Sock Opera

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A/N: Hi! Yes I'm back! Sorry I had a short break to deal with some personal family issues but I am back. Hope you all had a wonderful winter break or if you're still on break hope you're still having a nice time off. I will try and get back into the routine of updating more often. 

I sat in the library drawing on a sheet of paper while Dipper and Mabel spoke to one another. "Alright, Mabel, today is the big day." He said looking at her. "Big day!" She yelled back. "Soos finally fixed up the laptop. If this thing works, we could learn the identity of The Author and unravel the greatest mysteries of Gravity Falls. You ready?" I looked at them both. "Oh, I'm ready, baby." She flipped through pages of a pop up book. "Ma-ma." I laughed softly and walked over to Dippers side. "This is it. This is it." He turned it on and Welcome appeared on the screen. "Aha! It worked!" I smiled and high fived him. "Blip, blap, bloobity bloop, twins!" The twins high fived until the laaptop started making a loud noise. "Unauthorised access forbidden." I read out to them. Dipper groaned. "Ugh! Of course, a password." Mabel looked at us. "Don't you worry, bro bro. With your brains, my laser focus and Y/N's excellent skills there is literally nothing that can distract us from...Did you hear that?" I looked at her and then heard singing. "All my life I've been dreamin' of a love that's right for me. And now I finally know her name and it's.." I looked over to a boy with blonde hair singing to a bunch of kids. "Oh boy." I said watching Mabel look at him. "Oh boy is right." Dipper said joining me. 

"Haha. Thank you, thank you." Mabel was still staring at the boy. "Just when I was getting over Mermando, of course, you show up at my doorstep." I walked over to the bookshelf with Dipper. "Oh yeah, I forgot about Mermando. Did not care for mermando." He grabbed a book and flipped through it. "Okay, this cryptology book says that there is 7.2 million 8  letter word. I'll type you read. Okay, Mabel? Mabel?" I tapped his shoulder and pointed to her looking at the boy. "She's flirting." I whispered as we watched her with the boy. 

I read possible passwords as Dipper typed them into the laptop. "Huh?" I asked noticing Mabel sat next to me. "How'd it go?" I asked looking from the book to her. "How hard do you think it'd be to write and compose a sock puppet rock opera with lights, original music and live pyrotechnics by Friday?" I looked at Dipper for an answer. "Mabel, are you serious?" He asked grabbing her. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED! I got lost in his eyes and his ponytails and I'm gonna be so embarrassed on Friday if I don't have ANYTHING." I looked at her. "What about cracking this password? You know, mystery twins?" He asked her. "If you help me with this for JUST  a couple of days I promise I'll help with the password! Please, pretty please!" She whispered to him. "It's for love Dipper." I giggled and looked at the pair. "All right, okay-" "YES! THANK YOU!! THIS GUY! HE'S NUMBER ONE!!" Mabel yelled to everyone. "Okay, okay, okay, shhh." We all left the library. "I can't wait to get to the bottom of this laptop. We're close to something big here; I can feel it." I nodded in agreement. "Same, it's like something is right there." I said to him while stopping feeling someone watching us. "Y/N? You coming?" I nodded and slowly walked up to them. "What's up?"I shook my head. "I felt like something was watching us." I said rubbing my arms. "It's nothing firestone." I frowned. "What?" I asked looking at Dipper. "What?" He asked me looking just as confused as me. 

I walked into the living room a couple hours later with drinks when I saw everyone singing. Stan was now stood behind me. "Not even gonna ask." He said walking in and sitting in his usual spot on the chair. I laughed and helped Mabel carry her puppets upstairs to her room. "Goodnight, my babies." She took out a Gabe puppet and made it kiss the Mabel puppet. "Mwop mwop mwop mwop. Mwah! Soon, Gabe Benson-" I frowned and looked over at Dipper. "Ugh, wrong person. WRONG, WRONG! UGH!" He collapsed onto the floor. "Don't stay up all night, Dipper. Last time you got this sleep-deprived you tried to eat your own shirt." I laughed and got into the sleeping bag on the floor. Dipper sucked on his shirt. "Pleh. Just a few more tries. UGH! I can't take that sound anymore." He hit the computer. "I. hate. you. sound." He yawned and walked out of the room. "Dip." I said following him out and watching him walk outside. "Y/N, There has to be some shortcut or clue. Who would know about secret codes?" I sat down next to him on the floor when the wind started blowing and an eye crept onto the moon and bricks form around to reveal Bill. Suddenly all the colour was gone. "I THINK I KNOW A GUY!" I looked at Dipper then to Bill. "Well, well, well. You're awfully persistent, Pine Tree. Hats off to you!" He took off his hat tilting the world sideways. "Ahhhh!" I yelled falling over before he put his hat back on. "Oh firestone, there's no need for you to be here just yet." He snapped his fingers and I was back in the attic. I tried to get out the door but it was locked. "Sleep!" Everything suddenly went black. 

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