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"Welcome, to the grand re-opening of the Mystery Shack!" Stan yelled causing tourists to cheer for him. I clapped along with them and looked around, I couldn't find the twins anywhere. "We're here to celebrate the defeat of that skunk lil Gideon!" He grabbed a lil Gideon doll and held it up. "Boo!" Everyone yelled together. "Please, please...Boo harder!" Stan gestured. "But I didn't catch that porkchop all alone. These two camps deserve some of the glory." He said as Mabel and Dipper joined his side. I clapped for them and smiled at Dipper who turned to look at me. "Smile for the camera." Toby said to the Pines family holding up a cinder block. "Your camera's a cinder block, Toby..." Stan said to him. "I just wanna be a part of things..." I moved away from the Pines and handed Tourists leaflets for the party they were throwing tonight. "Smile for a REAL camera!" Shandra said to them. "And don't forget to come to the after-party tonight at eight!" Stan yelled. "We're doing a karaoke bonanza, people!" Mabel said pointing at the karaoke machine. "Lights! Music! Enchantment!" She blew confetti out of her hand. "And an amazing karaoke performance by our family band, Love Patrol Alpha!" I giggled at the name. "I don't know about that." Dipper said rubbing his arm. "I would never agree to that ever." Stan said. "Too late! I wrote your names on the list! It's happening!"

"Hey Grunkle Stan. Now that we have a moment. I've been meaning to ask you for my journal back." Dipper said looking up at Stan. I put down the brush and watched them. "Wha?Journal?" He searched through his jacket but then pulled it out from under the counter. "Oh! You mean this old thing! It was so boring I couldn't even finish it!" Stan said laughing and handing it to Dipper. "Wait, you're just gonna give it to me? Just like that?" Dipper said frowning. "What else do you want? A kiss on the cheek." I walked into the room. "G-Gotta go." Stan said walking away when he saw me. Dipper grabbed my hand and Mabel's running us up to the attic. "Mabel, we've gotta talk. Almost losing my journal made me realize that I'm halfway through the summer, and still no closer to figuring out the big mysteries of Gravity Falls. Gideon almost destroyed the town to get his hands on this journal. But why? Who wrote it? Where are all the other journals? What was talking about when he said "everything was going to change"? There's something HUGE going on right under our noses. And it's time we stop goofing around and get to the bottom of it." Dipper said whilst pacing around the room. "Dip please stop pacing you're making me sick." I said with a laugh. "Bro, you looked at that thing like, a bazillion times. There's nothing left to discover! Half the pages are blank, you remember?" Dipper flipped through the journal. "I just feel like I'm one puzzle piece away from figuring out everything." I rubbed his head. "Don't worry Dipper! Lord mystery Ham is on the case!" Mabel said picking up Waddles. "I play by me own rules! Wot? Wot?" She said in a British accent. " you hear that?" I asked looking at him before going to the window. "There's two men in suits." I said looking at him as he joined my side. "It's a Government vehicle!" I yelled running downstairs. I shut the shutters and looked at Soos. "The Mystery Shack is now closed, everybody out! I will not hesitate to use the hose on you!" I yelled doing what Stan taught me. All of a sudden I was pushed into a wardrobe and something was keeping me inside. "HELP!" I yelled banging on the door but it was like no one could even hear me. "HELP ME! STAN? SOOS?!" I continued banging until I heard Stan's voice. "Welcome to the Mystery Shack, gentlemen! What can I get you?" I looked through the crack in the wooden door and saw the two men in suits in the gift shop. They walked past the door and I backed away knocking things over in the process. One man stopped and looked around. "My name is Agent Powers and this is Agent Trigger, we're here to investigate reports of mysterious activity in this town." I went back to the door and looked through again. "Mysterious activity? In the Mystery Shack? You gotta be joking!" I looked from Stan to the men. "I assure you I'm not. I was born with a rare disorder that made me physically incapable of experiencing humor." Agent Powers said, Stan laughed nervously. "I don't understand that sound you're making with your mouth. Now if you'll excuse us we are conducting an investigation." Dipper rushed in. "Wait! Wait, did you guys say you're investigating the mysteries of this town?" I shook my head. "Dipper don't do it!" I yelled banging on the door. "That information is classified." Powers said before kneeling in front of Dipper. "But yes. Look. Between you and me I believe there is an conspiracy of paranormal origin all connected to this town. We're just one small lead away from blowing the lid of this entire Mystery." I hit my head on the door repeatedly. "Are you kidding me? I'm investigating the exact same thing!  I found this journal in the woods which has almost all the answers. If we work together, we could crack the case!" I kicked the door trying to open it. "If you have evidence of these claim, we should talk." Powers said to Dipper. "We could talk right now! Please please!" Stan patted Dippers head. "Hehe, I'm sorry agents . This kid has an overactive imagination. And like, a sweating problem." Mabel laughed. "Paranormal town stuff is just part of the gift shop lore. Sells more tickets you know." The agents left and I booted the door before falling on my face in front of Dipper and Stan. "Why were you in there?" Dipper asked looking at me. "I-I" I looked at Stan who was looking anywhere but at me. "I got myself locked in." I lied before walking off.  

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