Go back and have fun." I smiled and then went back over to the Pines family. 

"I'll be right there Dipper I just need my coat." I yelled rushing up to the attic and looking in the wardrobe. "Come on." I said looking through the clothes. "What are you doing?" I span around to see Wendy and Dipper stood in front of me. "Oh Hi I said I'd be right down." Dipper frowned looking at Wendy to me. "Dip?" He looked at me before Wendy stood in front of the door. "What's going on?" I asked pulling on the black leather jacket. "Don't worry, Y/N we'll get you out of this." The door began getting knocked on. "Babe?" I frowned hearing Dipper's voice but he was stood in front of me. "What's going on?" I whispered but the Dipper in front of me took my hand. "This isn't real, this is all fake. You're in your own little bubble like Mabel you need to snap out of it." I looked around the room. "What are you talking about?" Wendy looked at me. "Y/N, This whole place is fake. You're in your own world. Bill put you in here to stop us from defeating him." I shook my head. "No this is real, you just asked me out on a date and now we're dating..." I stopped midsetence and looked in the corner of the room. "Fear the beast with just one eye." I mumbled noticing there was eyeballs everywhere. "How do we get out?" I asked looking back at Dipper. "You have to tear your way out." I looked around and grabbed the golf club. "Goodbye Y/N Land it's over!" I yelled smashing the one eyed triangle window. 

I looked around and I was covered in glitter and we were stood on top of a cliff. "Time to save Mabel," Dipper said grabbing my hand and looking at the giant pink bubble in the sky. "How do we even get in there?" I asked taking my hand back and looking around. "With this," Wendy said looking at us from inside a car. "Get in."

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