The Golf War

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I walked into the living room noticing Mabel holding a magazine. "Aaah! Oh, it's here! It's here! I've been waiting all morning and it's finally here! The Gravity Falls Gossiper accepted my article about summer fashion tips for squirrels. My picture is gonna be in the newspaper! Check it!" She showed us all the magazine. "Pacifica Northwest declares V-neck the look of the season!" Stan read. "What am I looking at here?" He questioned. "Woah, whoah, WHAT?!" She looked at the paper in shock. "Greatest thing of the summer." I said looking at the picture of Pacifica. "Pacifica Northwest." I finished and looked at Dipper. "Looks like someone bought their way to the front page." I nodded in agreement. "Is it legal for a child to wear that much make-up?" I giggled a little. "Ugh, Pacifica! She always ruins everything!" I rubbed Mabels arm. "Aw, cheer up Mabel! I mean, no one even reads newspapers anymore." Dipper said trying to cheer her up when Soos walked in. "Dudes! V-neck season is upon us! Who wants to help me get ahead of the fashion curve? I'm taking it one step further!" He help up a pair of scissors and a marker. "With a W-neck." He drew the construction line of a W and cut along it. "Must...follow...newspaper." Mabel sighed and walked away. I followed after her. "Mabel, Pacifica is nothing but a spoilt brat and if something isn't going her way she will do everything she can to make it go her way." I looked at Mabel. "How do you know all of this?" I sighed looking at the ground. "I used to be friends with her, then I noticed how toxic the friendship was and I walked away." Mabel smiled softly. "You just walked?" I nodded. "I didn't want to be like her, she bullies everyone into liking her and I hate it. Ever since then she's hated me even more for it." 

"Looking for a distraction from your horrible life?" The TV yelled at us. "Why yes!" Mabel yelled back. "Victory, honor, destiny, mutton! These old-timey sounding words are alice and well at the Gravity Falls Royal Discount Putt Hutt! No Mutton available at the snack shop." Dipper pulled out the scrapbook. "Hey, Mabel! You love mini-golf! She's been amazing at it since we were kids!What do you say, Mabel? We've ad a stressful couple of days. How 'bout we take a break, huh?" I looked at the phot of Mabel holding a trophy and smiled. "Would kicking all our butts at mini-golf cheer you up?" Stan asked making her smile a little. "Maybe a little." I giggled and rubbed her back. "Come on, Mabel! Victory!" Dipper yelled. "Honor!" She yelled back. "Destiny!" Stan chimed in. "Mutton!" Soos said.

I stood behind Dipper as he prepaired to hit the ball. "Focus! Focus!..And, Eh..." He swung and the ball rolled into a pond. "Don't worry, Bro! You're still," Mabel stuck a sticker to him. "Eh! Exr-Rorar-dinary." I giggled at the dinosaur sticker. "I'll take what I can get." Mabel was next. "Do the hip wiggle, and eh!" She hit the ball and it hit Old Man McGucket before going into the hole. "Yes!" She yelled high fiving me. "One to the girls." I said to Stan. "Holy smokes! Someone in our family actually had talent!" Stan said to Mabel. "Grunkle Dtam, you ain't seen nothing yet." Dipper said with a smirk. 

"Guys if Mabel get a hole in one here, she'll beat her all-time high score!" Dipper whisper yelled to us as Mabel concentrated on the ball. "Eh!" She hit the ball and it nearly goes in but rolls into a puddle. "Aw, nuts." She said throwing down her club. "Ah, don't worry about it kids! The things random!" I nodded. "Yeah, besides the bermuda triangle, how mini-golf works is our worlds greatest mystery." I looked at Dipper. "As far as I'm concerned, you're still better than anyone else in Gravity..." Stan stopped as someone putted a hole in one. "Woah!" The crowd yelled, I turned to see Pacifica stood there smiling. "Oh, would you look at that? I didn't know it was hobos golf free day!" I went to punch her but Stan grabbed a hold of me. This was the first time he had even spoken to me in a while. "Pacifica." Mabel said to her. "Well, if it isn't the Pines family!" She pointed to Soos. "Fat." She pointed at Stan. "Old." Next was Dipper. "Lame" She looked at Mabel. "Braces." Then she turned to me. "And the wanna be Pine, adopted because no one loves her." I went for her again but Dipper held my arms. "Soos, would it be wrong to punch a child?" Stan asked rolling up his sleeves. "I got this." Dipper whispered in my ear. "Hey, Pacifica! Hows that whole 'your family being a fraud' thing working out  for you." He said to her. "Great, actually! That's the thing about money! It makes problems go away! Isn't that right Y/N." She looked at me with a knowing smirk. "Well it can't buy you skill! You walked into the game of a mini-gold champion!" Pacifica laughed and snapped her fingers. "Sergei!" A man walked forward. "This is Sergei, my trainer!" He looked at us. "The sportylmpics had mini-golf once. I took gold!" He showed a medal. "So if you don't mind moving out of the way of the professionals! Hmpf!" She walked over to the bonus hole. "Hmm....Hmm." She hit the bll and scored a hole in one causing an explosion. "Enjoy second place. Give her a hand, folks." She said while leaving. "Oh, yeah? Well...I want a rematch, you....You.. WALKING ONE-DIMENSIONAL BLEACHED BLONDE VALLEY GIRL STEREOTYPE!" Everyone gasped and looked at her. "Like, let's do this!" Pacifica yelled back and glared at me knowing I had told the secret about her hair being fake. 

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