Double Dipper

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I was pacing around the bedroom before staring at my outfit, I was wearing shorts and a blue shirt with a flannel shirt tied around my waist. I hadn't slept the night before due to my head being all over the place. I had seen that light again, the bright glowing yellow light that was attracting me. I followed it out into the woods but lost it. "Oh no, Mabel. I-I don't feel so good. I-BBBBLLLAAAAA!" Dipper said as I walked into the living room and spraying silly string all over his sister. "Ohhh, Grunkle Stan, What did you feed us?! BBBBBLLLLAAAA!" Mabel said spraying some at Dipper. "BBBBLLLAAAAAA!" They said going back and forth for a while. "Hahaha, barfing!" Mabel giggled. Wendy ran in out of breath. "Guys, guys, stop! Something terrible just happened!" She said winking at me. "BBBLLLAAAAAAA!" She yelled spraying all of us with the silly string causing us to burst into laughter. "Comedy Gold!" Mabel yelled between breaths. Stan walked in taking the spray cans and confetti. "Alright, alright! Party supplies are no off-limits." He said putting them into a box. "Mr Pines, whose birthday is it again?" Soos asked from the door way. Stan glanced at me quickly before I looked down at the ground. "Nobody's. Thought this party might be a good way to get kids to spend money at the shack." He said unrolling a pin the tail on the donkey game. "Nice!" Soos cheered. "The young people of this town want fun; I'll smother 'em with fun!" He yelled and smiled at me. Dipper poured Mabel a drink. "Maybe comments like that are why kids don't go to the Mystery Shack." He commented handing the cup to his sister. "Hey, Hey! How's about you make yourself useful and copy these flyers?!" He said holding up a flyer. "Oh boy, a trip to the copier store!" Mabel jumped up. "Calendars, mugs, t-shirts, and more! They got it all at the copier store! That's not their slogan, I just really feel that way about the copier store." Soos stated. "Save the trouble. You know that old copier in my office? I finally fixed the old girl up! Good as new!" Stan said clapping his hands together. We all walked towards the office and Wendy pulled me aside. "You okay kid?" I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I'm just tired." I said joining the others. 

As they pulled the cover off the copier and moths flew off it. "EW!" I screamed hiding behind Stan. "Does it even work?" Dipper asked pressing a button resting his arm on it. "SUCCESS!" Mabel yelled picking up the sheet of paper with the photo of Dipper's arm but soon threw it on the floor noticing that it was shrinking. "Whoa!" I said looking at it. "AHHH!" We all screamed as the arm started crawling towards us. "Stay back!" Dipper said throwing Mabel's drink at the arm making it disintegrate into nothing. "Oh my gosh, guys, I tink this copier can copy human beings!" Dipper whisper yelled to us. "Do you realize what that means?" Mabel asked pausing. "BBBLLLAAAAA!" She yelled spraying him again. 

We all stood side by side in a line in front of Stan. "Alright party people...and Dipper. Let's talk business. Soos, because you'll work for free, and you begged, I'm lettin' you be DJ." He said standing in front of Soos. "You won't regret it, Mr. Pines. I got this book to teach me how to DJ R-R-right!" He said holding up the book. "Not encouraging. Wendy, you and Mabel will work the ticket stand." He said looking at the girls. "What? But Grunkle Stan, this party is my chance to make new friends!" I looked at her and smiled softly. "I...I could work with Wendy." Dipper spoke up, I smirked and tried not to laugh. Aw he was going to stay with his crush all night. Stan rolled his eyes. "You realize if you do, you gotta commit to stay at the ticket stand with Wendy. No getting out of it, just the two of you, alone, all night." I bit my lip harder knowing that's exactly what Dipper wanted. Dipper looked over at Wendy who was now spraying Soos' belly with silly string. "I promise."

I sat on Mabel's bed reading through a magazine and looking at some clothes. "AH! WHAT?!" Dipper yelled jumping to see Mabel staring at him. "Uh, uh, I could work the counter with you, Wendy! Let's kiss!" Mabel said pretending to kiss someone. "Kissy Kissy." I teased from where I was sat. "Yeah, yeah. Laugh all you want, but I devised a plan to make sure my night with Wendy goes perfect." He said making a clicking noise. "Plan? Oh, you're not making one of those over complicated listy things, are you?" I put the magazine down. "What list thing?" I asked standing up. "Psh. over complicated? Let me just." He opened up a huge list. "Alright, fold that there, Kay. Step 1: Getting to know each other with playful banter. Banter is like talking but smarter." I stared at the list. "That sounds like a dumb idea for poppheads." I laughed. "Yeah, see? This isn't banter. This is what I want to avoid with Wendy. The final step is to ask her to dance." I rolled my eyes as he imagined himself dancing with her. "If I follow steps one to eleven, nothing can get in my way." I shook my head. "Dipper, you're the one getting in your way. Why can't you just walk up and talk to her like a normal person?" I asked brushing off my knees. "Step 9" He said pointing at the list. "Talk to her, like a normal person." I rolled my eyes pushing the list away with a sigh. 

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