Dipper and Mabel vs. The Future

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A/N: This is going to be a extremley fast chapter but I will be updating again today. Been quite busy lately but I met Leigh leighreadstoomuch in Bradford. She came to collect a car for her mum and I got to meet her! She was vlogging!!

I looked at the Mystery Shack, it looked like nothing had really changed, well it hadn't I'd just been thrown out. Stan walked past the porch and then he walked back. "Y/N?" I looked at him with a small smile. "Hi Stan," He walked over to me and hugged me tightly. "I'm working on him kid, you'll be back in no time." I smiled into the hug and he patted my back. "I've got to go," I sighed. "Before you do, am I really his creation? Did he really make me...does that mean I'm not even human? Because if I'm not how come I can feel feelings, like when I have a crush." I said, don't give an example. "Or when I scrape my knee, surely if I was a creation I wouldn't feel those things." He placed his hand on my shoulder and we sat on the porch step. "When Ford said you were his creation he meant...look I don't know what he meant but what I know is when I found you crying in the woods I couldn't just leave ya, I needed to take you in and look after you." I looked at the floor. "Ford had been experimenting on you for a while so whenever I touched you or tried to feed you all you would do was scream, you finally warmed up to me and you just seemed like a normal child. You grew up, you had a birthday, you got bullied." He said looking at me and smiling. "I was like a father for you. I am still like a father to you and don't worry I'll get you back here." I heard a door open and I jumped up backing away from the porch. "Y/n?" I smiled at Mabel and she hugged me tightly. "You're home?" I shook my head. "Not yet." I could feel eyes in the back of my head. I needed to do as I was told to do. "What is she doing here?" I looked up to see Dipper in the doorway. My heart was breaking at the sight of him glaring at me. " I was just leaving," I said before letting go of Mabel and running into the woods. "Firestone I don't see the thing I asked for." I shot Bill a glare and continued walking through the woods.

"Mabel?" I asked looking at her. She was crying in the woods. "Y/N I can't speak to you Dipper told me not to." I sat down next to her, she was leant against a tree. "What's wrong?" She sniffled and looked at me. "Dipper said he's not coming back, that he wants to be Ford apprentice." I looked at her with actual sadness in my eye. "I-I'm sure he doesn't mean it." I stuttered out, Dipper really liked Ford and was planning his future already. "He does, we had this big fight and now I'm out here." She said looking at the floor. Bill appeared behind her and smiled. Only I could see him at this point. "Listen, Mabel, nothing is going to stop you being close to your brother. You guys were like best friends, maybe you just need a little more summer." I joked and she smiled at me. "yeah I do!" She looked at me. "But that's just dream talk," I sighed and looked over at Bill who was smirking. "I'm sure he'll realize he's being stupid, I mean he has to finish school." She looked at me. "He'd be staying here longer, you'd love that." I laugh softly and so did she. "Well that's dream talk to, your brother hates me." She sighed and looked around the woods. "They'll realize you're not a danger to them, you'd never do anything to us." I nodded in agreement. She was right, I would never do anything to hurt them no matter what Bill said. "There's something you've got to know Ma-" I was cut off when she stood up looking at Blendin. "Blendin?" I asked standing up and looking at him. "You said you don't want summer to end, right? D-Did I hear that right?" Mabel was stood up now. "Yeah...why are you asking?" She said looking from me to him. "Look, maybe it's against the rules, but you once did a favor for me, so I thought I could help you out. It's called a time bubble, and it prevents time from going forward. Summer in Gravity Falls can last as long as you want it to." I frowned looking at him when yellow flashed in his eyes. "Mabel no!" I yelled but it was as if nothing came from my mouth and she continued to talk to him. "How does it work?" They went on to talk about it and I was left watching not being able to speak. 

Mabel came rushing back with the rift in her hand. "Just a little more summer." She said handing it to him. "Opps!" He yelled dropping it to the floor and stomping on it. "What?!" Mabel cried out, Blendin started laughing maniacally and took off his goggles. "Oh no! Wait, wait wait!" She yelled looking at me, "MABEL IT'S NOT ME!" I screamed out finally. Bill looked at me before snapping his fingers. Mabel fell to the floor unconscious. "I promised I wouldn't harm her. At last! At Long, long last!" He smiled before turning to me. "Now what I promised you." He floated over to me and took off the firestone bracelet. "You're free." I rubbed my wrist before making a run for it. "Nuh uh uh firestone." He said standing in front of me again. "Not so fast," He snapped his fingers and I began to rock back and forth on the spot. "D-Dipper." I cried out before my eyes became too heavy and I fell to the floor. "Dipper can't help you now firestone." 

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