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I woke up to a bright yellow light in the room. "Ugh." I groaned rolling over trying to block it out but having no such luck. "Mabel I swear if that's yo--" I stopped talking as the light stopped when I opened my eyes. I stood up walking over to the glass window. "What the heck?!" I whispered to myself before throwing on my top and jeans. 

"Morning Mabel." I said as I walked into the living room. She was knitting herself a jumper while Dipper was sat eating popcorn and staring at the TV. "That duck is a genus!" Mabel yelled making me jump slightly. "Eh, it's easier to find clues when you're that close to that ground...Y/N would know." He joked about my height. "Hey! I'm only like an inch smaller than you." I defended sitting down on the floor. Mabel placed her hands on her hips squinting at Dipper. "Are you saying you could outwit Duck-tective?" I glanced from one twin to the other. "Mabel, I have very keen powers of observation. For example, just by smelling your breath, I can tell that you have been eating." He stopped and smelt her breath. "An entire tube of toothpaste?!" I winced and looked at her. "It's so sparkly." He chuckled and turned to me. "And just by looking at you I can tell you just got up." I picked up a pillow throwing it in his direction but missing and hitting Soos as he ran in. "Hey, Dudes you'll never guess what I found!" I stood up. "Buried treasure!?" Dipper asked excitedly. "A whole tub of ice cream?!" I yelled looking at him. Soos started leading us out of the room and towards a door I had never seen before. "So, I was cleaning up, when I found this secret door, hidden behind the wallpaper. It's crazy bonkers creepy!" He said pushing open the door. 

When we walked in we saw several wax sculptures around the room all sat down. "They look so life like."  Mabel said shining a torch at a sherlock wax figure. "Except for that one." Dipper said shining his at Stan. "Hello!" It yelled making us all scream in surprise. "It's just me your Grunkle Stan!" He yelled before putting his arm on me making the others scream and run off leaving me and Stan to laugh. "Guys relax it's just a wax museum!"

"Behold the Gravity Falls wax museum! It was one of our most popular attractions...before I forgot all about it! Y/N used to sell tickets!" I nodded. "I totally forgot about this place! I remember having my first crush in this room." I said looking at Stan. "But obviously it never lasted as he was like way too old." He chuckled rubbing my head remembering who I was talking about. "I got 'em all! Gennghis Khan,  Sherlock Holmes." He looked at Larry king. "Some kind of, I don't kno, goblin man?" I laughed and noticed Dipper shuddering in the corner. "Is anyone else getting the creeps here?" I walked over to him patting him on the shoulder. "Relax Dip they're not real." "Now for my personal favorite! Wax Abraham Lincoln, right over--" He stopped talking when he noticed a blob of melted wax on the floor. "Oh no." I whispered to myself. "Oh! Oh no! Come on, who left the blinds open?! Wax John Wilkes Booth, I'm looking in your direction." I bent down putting my finger in the melted wax before sighing. "How do you fix a wax figure?" Mabel walked over to Stan. "Cheer up, Grunkle Stan. Where's that smile?" Stan grumbled a response. "Beep, bop, boop!" Mabel yelled cheerfully poking Stan in the face. "Ow."

"Don't worry Grunkle Stan. I'll make you a new wax figure from this old wax!" Mabel said looking at the pile on the floor. "you really think you can make one of these puppies?" He asked looking around the room. Mabel scoffed. "Grunkle Stan, I'm an arts and crafts master. Why do you think I always have this glue gun stuck to my arm." He said holding up her arm which had a glue gun stuck to her. "I like your gumption kid!" He said to her. "I don't know what that word means but thank you!" She yelled to him.

I watched as Mabel sketched away in her book. "How's she doing?" Dipper asked handing me a soda. "Well from the look on her face it's going okay." I said taking a sip of my pitt cola. "Dipper!" Mabel yelled making us both choke on our drinks. "What do you think of my wax figure ideas?!" She asked showing him her sketches. "She's part fairy princess and part horse fairy princess." I looked at Dipper shaking my head softly. "M...maybe you should carve something from real life." He suggested to her. "Like a waffle with big arms!" He stuttered. "Y-okay... or, you know, something else. Like-Like someone in your family."  Stan walked into the room and stood on a briefcase. "Kids, have you seen my pants?" I looked away from him and saw Mabel staring at him with wide eyes.  "Oh muse. You work in mysterious ways." I giggled while she stared at the ceiling. "Why is she talking to the ceiling?" Stan asked as I handed him his pants. "I have no idea." 

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