Fight Fighters

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A/N: How are you all liking it so far?  Please let me know if you have anything you want me to improve. I have BIG THINGS planned trust me Mwahahahahahaha *Clears throat* Sorry. Don't know where that came from.

"Get up kid!" Stan said shaking m awake from my dream. "W-What?! It's like 5 in the morning!" I groaned rolling over and looking at him. "Bright and early start, it's your turn to clean the gutter." I groaned once more before rolling out of the bed and down the stairs. 

"This isn't fair." I said climbing the shack to the gutter. "While I'm cleaning you're all going to the arcade?" Mabel nodded while looking up at me. "Soos wants to show us it." I nodded and began scraping leaves out of the gutter. "When you're done you can meet us there." Stan said honking his horn signalling Mabel to get in. "BYE!" I yelled as they drove off. "Hey munchkin! What're you doing?" I wobbled on the roof almost falling down. "Stan and everyone are at the arcade." I grumbled down to Robbie who was now waiting to catch me in case I fell . "Come on, ditch work and come with me." I nodded. "I'll just say I cleaned it." Robbie chuckled and I climbed down, falling halfway and landing in his arms. "Gotcha squirt." He chuckled before walking with  me. "Hey you're wearing the bracelet?" He questioned looking at my wrist. "Well it was a gift." I said looking at the fire stone in it. "It's beautiful, where did you get it?" He smiled. "I mad- Found it in some crummy gift shop." I frowned and he carried on walking. We got to the doors when he stopped. "Robbie?" I asked looking at him, he shook his head and rubbed his eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked looking at him. "I have something in my eye!" He whisper yelled and he moved his hand a little. "Oh my gosh." He snapped his head up. "What?!" I shook my head this time. "I-I could have sworn your eyes were yellow." He laughed pushing me a little. "Shut up, you're just tired! I uh. I gotta go. Tell no one I was here." And with that he ran off leaving me alone.

I walked into the arcade and saw Stan. "That was quick kid." I smiled. "Well I'm fast at working." He nodded and I walked over to Wendy and Dipper who were playing some fighting game, when I saw Robbie hanging up a flyer. Weird. "Wendy! What's up, babe? Yeah, just putting up some flyers for my band. I'm playing lead guitar. No biggie." I lent against the arcade machine and looked at him. Dipper stared at the flyer. "Are you wearing mascara?" I laughed and Dipper looked at me. "Uh, it's eye-paint for men." I shook my head. "So, guy-liner?" I asked through my little laughs. "Hey Robbie, Dipper was just showing me this great game." Wendy said looking at her boyfriend. "Ha, yeah, sweet, sweet." Robbie turned to Dipper. "Hey, how about you sit this one out, okay champ?" I frowned. "But we just started this round." Robbie defensively said. "Whoa, whoa, hey, hey! Relax man, I'm just trying to spend a little time with My girlfriend, alright?" He says with the emphasis on my girlfriend. I shook my head. He obviously knew that Dipper liked Wendy. "It'll just be one round." Wendy said looking at Dipper who was now stood next to me. 

As they continued to play Robbie wrapped his arm around Wendy and glared at me and Dipper. I grabbed Dippers arm pulling him away. "That's our queue to leave." I mumbled dragging him over to another game. "I know you like Wendy but, they're dating now and you cant really get in the way." I said looking at Dipper who was staring at Wendy. "I know but, he's such a jerk, he doesn't deserve someone as amazing as her." I could feel my heart start to pang. Stop it. Dipper and I are just friend. Nothing will change that. EVER. 

I looked down at my cards and pulled my best poker face. "King me!" Mabel said putting down two kings. "Aw! Come on!" Stan, Soos, Dipper and I all yelled. "t's not fair, she doesn't even know what we're playing!" Stan complained. "Go fish?" Mabel asked clearly confused. When I was about to say something an electric guitar started playing outside. "Dude, I think I'm picking up a radio station inside my head." Soos said looking at us. "Try blinking to see if you can change the channel." Mabel commented. Soos blinked and someone started singing. "Weeeendy!" I rolled my eyes. "It's Robbie." Dipper said at the same time as me. "Robbie? Is he the jerky twerp I see making goo-goo eyes at Wendy all the time?" I nodded looking out of the window. "He called me 'big dude' once. I mean, I know I'm a big dude, but it kinda hurt." I looked at Soos and hugged him from the side. "Should I sic Waddles on him again?" I giggled as Waddles chewed Mabels jumper. "Whoa, easy tiger!" She said. "I'll handle it." Dipper said standing up. "Oooohh!" Everyone said. "Ha ha, conflict!" Stan yelled. I rolled my eyes getting up and following Dipper.

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