The Time Traveler's Pig

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I stood with Stan looking at the Mystery Fair being constructed. "There she is, Mabel; the cheapest fair money can rent! I spared every expense." I glanced around"Is this even safe?"I asked looking around before looking up at Stan. "Sure it is!" Just as he finished his sentence Dipper was screaming and came falling down in a tram car. "I think the sky tram is broke. Also, most of my bones." I bit my lip and Stan laughed. "Ha ha, this guy. Alright, alright. I've got a job for you three." He handed us fake safety inspection certificates. "You told me these we for a project Dipper was working on." I said looking at the certificate I had made the night before. "I photo copied a bunch of them. Just go and slap one on anything that looks like a lawsuit." I shook my head handing some to Mabel. "Grunkle Stan, is that legal?" Mabel asked looking up at him. 

"Whem there's no cops around, anything's legal! Soos, how's that dunk tank coming along?" I watched Stan walk over to Soos who was blowtorching something. "Almost ready to go, Mr Pines." Stan knocked the target and the seat barley moved. "Ha, you've got it rigged from him to Timbutu! Three's nothing on Earth that could knock me down!" Soos nodded. "Yeah, except for like a futuristic laser arm cannon." I giggled at them and put a sign on a ride. "Ah. Hey, you haven't seen my red screwdriver, have ya? Darn thing went missing?" Stan asked me digging around in his toolbox. "Maybe some magical creature or paranormal thing-um took it." I nodded in agreement. "Oi! You've been spending too much time with those kids." Stan said still looking in the tool box. "Alright, let's see where'd I put that thing."

I stood with Mabel watching Dipper and Wendy together. "Aw look at them bonding." She said to me while poking my rib. "He's crushing on her so bad." I said to her while taking a bite of my hot dog. "They're getting all romantic...Quick she's walking away!'' She said pulling me over to Dipper. "Look at you two! Getting all romantic at the fair!" I said to him. "Eh, it's no big deal." He said scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah it is!" Mabel said poking him. "Okay, you're right, it is! Isn't this amazing? I just dove in! I said, 'Hey! You wanna hang out at the fair?' And you know what she said?!" I looked at him, I felt a pang in my heart, why did this hurt. " 'Yeah  I guess so! It totally worked! All your advice about just going for it, it's finally paying off!" He yelled to his sister. "When are you gonna learn, Dipper? I'm always right about everything! Hey, do you smell a gallon of body spray?!" I looked around. "Robbie." I said before he walked up to us. "Hey, have any of you dorks seen Wendy around?" He asked putting his arm on my shoulder. "Who wants to know?" Robbie took some of my cotton candy. "Hey!" I said punching his side gently. "Yeah, I got some new super tight jeans." He thrusted. "Thought she might want to check 'em out.'' I made a disgusted face. "Gross." I mumbled and he removed his arm from my shoulder. "Yeah! You know, I think I saw her at the bottomless pit. You should really go jump in there." I giggled and Robbie bumped Dipper as he walked away. "Maybe I will, smart guy." I shook my head. "He's a jerk Dipper ignore him," I said looking over at him. "Yeah, but he's a jerk with tight pants and a guitar. I need to keep him away from Wendy at all costs." I nodded. "I'll be there with you, brother. Whatever happens, I'll be right here, supporting you every step of the- OH MY GOSH, A PIG!!" She ran off leaving me and Dipper alone. "I'll do my best to keep him away." I said walking away from him trying to find Robbie.

"Robbie! What are you doing?!" I asked as he walked towards the bottomless pit. "He was joking you tool!" I yelled to him pulling him back away from the pit. "What are you doing out here alone?! and Where's wendy?" He asked me knowing I couldn't lie. "I don't know, last time I saw her she was with Stan at the gift shop." I said doing my best to lie. "Then we're going there." He said walking with me back to the shack. "It's locked up, where is she?" I looked down. "Maybe she's back at the fair." I said walking away from him when he grabbed my jacket. "You're lying to me kid, where is she?" I stayed silent and carried on walking with Robbie hot on my trail. 

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