Irrational Tressure

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I sat in the front of Stan's car looking out of the window and trying my best not to fall asleep, I hadn't slept well the past few days and I couldn't seem to stay away during to day but at night I magically couldn't sleep. "Haha! Nacho earrings. I'm hilairious!" Mabel yelled causing me to turn around and look at her, She had taken two nacho's out of her bag and attached them to her ears. "That's debatable. Aw, come on, what's with all this traffic? And why is it all...covered wagons? Oh no! No! No!" Stan pushed the Gas pedal. "Not today! Not today!" I sat up straight remembering what day it was and how I was suppose to remind Stan. "Shot." I said looking out of the window where women gasped as Stan nearly hit them. He started driving backwards. "Grunkle Stan, Y/N, What's going on?" I looked back at him. "We gotta get outta here. Before it's too late!" Before Stan could finish we were trapped between a group of covered wagons. "They've circled the wagons! We're trapped! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Stan yelled hitting his steering wheel. "I've gotta good feeling about today." Mabel said looking out of her window and seeing a plastic cow. 

"Ah, boy. It's Pioneer Day. Every year these yahoos dress up like idiots to celebrate the day Gravity Falls was founded." I said looking up at Stan. "I'm sorry I forgot to remind you." I said looking at the people all dressed up when Toby jumped in front of us. "Welcome to 1863!" He yelled but Stan groaned at him." I will break you, little man!" Toby ran off screaming. 

"Wow! Look! Candle dipping!" Mabel yelled hitting my arm excitedly while pointing at the people dipping candles. "Whoa, gold panning!" Dipper said looking over at the group of people and I could heard McGucket yelling Gold. "I now pronounce you man and wife." A priest said to a man and a woodpecker. "I do!" I giggled looking at the twins who looked confused. "What chu talking 'bout?" Mabel asked as Dipper flicked through his journal. "Oh yeah. I remember this. In Gravity Falls it used to be legal to marry woodpeckers." I nodded and looked at the man who was holding the woodpecker on his shoulder. "Oh, it's still legal. Very legal." He walked away and I looked at the twins with wide eyes. "Come one and all for the opening ceremonies!" The announcer spoke up. "Grunkle Stan, you coming?" Mabel asked starting to walk. "No, thank you! Just remember if you come back to the shack talking like these people, you're dead to me." He said looking around at the people. "There's a carpetbagger in the turnip cellar!" Dipper said smirking at me. "Well hornswabber my haversack!" I added looking at him before falling to the floor laughing. "Dead to me!" 

"Oh no! Police, my purse!" A lady in the crowd shouted as a man ran off with her purse. "Ring ring! Ring ring! Woo!" Durland said ringing his bell. "He sure loves his bell." Bulbs said walking past me and the twins. "Howdy, everyone! You all know me, Pacifica Northwest, great-great granddaughter of town-founder, Nathaniel Northwest. I'm also very rich." She said looking out at the crowd causing everyone to clap. "Now if you've got the pioneer spirit, we ask you come on up and introduce yourself." Mabel gasped. "Audience participation!" I sighed. "I don't know, Mabel. Isn't that girl kind like your arch-enemy?" Dipper asked looking at his sister. "That's water under the bridge." She laughing and running on stage before I could stop her. "Our firt newcomer is...." She looked and saw Mabel before saying her name angrily. "Mabel...." She walked out onto the stage and smiled at everyone. "Yeah! Let's get this Pioneer Day started! Right guys? USA! USA!" She chanted causing the crowd to join in. "USA! USA!" The man behind me and Dipper started crying. "USA! USA!" I slowly moved away from him to get a better view of Mabel. "I'm sorry to break it to you, but Pioneer Day is for serious people, and you look and act ridiculous." Pacifica said looking at Mabel up and down and pointing at her jumper. "I mean, a puppy playing basketball? Are you always this silly?" I glared at Pacifica ready to jump in and defend Mabel when Dipper held me back with my hand. I felt a small tingle shot up my arm but I ignored it looking at Mabel. "Hey, I can be serious!" Mabel defended looking at Pacifica. "You do have nachos hanging from your ears, hon." Mabel touched her nacho earrings and blushed. "Haha, wow, I'm embarrassed for you." She turned to the audience and I was ready to get up and smack her.  "Give her a hand everybody!" Everyone applauded and me and Dipper looked around worried. Mabel sadly walked off stage and I went off trying to get through the crowd to get to her. "Hey, you okay?" Dipper asked as I hugged her. "I need some old-timey butterscotch."

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