You Grew Up On Us

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You're all 18~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I paced around the living room wearing jeans and a blue flannel. "Their late." I said looking at Soos. "They're always late, relax." I nodded and bit my lip. "It's weird though, they've never been this late. What if something happened?" Melody rubbed my arms gently. "They're coming, Dipper messaged Soos." I nodded and sat down on the armchair. "Shouldn't you be dressed?" I looked up to see Dipper in a suit with a button hole on. I ran over, throwing my arms around him. "I didn't want to get dressed without seeing you first." He kissed me gently on the lips. "We've been together five years you'd think she'd get used to me being late." He said looking over at Soos. "Go get changed." I nodded and grabbed Mabel running upstairs

"So what dress have we got?" I smiled and opened the zip bag to reveal my dress. "it's beautiful." She said looking at it. "It even has a pine tree." She said noticing the bottom of the dress. "I hand stitched it in." The dress was a simple flowing gown, a light blue and at the bottom, it had a small dark blue pine tree sewn into it. "He's going to love it." I smiled and rubbed my arms. "Will you curl my hair?" She nodded and walked over to my dresser turning on the curling iron. "I just wish Ford and Stan were here to see me graduate," I said looking at her and changing into the dress. "I'm sure they wish they were here too." I looked over at her and she smiled. "You look amazing." I sat on the chair and she sectioned my hair into pieces. "Five years is a long time." She said looking in the mirror at me. "I can't believe you stayed with the dork." I giggled and looked at her. "He's a dork but he's my dork." She laughed along with me and continued doing my hair. 

"Introducing! The beautiful and talented Y/N!" I stepped down the stairs and into full view of everyone in the living room. "Did she wear the heels?" Melody asked Mabel. I lifted the dress to show the sneakers I was still wearing. "Nothing you can say will make me wear them." I said looking at Dipper who's mouth was wide open. "You'll catch flys." I said tapping his jaw. "Y-y-you loook a-aw- amazing-beautiful." I giggled and kissed his cheek. "Wow, stubble. You've really grown up on us Dip." He chuckled and kissed me on the lips. "I knew how much you liked it." I giggled and he dipped me backward. "Now, shall we go and get you graduated?" I linked arms with him and we walked outside. "How are you getting there?" Mabel asked looking at Soos' truck. "I'm going in the golf cart, Dipper? You in?" He nodded and we both ran over to it starting it off and driving. 

"And last but certainly not the least. Y/N Cipher!" I cringed at the name and walked over to the stage, I climbed the stairs and shook hands with my principle. "We have a small surprise for you." I looked at him and he pointed out to where Dipper was sat. "Stan? Ford?!" I yelled looking at them. I ran off the stage and into their open arms. "You look gorgeous," Ford said looking at the dress. "Wow." He said looking at the tree. "You bought this?" I shook my head. "The dress yes but the pine tree was my little touch." He chuckled and hugged me tightly. "You're gonna be an excellent Pine one day kid." I giggled and Stan hugged me. "Stan, are you crying?" He shook his head. "No! My eyes are just leaking!" I giggled and rubbed his back. "I went away and you grew up! I've missed so many birthdays." I giggled again and looked at Dipper. "It's fine Stan, you're still here that's all that matters." He chuckled and pulled away. "Now we have a celebration to get to!" Mabel yelled. "To the shack!" I grabbed Dippers hand and ran over to the golf cart. "Hold on." He said taking out his phone and taking a photo of us. "Perfect." He said looking at it and putting it back into his pocket. "I've missed you so much." He said kissing me, I wrapped my arms around his neck and he picked me up wrapping my legs around his wasit. This was the first time something like this had happened between us and it was safe to say things were getting steamy. "Dipper!" I jumped down hearing a voice and got into the cart. "Pacifica?" He asked looking at her in the long flowy pink dress. "I'll meet you back at the shack?" I asked looking at him. I trusted him with my life but it was just her I couldn't trust. "Sure thing babe." He said kissing me softly on the lips before I drove off. 

"Where's my Dipper?" Wendy asked hugging me as I walked into the shack. "Pacifica saw him!" She laughed and we walked over to the drinks table. "How does it feel to be out of education?" I bit my lip. "Weird! I don't know what I'm going to do, I mean I took all of those classes and now. Now nothing, I don't know what I'm going to do." She rubbed my arms gently. "You'll figure it out, besides you've got a whole gap year before you have to decide what to do." I nodded and we grabbed some drinks. "Are you not worried about Pacifica?" She asked looking at me. "Wendy, me and Dipper have been together five years if I was worried about Pacifica I wouldn't have come back here." She laughed and we went to find Robbie. 

"You grew up!" I giggled as he wrapped his arms around me. "Someone out of the two of us had to." He chuckled and rubbed my hair. "Hey! Watch it." I said bouncing the curls. "I never thought I'd see the day when you cared about your hair." I laughed and looked at him. "Well I grew up, gotta impress my boyfriend somehow." He chuckled. "Where is he anyway?" I looked around. "Not back from seeing Pacifica yet." I said before walking over to Stan. "Boo!" I yelled jumping in front of him. "So are you going to be breaking out your dance moves?" I asked started to do them. "I'm way to old for that now." I giggled and stopped dancing. "What's it like? Out in the world?" I asked stirring my drink. "It's amazing, full of wonders...why do you ask?" I looked at him. "I'm just wondering what to do for my Gap year and then the rest of my life." Stan wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "Kid, spend this gap year like a really long summer, then when you've had all the fun figure out what you wanna do." I nodded and he walked over to Ford.

"Have you seen Dipper?" I asked Mabel as she stood with Candy and Grenda. "I thought he was with you." I nodded. "He was, then Pacifica showed up." Candy gasped. "What?" I asked looking at her. "Pacifica is bad news, you left them alone?" She asked me. "Candy, I've been with Dipper five years now. I'm pretty sure he isn't going to just cheat on me with Pacifica." Mabel nodded. "Besides, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation as to why he's not come back to the party." I nodded. "See!" I looked over at saw Dipper walk in with Pacifica. "Dipper," I said walking over and smiling. "Pacifica," I said looking at her with no emotion. "I'll go get a drink." She said walking away. "You were worrying me for a minute." Dipper chuckled and kissed me again. "Good thing you trust me." I smiled and we walked into the party. 

"Excuse me! Everybody! I have something I want to say." Dipper said grabbing everyone's attention. The music stopped and the spotlight was on him. "For five years I've been dating Y/N, Five long years of being with someone I love. It's made me realize that I don't ever want to lose her." I smiled brightly and he got down on one knee. "So I'm asking this in front of everyone, so please don't embrass me by saying no, but Y/N Cipher will you do me the honor of becoming Y/N Pines?" I looked at him and nodded. "Yes Dipper!" I yelled bending down and hugging him tightly. Rose petals were falling from the ceiling and I looked over and saw Pacifica holding a rope. "Congratulations!" She yelled with a giant smile. "She knew?" I asked looking at him. "Everyone knew, I even asked Robbie and Stan for permission." I giggled and kissed him. "I love you Dipper." He slid the ring onto my finger. "I love you too Y/N." 


"So this is how you're spending your gap year?" Mabel asked looking at me and Dipper. "What's wrong with it?" I asked looking at the journal we had just made. "You should be planning your wedding!" I laughed. "Mabel I have my whole life for that, we want to explore and write our findings down in our own journal." She looked at you. "You're both huge dorks and deserve each other." I giggled and kissed his cheek. "Ew gross!" She yelled throwing a pillow at us and running out of the room. "Easily scared." I said kissing him again, he rolled us over and he was pnning me to the floor. "I love you." I giggled at him. "Love you too Dip Dip." I said before leaning up and kissing him again. 

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