Little Dipper

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"Welcome to a world of Mystery!" Stan said opening the door as I walked into the porch. "Stan Pines?" A man asked who was stood in a suit. Stan grabbed me by the shoulders and stood me in front of him. "The tax collector! You found me!" He threw a smoke bomb onto the ground running inside. "Mister Pines. I'm from the Winnghouse Coupon Savers contest, and YOU ARE OUR BIIIIIIG WINNER!" Two women came in front of me holding a big check for 10,000,000 dollars. "Heh? My one and only dream, which was to possess money, has come true!" I shook my head. "Clearly this is fake." I stated looking at the man. "We're rich! I'm gonna get a butler!" Dipper said jumping up and down. "I'm gonna buy a talking horse!"Mabel yelled.

"Just sign here for the money." The lawyer said holding out a clipboard. "You bet!" Stan said before I could even protest. "Ha! Stanford, you fool! You just signed over the Mystery Shack to lil ol' me!" Gideon yelled jumping and dancing around. I bit my lip to suppress  my giggles. "Uh, might wanna take another look there." I said trying not to burst into laughter. "The shack is hereby signed over to....SUCK A LEMON LITTLE MAN?!" Gideon yelled before me and Stan burst into laughter. "How dare you!" Gideon yelled ripping up the paper. "I am not a threat to be taken lightly!" The lawyer picked up Gideon. "Aw, are Lil ol' you's legs tired." I said slamming the door in his face. "Wanna see what else is on TV?" Stan asked scratching his back. "Yeah ok." I said in unison with the twins. 

I stood on my tip toes trying to reach the brain in a jar while Dipper and Mabel played chess together. "Mabel? Can you pass me the brain in a jar? The lady one?" I asked finally giving up on trying to reach it. "I got it." Dipper said standing up. "Thanks, but Mabel's taller." Dipper stopped in his tracks. "What? No she's not. We're the same height. We've always been." I shook my head pulling out a tape measure. "Check again." 

"Yep, she's got exactly one millimeter on you!" I said confirming my assumptions from before. "What?!" Dipper yelled. "Whoa, don't you see what's happening, Dipper? This millimeter is just the beginning. I'm evolving into the superior sibling! Bigger! Stronger!" Mabel yelled. "Like some kinda alpha-twin." Soos said taking me off my shift. I ignored them and grabbed my jacket walking out of the shack and towards the woods. "Where are you going kid?" Stan asked stopping me. "To the woods, I planned to meet Robbie there." I lied looking at him. "Eh. Okay. Just don't go doing anything stupid." I nodded before running off into the woods.

"Dipper?" I asked walking over to him before tripping over something knocking us both down a small hill. "AH!" I yelled hitting the floor and rubbing my head. "What the?" I asked looking at the tiny deer on Dipper's chest. "Whoa." He said looking at the tiny eagle that just passed us. "Hey is that mountain lion tiny or just far away in perspective?" He asked me. I stared at it before it growled getting ready to pounce. "PERSPECTIVE! PERSPECTIVE!" I yelled looking at it in fear. As it leaped into the air a beam of pink light hits it and shrinks it. Dipper started laughing as the tiny mountain lion licked him. It meowed before biting his finger. "It still hurts, but less!" I laughed and stood up brushing off my knees. "What are you doing out here?" He asked brushing himself off. "I got lost." I lied walking over to the giant crystals. "AHHHH!" I screamed seeing a butterfly pass by me. "You're afraid of butterflies?" Dipper asked sarcastically. Just as I was about to answer the butterfly was hit with a blue light and grew bigger. "With reason." I said hiding behind Dipper. "This is amazing!" He said taking a bit of crystal and attaching it to a flash light. 

We stood behind the shack with different items. "Lets see." He said pointing the light at the Chess pieces. "Smaller." He said shinning it with the pink side. "Bigger." He said making the chess piece bigger with the blue side. "TOO BIG!" I yelled looking at the giant black castle at the side of the shack. 

"Hey guys, notice anything different about me?" Dipper asked walking into the shack behind me. "Holy hotsauce! You've grown an extra millimeter!" Soos said looking at Dipper. Mabel jumped down from the chair she was on. "Wh-Wh-What?!" She stuttered out. They stood together clearly now the same size as each other. "What can I say, sis? Growth spurt." I shook my head. I started walking up to the attic when I heard Mabel chant Alpha-twin and Dipper rushed past me pulling me along. "Dipper, just let her be taller." I said sitting on her bed and looking at the magazines she had. "You're always winning at chess and being super smart, let her be tall." He shook his head.

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