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"DIPPER!" I screamed running into the shack. "Dipper?!" I whisper yelled seeing Stan asleep. I ran up the stairs and found him in the attic. I shut the door and sat in front of him on the bed. "Dipper I need to tell you something." I said looking him in the eyes. "Dip?" I asked, he looked up at me and he had bright yellow eyes with a large black slit through them. "D-Dipper?" I stuttered as he came closer to me. "DIPPER!" I screamed sitting bolt up right in bed, sweat was dripping from my head and I looked to my left seeing Dipper sound asleep in his bed and Mabel in hers. I shook my head standing up and grabbing my jacket. I jotted down a note about going for a walk and left out of the shack. 

I walked through the damp woods, I needed answers and I needed them now. Right as I was about to walk through a bush I heard someone speaking to themselves. I stood behind a tree and kept listening. "You think that combination's safe in your mind, Stanford? Just you wait until I have Y/N in my hands I know you tell her everything." I placed my hand over my mouth, Gideon. I looked around the tree and saw him stood around a bunch of candles. "We'll see what my new minion has to say about that!" He said before chanting something. "Triangulum, entangulum. Vene foris dominus mentium. Vene foris videntis omnium!" I looked at him. That was broken latin. Wait how do I know that?! I backed away before running back to the shack. 

"DIPPER!" I screamed running into the shack. "Dipper?!" I whisper yelled seeing Stan asleep. I ran up the stairs and found him in the attic. I shut the door and stopped dead in my tracks, this happened in my dream. "What's wrong Y.N?" I locked eyes with Dipper and he was smiling at me. "Oh you're you." I said sitting down. "I saw Gideon, it looked like he was summoning something." Just as I was explaining Mabel ran through the door. "This evil triangle guy said he's gonna break into Stan's mind and steal the combination to his safe! Also we stopped for snacks on the way here." Soos said looking at her both. "Triangle guy?" Dipper took out the journal. "I feel like I've seen something like this before in the journal." He said starting to read. "Beware Bill, the most powerful and dangerous creature I've ever encountered. Whatever you do, never let him enter your mind." Dipper read aloud. "Bill?" I mumbled looking at the book before standing up. "Does the journal say anything else about him?" I asked looking at Dipper. "Not really." He said scanning through. "Gideon said something in Latin, well broken latin. I don't know how I know what it was but it was something like 'Triangle, entangled. Lord of Minds, come to the door. All-seeing one, come to the door! ' "

We were downstairs when we saw Stan. "Er guys." I said hitting Dipper's chest. They all turned and Stan's eyes were blue and he was screaming. "Dipper!" I yelled rushing to Stan's side. "Bill's in there." Mabel yelled to her brother. "We need to save Mr.Pines." Soos said. "Fine. Get ready, guys. We're about to journey into the most horrifying, disturbing place any of us have ever been: our uncles mind." I looked at Dipper and then to Stan. "Candles." I said rushing to get them and placing them all in a circle around us and Stan. "This is what Gideon used, there must be a spell or something in here." I said snatching the journal. "I wonder what Stan's thinking about right now." Soos said looking at Stan. "I found it!" I said placing my hand on Stan's forehead. "Hands." I said making them all place a hand on Stan's head. "Videntus omnium. Magister mentium. Magnesium ad hominem. Magnum opus. Habeas corpus! Inceptus Nolanus overratus! Magister mentium! Magister mentium! MAGISTER MENTIUM!" I chanted, my eyes turned blue and all of the lights blew out.

"What the?" Soos asked looking around. "Whoa, this is Stan's mind?" Mabel stated looking around also. "I figured there would be more old ladies." Soos joked. "Remember everyone, we've got to look out for the triangle guy." I nodded handing Dipper the journal. "Yeah, look out for the triangle guy!" A voice I didn't know said, I span around seeing a yellow floating triangle. "What the?" I asked looking at him, He was wearing a bow tie and a top hat. "It's him! It's the guy!" Soos yelled. "You leave our uncle's brain alone, you isosceles monster!" Mabel ran at him and ran through him only to come back out. "Gotcha! Wait, what?" I frowned and looked at him. "Ah, Stan's family, we meet at last! Question Mark, Shooting Star, Pine Tree, And you...FireStone." I looked at the guys, he was stating all the items we were wearing. "I had a hunch I might bump into you!" He said shooting a hole in Dipper's chest. "Dipper!" I screamed. I was about to check on him when chains were attached to my hands. "You little firestone aren't needed here just yet...You're too much help to them!" Bill said dragging me away. "Say goodbye!" He yelled snapping his fingers before a puff of smoke surrounded me, I only heard them yell my name before I disappeared. 

I woke up tied to a chair. "You know the combination and I need it!" Gideon said standing in front of me. "You think leaving me in a room with one light on is going to scare me? You're forgetting I work with Stan pines for a living." I said trying to wiggle out of the knots. "I don't think so princess." He said looking at me struggling. "Those are army knots." I glared at him and he grabbed a chair sitting in front of me. "Now you're going to tell me the combination." I shook my head. "Now tell me why I would give you the code that would cost me everything I love." I said shaking my head and looking around the dark room only just making out the room. "This is your bedroom." I said with a laugh. "Shut up and tell me that combination!" He yelled at me. "No." I said with a smirk on my face. "You tell me that and I'll tell you where your parents really are." I looked at him smirk gone. "I don't care about them." I stated with no emotion. "They left me abandoned in the woods, I couldn't care if they were dead." I said to him. He grabbed a phone and dialed a number. "Bill! She's not going to speak! Did you find the memory with the combination yet?" As he was speaking I got out of the knots and kept my hands behind me to act as though I was still tied. "UGH! Those ratchet kids!" He yelled looking at me. I was about to stand when he grabbed me lifting me up. "Smart cookie." He said dragging me through his house. "Dad! Tie her!" He yelled, he father came in wrapping rope around my arms and torso. "Plan B and if that fails plan C and well you get how the alphabet works." He said smirking at me.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Pines family. Did I wake you?" I looked at Gideon who was holding a remote . "But...we defeated Bill!" Dipper said looking at me. I struggled against the rope. "Dip!" I yelled to him while trying to get out. "He's going to destroy the shack!" I screamed as Gideon pushed a button making me swing in the air. "Bill failed me! So I switched to plan B: Kidnape and dynamite!" He yelled smirking at me. "What? Bill? Who? What are you guys talking about?" Stan asked clearly confused. "Spoiler alert, Stanford! I've got the deed!" Gideon yelled holding up the family deed. "The mystery shack belongs to me! So get out of my property!" He said pushing another button making me drop to the floor. He had me tied up on a poll waiting for them. "Daddy?! Bring it around the front."I got out of the ropes and a wrecking ball came around the corner smashing the Mystery shack sign. "Don't worry, guys! It's just part of the dream! We're gonna wake up any second now!Right? Right?" I ran over to them before the sign fell in the place I was laid. "Someone pinch me, dude..." I looked at them all before I looked at the sign on the floor. 

a/n: Hi! If you guys could check this out it would be cool https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAMgUDqktbvkOVFWmtkeJFw She's who I base all my characters on in the fan fics 

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