The Inconveniencing

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I played with the Stan boblehead toy while Dipper spoke to Mabel who was currently spinning on a globe. "Mabel, do you believe in ghosts?" I looked up from the bobblehead and she laughed. "I believe you're a big dork! Ha ha ha!" Dipper rolled his eyes before putting his pencil on the globe causing it to halt to a stop and Mabel come flying off it. I bit my lip and laughed softly as she rubbed her back. "Soos! Wendy!" Stan yelled walking into the gift shop. "What's up, Mr Pines!" Soos said out of breath from running to him. "I'm headin' out. You two are gonna wash the bathrooms, right?" He asked looking at the pair in front of him. "Yes, Sir!" Soos obeyed. "Absolutely not!" Wendy said smiling at him. "Ha Ha" You stay out of trouble!" Stan said before leaving us. 

"Hey guys! What's this?!" Wendy asked pulling back a curtain. "A secret ladder to the roof?" I smirked and looked at her. It was mine and her hang out place to get away when it got too boring or too busy. "Uh, I don't think Mr. Pines would like that." Soos said trying to stay in line so he wouldn't get into trouble. "Can we actually go up there?" Dipper asked as I started climing up. "Sure we can! Roof Time! Roof Time!" Wendy chanted as we all climbed up. "Alright, check it out!" Wendy said showing the twins the hang out. "Did you put all this stuff up here?" Dipper asked referring to the deck chairs and cooler. "I may or may not sneak up here during work, all the time, everyday!" She said throwing a pine gone and hitting a target on the totem pole. "YES!" She called out. "Cool." Dipper said sitting down. "Me first!" Mabel yelled before both twins threw pine cones. Dipper's flew off and into someones car. "Opps." He whispered blushing a bright red. "Jackpot! Highfive!" Wendy yelled holding up her hand. "Don't leave me hanging." I laughed as they high fived each other. "Oh hey, it's my friends!" She yelled pointing to the van. "Wendy! Y/N!" I smiled at Thompson sending him a small wave. "Hey, you guys aren't going to tell Stan about this, are you?" She asked looking from Twin to twin. They both zipped their lips. "Later dorks!" She said sliding down and tree and getting into the van. "Let's get out of here! Bye Y/N!" I again waved and then faced the twins. "Later Wendy! Heh Heh heh! Good times." I looked at Mabel. "Uh, oh!" She said poking him. "What?" I walked over to them.. "Somebody's in love." I teased poking his side gently. "Yeah, right! I just think Wendy's cool, okay? It's not like I lie awake at night thinking about her!" I looked at Mabel with a raised eye brow. "But just the other night you were." I said sitting down again. "Uh-oh."

It was the next day and we were all stood inside the gift shop, Dipper was 'taking inventory' and I was 'cleaning the floors' "Random dance party for no reason!" Mabel yelled before dancing around, I shrugged my shoulders before dropping the sweeping brush and dancing. "Go! Go! Go! Go!" Wendy said joining us. I looked over at Dipper who was writing something down. "Dip-" I started before Wendy spoke up. "Dipper!" She called out making him throw his clipboard but catch it again. "Uh, what yes?" He asked looking at us. "Aren't ya gonna get in on this?" She asked him. "Yeah, you do! Mum used to dress him up in a lamb costume and make him do." She started whispering to Wendy and then Wendy laughed. "Used to do wh-" Before I could finish Dipper angrily said. "Now is not the time to talk about the lamby dance." I looked at them confused. "Lamb costume? wow, is there little ears and a tail or...?" I stopped dancing and walked into the living room. 

"Y/N you coming?!" I heard Wendy yelled, I popped my head through the door. "We're going to hang out with Thompson you coming?" I nodded grabbing my jacket and following her outside where the twins were waiting for us. "In the belly! In the belly!" Lee and Nate yelled out holding up Thompson in the air. "Come on! Hurry up!" Robbie was getting ready to throw a jelly bean when Wendy beat him to it. "Wendy!" Everyone yelled at her. "Wendy! Wendy!" Nate cheered along. "Hey guys! These are my pales from work, Mabel, and Dipper...You already know Y/N!" She said I smiled at them all and then sent a small smile to Robbie. To everyone else he was just some horrible kid but he was always so nice to me. "I chewed my gum so it looks like a brain! Blah!" Mabel said poking out her tounge and showing the group her wad of gum. "She's not much for first impression." Dipper said pointing at himself. "Unlike this guy!....This guy..." Before he could finish Robbie interrupted. "So are you, like, babysitting, or-" Wendy shook her head laughing. "Come on, Robbie! Guys, this is Lee and Nate." She said pointing to her friends. "Tambry." She said reffering to the girl texting. "Hey.." She said not once looking up from her phone. "Thompson, who once ate a ran over waffle for 50 cents." I laughed at the memories. "Don't tell them that!" 

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