Christmas With The Pines

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I sat down at the table while Soos made breakfast for us all. Melody sat down in front of me and handed me a postcard. "Someone has a friend." She teased, I giggled and looked at the note. "It's from Dipper," I said getting up and running to the attic. I grabbed the shoe box from under the bed and looked at all the others. We had been sending postcards and letters to each other since the day he got back to California. They were having so much fun back home. 


As you're reading this postcard Soos is probably trying not to burn the pancakes again. You're probably sat in the attic reading all of the postcards I've sent you and looking at all of the photos you have stored away in that little box you tell me about. Well, I'm about to make another thing happen, I'm about to make your Christmas the best Christmas ever! We're all coming back to spend the holidays! Me, Mable, Stan, and Ford! So make sure the shack is ready! Also, Mabel wants to know if they're any cute new guys around? I know you don't normally care for guys, unless their me, but we can talk about that when I'm there." 

My eyes read over the postcard again and again. Christmas was around a week away. "Soos!" I yelled running down the stairs and handing him the postcard. "Did you know about this?" He nodded and plated me up some pancakes. "Of course we did, we've got their presents hidden away with yours." My eyes widened. "Presents! I've got to get presents!" I ran off going to grab my camera and then getting changed. I threw on some leggings, a black top and tied a flannel shirt around my waist. "Y/N Where are you going?" Melody asked from the doorway. "I need to go and get them some presents!" I said getting in the golf cart and driving off. 

"So Dipper, I could get Dipper a collage of photos to take home with him. Of all of the wonderful things here in the forest." I said thinking out loud to myself. "You know they say talking to yourself is the first sane of craziness." I jumped turning around to see Robbie. "Robbie," I said going over and hugging him. "What's up kid?" I smiled and looked up at him. "The pines are coming home for Christmas, so I'm trying to come up with presents." He nodded. "Oh, I forgot to tell you I found this cool statue thing in the woods!" I frowned and he leads me through some trees. "It's right this way." 

I stood in front of it, my eyes widened. "T-This isn't possible," I said turning from the statue to Robbie. "Well, it's here." He was going to touch his hand when I slapped. "Are you crazy!?" He rubbed his hand and looked at me. "Can't be that bad we all defeated him." I looked at the statue. "We may have beaten him but who knows what shaking Bill's hand could do," I said looking around. "We should hide him, just until the Pines get back then they can deal with it," I said covering the statue with branches and leaves. "Hey! Dipper love's weird things, this can be his present." I laughed a little. "Pretty sure telling him the thing that almost killed me could still possibly be alive isn't a good present." Robbie chuckled and we walked away from the statue. 

"Soos! I got everything I needed!" I said coming into the shack and hearing no response. "Soos?" I asked stepping into the gift shop. "Soos?" I called out but there was no answer. "Guess he went out," I said going up to Stan's old office and using the printer. I printed off the photos I needed before adding them to a big frame and wrapping it up writing Dipper's name on the side. I quickly ran up to the attic and hid it under the bed when I heard movement from behind the wardrobe. I grabbed the lamp and slowly walked over to it. 

As I opened it Dipper and Mabel fell out and I almost threw the lamp at them. "What are you here?!" I asked hugging them both tightly. "Well, it's almost Christmas," Dipper said with a small laugh. "I never said when we'd be coming." I giggled and pulled away from them. "God I've missed you!" I shouted hugging them again. "It's been like five months," Mabel said hugging me tightly. "We've missed you too! Now, who does that present belong to?" I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly. "Dipper," I said looking at Mabel and not her brother. "That's adorable!" She yelled looking at me and then rushing downstairs to find Soos. "So where's Ford and Stan?" I asked looking at Dipper with a bright red face. "They'll be here tomorrow." I nodded and looked out of the window when I felt a soft kiss on my cheek. "Happy Holidays." I smiled brightly and then looked at him. "I have to show you something." 

We were walking through the woods when he looked around. "Are you planning on killing me out here?" I laughed shaking my head. "God no, I need to show you something." He nodded and then I saw it. "Here," I said nodding at the branches that were hiding the Bill statue. "Branches?" I shook my head and moved them away. "Oh my god!" He said looking at it. "Why is this? How?" I shook my head again. "No idea, Robbie found it and showed me it this morning. I don't wanna touch his hand." I said rubbing my arms. "Gives me the creeps," I said looking at the Bill statue to Dipper. "I'm sure it's nothing, but we should keep it hidden." I nodded and began covering it all up again. 

"You know, Pacifica has done nothing but talk about you," I said as we walked back into the shack. "Really?" He asked rubbing his neck. "Yeah, I and Melody have bets that she's gonna kiss ya." He chuckled nervously. "Well, I don't wanna kiss her." I laughed sitting down on the chair. "It'll happen. I heard she's got her minions running around with mistletoe on a stick." He laughed pushing me lightly. "No way, I wouldn't kiss her if she was the last woman on Earth." I giggled and we started watching a movie together. 


We woke up to giggling and flashing lights. "What's going on?" I asked rubbing my eyes. "Oh, nothing." Mabel sang putting a camera away and looking at the door. "Stan?" I asked looking at him and Ford. "Ford?!" Dipper yelled, we both got up and ran over to them. I jumped into Stan's arms and he swung me around. "Ah, I've missed ya kid." I smiled and hugged him tightly, "I've missed you too!" He smiled and patted my back. "Glad to see you've kept the shack alive." I smiled and got down from his arms hugging Ford. "I've missed you too Ford." He hugged me back. "I've missed you." I smiled and looked at Soos who was in the doorway. "Dinner is almost ready." He said looking from me to Dipper. "Go get washed up," Melody called from the kitchen. 

"So any cute boys?" I almost spat out the water I was drinking as Mabel asked me that question. Everyone looked at me. "I don't really pay attention, I focus more on my classes then the boys," I said looking down at the plate. "Oh come on, there must be one guy you find cute." I glared at Melody. "I do, he's just not from around here." She giggled and I pushed the plate away. "I'm done, may I be excused?" She nodded and I ran to the attic. "Oh god," I whispered trying to stop my face from being bright red. "So you like me?" I jumped spinning around and seeing Dipper. "You know I do." He chuckled and sat down next to me on the bed. "Well, maybe I like you too." He said taking his hand in mine. "Maybe we can do the whole...long distance thing." I looked at our hands and smiled. "I'd love that," I said looking from the hands to his face. "Good." He whispered kissing my cheek softly. "Now get some sleep." 

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