The Deep End

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HI! I know I've skipped an episode 'Bottomless pit'' but there was nothing I could write in to change it so I've gone onto the next episode. Hope you enjoy. 

I fanned myself while laying on the porch outside the mystery shack. "Watch out, Gravity Falls, because at a 110 degrees, we're looking at the hottest day of the summer!" Toby said over the radio. I groaned rolling over to grab some more ice from the bucket only to find it was all just water. "All in favor of doing nothing all day say 'ugh' " Dipper said to everyone. "Ugh!" We all groaned in response. Waddles walked past me and up to Stan. "I'm gonna throw this pig!" He yelled looking at it. Waddles just oinked before licking him. "You called my bluff, pig." He said before looking back at the view. "On the bright side, pun very much intended, it's opening week at Gravity Falls Pool." Toby said again. "Gravity falls pool?" Mabel questioned. "Today?!" Dipper yelled. "Pun intended?" Soos said joining in. "Quick! To the car!" Stan yelled. "We've never had a pool before, how convenient that on the hottest day one opens." I said looking at Dipper who was to focused on getting in the car. I shook my head before climbing into the car. 

"Ah, the pool! A sparkling oasis of summer enchantment!" Mabel said looking around the Pool. "Yeah, nothing like sitting in a moist tub with strangers. It's like a bus, but wet." Stan said making me giggle. Me and Dipper looked at Soos who was holding a towel. "Why would a sun need to wear sunglasses?" Dipper questioned pointing out the flaw in a towel design. "It's best not to think about it." Soos said. "Whoa, whoa! Stop the presses! Who's that?!" Mabel yelled grabbing the shirt I was wearing and pulling me closer to her. "Who?" I said before she grabbed my head pointing in the direction of a young man and his hair was blowing in the wind. "Oh yeah." Soos said eating a corn chip. "Word is, dude never leaves the pool. People say he's a 'Mysterious loner'" Soos added before moving away from Me, Mabel and Dipper. "Is it getting hot out here or is it just that guy?" She said smiling. "It's the hottest day of the year, Mabel." I said taking her hand off my shirt. "Can't you go for one week without having a new crush on some random guy?" Dipper said to his sister. "Uh-huh." She said before gasping. "Look at his little mustache hairs!" She yelled to us grabbing me yet again but this time shaking me. "You are clearly enamored. Go to him." I said as she let go running across the pool before tripping and stumbling into two men. "HEY!" They yelled before she tripped again. "It's so beautiful." Soos said. I smiled while straightening out the shirt I was wearing to cover the swim suit I had on underneath. "Eh, Mabel's all talk. Wanna know a secret? She's never even kissed a guy before. She always messes it up somehow." I frowned. "I bet you haven't had a first kiss either." I said poking him in the chest for being mean. "Neither have you." He said poking me back. "How did you know that?!" I whisper yelled before blushing.

I walked around with Dipper when we bumped into Wendy. "Wow. You work here?" He said looking at her. "I found out lifeguards get free snack privileges. Plus I get the best seat in the house." She said with a laugh. "Yeah, you do!" Dipper said laughing. I nudged him before whispering. "You've bee laughing for too long." He stopped. "Dude, are you and Wendy having a secret staring contest? Cause I think you're winning-" I laughed as Dipper tried to shut Soos up. "So, hey, you wanna go chuck more water balloons at Grunkle Stan?" He asked Wendy as I walked away going to find somewhere to sit. As I was walking I bumped into someone. "Sorry!" I yelled looking up at the tall masculine man. "It's all good, I'm Mr Poolcheck owner of the pool. Just watch where you're going next time." He said patting my head before walking away. Something wasn't right about him, he seemed to strong for his age and he was too nice to me, after all I did just bump into him. I shook it off going to find a chair to sit in. 

I sat on the edge of the pool watching Mabel talk to the guy from before when someone sat down next to me. "I see the way you look at him." I frowned and looked up seeing Robbie. "Who? What are you even talking about?" I said laughing it off. "It's the way he looks at Wendy." He said before I looked down at my hands. "That obvious huh?" I said not wanting to make eye contact with Robbie. He put his arm around me and rubbed my forearms. "He's a crush, he's not the first and he wont be the last you'll get over him." I nodded in agreement. "You're right." I said looking over at him and Wendy throwing balloons at Stan. "I mean he's not going to be here when Summer ends anyway." I said before playing with the ends of my shirt. "I just wish it wouldn't hurt when he's with her." I said laughing a little. "It gets easier the more it goes on." Robbie said kicking his legs in the water. "Coming for a swim?" I shook my head violently. "No I'm good." I said standing up. "I should probably go check on Mabel make sure she's not doing anything to embarrass herself." He laughed. "I'm serious though, don't get yourself strung up on him." I nodded before walking off. 

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