Boyz Crazy

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I swept the floor with Mabel while Dipper was stood with Wendy. "Do you have this T-shirt in my size?" Dipper said voicing the tourist, Wendy laughed before doing Stan. "I have something even better! Behold: My Butt!"  I looked at Mabel who was giggling at her brother. "I could play this game forever." He whispered staring up at her. "What'd you say?" Wendy said looking down at him, "Coughing! I was coughing! Those weren't words!" Mabel and I laughed. "This is fun, what you two have."  Dipper looked at us. "How long have you been standing there?" He asked in a panicked tone. "Dont worry about that. Let's talk about why I'm doing this dance! Do-do-do-do-do..." My eye widened. "Oh no! She got into the smile dip again!" She shook her head. "Wrong one-thousand! It's because today is the greatest day of my life!" She yelled making me jump a little. Mabel threw a calendar at dipper. "Ow!" He said rubbing his face. "Sev'ral timez is playing in Gravity Falls Civic Centrer and Buffet!" She yelled giddily. "Ugh. Aren't they that boy band that came in a decade too late?" I said putting down the sweeping brush and looking at Mabel. "Boy bands are all fake Mabel, you know that right?" I said jumping onto the counter and looking at her. "Yeah Y/N's right. They're just manufactured product of the bloated corporate music industry." Wendy said looking at Mabel. "You're making my dance sad..." Mabel stopped dancing and Dipper snorted. "There's probably a machine that mass-produces them." I looked at him and I was about to say something when Wendy interupted me. "Oh ho, or maybe the boys are grown from pods." They started laughing together and I jumpe down from the side. "You should go and get ready for your show." I said to her before Candy and Grenda burst through the door. 

I stood in the gift shop awkwardly waiting for someone to come in when I saw Wendy and Robbie arguing again. "I'll just be...over here..." Dipper said joining my side. I looked at him and then to Robbie. "Look, Robbie." Wendy said sighing. "I'm not sure this relationship's working. Maybe I should see other people." I looked towards Robbie wanting to see his response I know he really cared for her so this must have hurt him. "W-whoa h-hey! Before you do anything crazy, I I uh...I want you to hear this." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a CD. "Does that CD look suspicious to you?" Dipper whispered. "You think everything Robbie does is suspicious just shh." I said pushing the sweeping brush into his hands. "I wrote this song just for you." He said before pushing play. "When I think about you I feel feelings so deep I'm tossing and turning and you know i'm losing sleep." I bit my lip. "Yeesh that's awful." I said looking at Dipper. "You can say that again." He said looking back at me. The song finished and I looked over at them. "Y'know, maybe I was being a little hasty. I'll give you another chance." Wendy said to him. "Yes, alright!" Wendy kissed Robbie and I saw Dipper's mouth drop to the floor. Not literally. "What the heck?" I said walking over to Robbie. "Alright Robbie, we saw that weird CD. What the heck are you up to?" Dipper said to him. "It's called romance, kid. Something you'd never understand." Robbie said while patting my head. "You ready? I can't believe you wrote that for me." Wendy said as they walked out of the shop. I walked over to the CD player and pulled out the CD. "Hmm.. You know maybe you're right?" I said handing Dipper the disk. He sniffed it and then licked it. "Dipper!" I said laughing softly. "What are you doing?" Mabel asked coming into the shop with her friends. "Guys, the weirdest thing just happened. I think Robbie might be hypnotizing Wendy with his music." I nodded in agreement. "Oh, Dipper. Girls just like musicians. You'll understand when you're older." I frowned. "I don't like musicians." She looked at me and smiled. "We're the same age!" Dipper said to her. "Girls mature faster than guys. Right, Grenda?" Me and Dipper looked at Grenda who was kissing a magazine. "This is Grenda time!" I backed away slowly. 

I sat down on the chair in the kitchen while Dipper paced back and forth holding the CD from earlier. "Stockin' meat for the apocalypse, doodly-doo. We're all gonna die." Stan said entering the kitchen. "What's with the pacing, kid? You look even more freaked out than usual." He said looking at Dipper before sitting in the chair in front of me. "Um, I dunno....You wouldn't understand." Dipper said looking at me. "Aw, c'mon kid." Stan pulled Dipped onto a chair. "Try me." I smiled at the pair of them getting along. "Ok. This is gonna sound weird, but I think Robbie might be brainwashing Wendy with Music." I looked at Stan. "I've seen this before." He said looking at me. "Really?" I asked more shocked that he believed it. "Her name was Carla McCorkle. Carla hotpants McCorkle." I sat back in the chair and listened to Stan. "Me and Carla baby would cut a rug together at The Juke Joint, our favorite 50's themed, 1970's diner." I smiled again. "Then one day, this new age tree hugger starts playing this transcendental hipper music" Stan sighed. "Carla's hotpants turned into bellbottoms before I even knew what happened." I looked at Dipper with a smile. "So, actually believe our theory?" I asked looking at him. "You're darn right I do. And we're gonna get to the bottom of it." I stood up smiling brightly with Dipper. "Right after I get to the bottom of this brown meat." Stan tipped a can of meat into his mouth. "Om, nom, it's apocolicious!" 

I stood in the Mystery shack with Stan and Dipper. "Y'see kids, music has subliminal mind control hidden in it all the time. If you listen closely, even the music I play in the gift shop has subtle hidden messages." I laughed at him. "Subtle? You're screaming buy key chains at people through a speaker." Dipper chuckled. "Anyway, if you wanna hear the mind controlling messages, you gotta slow down the record. Gimme that LP." Stan said snatching from me and putting it on a record playing. But it just scratches the CD before it discharged little sparks everywhere. "Oh, right." I looked at him. "We're doin' something wrong here but I can't put my finger on it..." I slapped my hand on my forehead shaking my head. 

Once I finished converting the CD into a record I handed it to Stan. "Alright, it took me all day but I did it." I said looking at them. "Now we can slow it down to see if the mind control message theory is correct." Dipper said finishing my sentence. He put the record on and looked at it. "What? Is that it?" He asked looking at it. "UGH! This is so stupid! Course there's no hidden mind control messages! Mabel was right! Wendy just likes the song. She just likes Robbie." The door opened and Wendy and Robbie walked in together. "Hey, Dip. Forgot my keys." Dip?! That was my nickname for him. I looked down at the floor when Robbie picked me up and hugged me. "What's up, junior. What are you doing? Trying to come up with an equation to make girls like you?" He put me down and I rolled my eyes. "Ready to go to look out point?" Wendy said taking Robbie's hand. "Am I! Later, dorks. Catch ya on the rewind...I made that up." He said before leaving.

"Wait a minute. Rewind!" I said looking at Dipper. "Rewind the record!" I yelled at him. "You are under my control. Your mind is mine." Stan spit cola onto Dipper. "Holy mackerel!" He said looking at us. "Ha ha! I knew it! It's mind control after all! Oh no, I've got to save Wendy!" Dipper said grabbing his things before running out the door. "Finally, a good reason to punch a teenager in the face. Let's roll!" Stan said walking with me to the car. 

I crawled out of the car and saw Stan and Dipper in front of Robbie's car. "Look, Wendy, you've got to hear this!" Dipper said to her. Dipper played the recording backwards again and looked at Robbie and Wendy. As much as I loved Robbie what he was doing was wrong and he needed to be stopped. "Woah. Robbie, what's that doing in our song?" Wendy said looking at Robbie. "Baby, I promise. I don't know anything about those messages. In fact, I didn't even write that song. I ripped it off some other band! So we're all good, right?" I shook my head. "No, we're not all good! I don't care about the messages. You said you wrote that song for me, and I actually thought it was sweet, you big liar." Wendy yelled at him. "I know, I know. I lie about a lot of stuff. Like using your makeup and fighting a bear, althoug--" Before he could continue Wendy interupted him. "No! You know what? It's over, Robbie. We're through!" I stood back and looked at them. "What?! Wendy!" I bit my lip. "Goodbye!" She yelled getting out of the van and slamming the door. "Haha! We wont! Kid, this is a victory for every guy whose hands are too weak or fat to play a musical instrument." Stan said smiling at Dipper. "I couldn't have done it without you, Grunkle Stan." They high fived each other, I looked over at Wendy who was crying and then to Robbie he was crying too. "Um, hey! Uh, now that your night is free, me and Grunkle Stan are thinking, maybe bowling or something?" I shook my head. "Are you serious?1 Right now? Ugh! What is wrong with you guys? You only think about yourselves! All of you should just leave me alone!" She yelled before walking off. Robbie hit his head on the steering wheel. 

I sat in the shack with a bowl of popcorn while Dipper and Stan spoke together. "Women. They're the real mystery, Dip. You ruin their date, drive their hippie boyfriend's van into a ravine....and somehow you're the bad guy." I rolled my eyes eating some more popcorn. "No, it's my fault. I shouldn't have meddled into Wendy's personal life. She probably hates me now." I looked at them. "Ah, chin up, kid. You were tryin' to do the right thing. Even though you destroyed a relationship and part of my car." I looked at Stan and smiled a little bit. "You think she'll ever forgive me?" Dipper asked looking at me this time. Stan looked at me too. "From a girls point of view She will but it might take time." Stan walked out of the room. "In the meantime I can always go bowling with you." I said with a smile. He patted the floor next to him and I sat down with him. "Thanks Y/N." I smiled. "No problem, but if I ever get into a relationship, you have to do all the checks on him." I said with a small laugh. He put his arm around my shoulder. "Of course." I smiled and snuggled into his arm. "I wonder how the concert went for Mabel." 

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