Boss Mabel

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I popped a piece of popcorn into my mouth and looked at the screen. "This is just some tasteless TV show that sucks people in thinking they can win money when they're all going to loss because they're too greedy." I said before adding more popcorn into my mouth. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we now return to Cash Wheel! Sponsored by Chipackerz, the chip flavored crackers." I shook my head. "Who would eat tha-" I stopped as Mabel pushed onto her mouth. "But they taste just like chips." She said looking at the TV. "Congratulations! You're taking a..." Stan and everyone on the TV yelled. "Cash Shower." 

I stood up going over to the window when I saw a buss pull up. "Stan! We got tourists at 9 o'clock! A whole busload of 'em." I yelled looking back at him. "Hot tamales, it's a a jackpot! Soos! Make some new attractions!" Stan yelled jumping up and out of his seat. "You got it, boss!" Soos said gluing a wolf head onto a chicken. "Wendy! Mark up those prices! The higher the better!" Wendy changed a $2 sign to a $200 dollar sign. "Eesh, Grunkle Stan. It's like when you see tourists, all you see are wallets with legs." Stan stared out of the window. 

"Ladies and gentle-tourists! Looking around my Mystery Shack, you will see many wondrous roadside attractions. Be amazed at the only known photo of a horse riding another horse!" Everyone started taking photos. "I can't believe their taking this in." I whispered to Dipper. Stan shoved a bag into mine and Dippers hand. "Get changed quick."

When we walked back into the room dressed as wolves Stan smiled brightly. "Be astounded at the horrible, pre-teen wolf girl and boy!" He yelled pointing at us. "Oh! Oh, look at them! All that hair! Their body's changing, ah!" I glared at Stan pulling at the fake teeth. "Grunkle Stan, this s demeaning." Dipper said looking from me to Stan. "What? I don't know 'de meaning' of that word!" Everyone including stan started laughing. "If you throw money at them they dance." People started throwing money while we attempted to dance. 

I scratched my legs and my neck from the fake hair. "Grunkle Stan, why do we have to wear this wolf costume? I think we're getting hookworm." Dipper said scratching again. "Yep. Gluing Dog hair to your body will do that." I shook my head. "You've got all these dumb, fake exhibits in the shack. Meanwhile, I've seen actual, amazing things in the forest every day! What if you hunted down a real attraction instead of lying to people for a living?" I nodded in agreement. "And you should be nicer to your employees, too!" Mabel yelled. "Yeah!" Dipper said high fiving her. "Look, you guys got a problem with how I run the shack, take it up with the complaints department." He said holding up a trash can. "ZING!" Mabel grabbed a pen and paper and began writing. "Oh I am going to write them such a letter!" She said covering it with her arm.

I continued painting the sign glittery pink while trying not to get it on myself. "Glitter is the worst thing ever." I said looking at Stan. "Don't stop 'till you've covered that sign with glitter! Glittery signs attract tourists! Also large birds!" He said as a bald eagle attacked Soos making him run away. "Ha Ha! That's funny." I rolled my eyes. "Okay, is it just me, or is having Grunkle Stan as a boss seriously the worst?" Wendy nodded. "I know, right? Why do we even put up with it?" I put down my brush and walked into the shack and into Stan's office. "What's up kid?" I shook my head. "Nothing, just needed time away from Glitter." I said sitting down and looking over at the books. 

"You!" Mabel yelled bursting into the office. "Ah!" Stan yelled jumping slightly. "Grunkle Stan, you've gone too far this time!" She yelled walking further into the room. "Did you seriously tell Soos not to follow his hopes and dreams because he 'couldn't handle it?'" I looked over at Stan. "Look, kid, let me break it down for you. Being a boss is about commanding respect. If you give people everything they ask for, they'll walk all over ya." Mabel shook my head. "You let Y/N Get everything she asks for! I bet you'd make way more money being nice then being a big grumpy grump to everyone all the time." Stan laughed. "Ha! I'd make more money on vacation then you would, running this place!" He yelled standing up. "Then why don't you go on vacation?" I stood up seeing how serious this was getting. "Interesting...All right, I'm a wagering man. 3 days. 72 hours." He said setting an alarm. "You run the Shack, and I'll go on vacation. If you make more money than me, I guess it means you're right about the way I run my business. BUT if you losee, you, uh..." He wrote LOSER on a white shirt. "You have to wear this 'LOSER' shirt all summer!" He yelled. "Fine. But if I win I get to be the boss for the rest of the summer! Plus, you gotta sing an apology song with lyrics by me! Mabel." I frowned. "Whoa ho! You've got yourself a deal, missy!" They both smiled. "No, you got yourself a deal." Mabel said. "Deal!" Stan yelled. "Deal!" Mabel yelled back. Stan slammed his hand onto the desk. "Deal!" Mabel copied. "Deal!" Then she stamped a pink heart sticker on his nose. "Deal.." She whispered.

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