Society Of The Blind Eye

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I looked at the poster board as Dipper chewed on yet another pen. "Alright author, who are you? Who are you.." The pen burst open and he yelled throwing it into the pile of broken pens. "Not again." I looked at him before going back to the poster board. "Hey, bro-bro, look what I got!" Mabel yelled running in with a bottle. "Yay, a filthy green bottle." Dipper said sarcastically. "It's a bottle message from Mermado, remember? He was part fish, part shirtless guy." She gaspsed. "What if he wants to get back together?" I looked at her and then the bottle. "I wouldn't get your hopes up, Mabel." Dipper said to her. "Too late! Hopes are way way up." She squealed excitedly and opened the bottle reading the letter. "Dear Mabel... it is with a heavy heart that I must inform you, I'm getting married?!" I looked at her and  she read it over and over. "And there it is." Dipper said to me. "In order to prevent an undersea civil war... arranged wedding....queen of the manatees?!" Mabel looked at a photo. "She's so beautiful. This can't be happening." I hugged Mabel. "Oh, Mabel. You'll get over him eventually." Dipper said as I rubbed her arms. "You don't understand, Dipper." She grabbed her scrapbook. "On my first day here, I made this page for summer romances. Look at my luck." She pointed to the photo of Norman. "Turned out to be gnomes, child psycho Gideon, then theres Have Bensen, made out with his own hands. And now..." She wrote failed above the page. "I wish I could just forget about them forever." I sighed. "Hey, if it's any consolation, my summer mission isn't a huge success either. I'm still trying to find the author of this journal, but with his laptop smashed, I've lost any lead in finding him." I looked at them as they both looked at me. "Yeah mine hasn't been great either." I said to them. "Wait a minute, Dipper look!" Mabel said looking through the glass bottle at the laptop. "Through your bottle?" He asked her. "Just do it." She said giving him the bottle. He looked through and and smiled. "McGucket Labs." I frowned as he read out loud. "Old man McGucket?" I asked him taking the bottle and looking for myself. "You don't think?.." Mabel asked as I looked back at them both. "Couldn't be...Doesn't make any sense, unless." Dipper ran to the board and started connecting strings. "This matches with this...this goes over here...and then the that would mean...Old Man McGucket wrote the journals?!" I looked at them both. 

We all ran into the gift shop. "Wendy, Soos, we need to go see Old Man McGucket!" Dipper yelled to them both. "We'll explain on the way!" Mabel yelled before we all ran outside. "Hey what about work!" Stan yelled to us as we drove towards the junkyard. 

"Old Man McGucket, are you here?" Dipper called out. "McGucket?" I asked looking around. "Here hillbilly-billy-billy-billy." Soos called out. I waled over to where I heard laughter and saw Nate and Lee stood laughing. "McSuckIt?" I asked looking at the graffiti. "Even for you Nate that sucks." I said as they laughed. "Get outta here, you salt lickin', hornswagglin!...Mcsuckit, they got me good." I frowned and looked at him. "Visitors! Come, come." He took all of us inside. "Pull up some rust metal. You're just in time for my hourly turf war with the hillbilly that lives in my mirror." He started yelling at his reflection in the bath tub. "Quit starin' at me when I bathe!" I looked at Dipper and whispered. "Are you sure this is him?" And he bit his lip. "You can drop the act, McGucket I know you're the author. You studied the mysteries of this town and wrote this book." Dipper held up the journal. "Dude, you're the genius Dipper's been searching for all summer!" Wendy said looking at the confused old man. "Uh, Genius? I'm no genius. I've never done nothing' worthwhile in my life. Everyone knows I'm no good to nobody. I can't remember what I used to be, but I must've been a big failure to end up like this." I looked at Dipper. "But the laptop has your name on it." Soos said to him. "What about this book? Are you sure you didn't write it? Here, look closely." Dipper flipped through the journal. "I told you, I don't recall. Everything before 1982 is just a blur. Just a hazy." The journal flipped towards a photo and McGucket shrieks. "The Blind Eyes! Robes, the men, my mind! They did something!" I frowned and grabbed the journal looking at the page. "Who did?" Dipper asked him. "I...oh, I don't recall." I read through the page. "Oh you poor old man! No wonder your mind's all." Mabel blew a raspberry. "You've been through something intense." I looked at Dipper and handed him the journal back. "What if McGucket learned something he wasn't supposed to know, and someone, or something messed with his mind? We'veg got to get to the bottom of this." Dipper said to us all. "Think, dude. What is the earliest thing you can remember?" Wendy asked the old man. "Uh, this is, I think." He pulled down a newspaper article. "The History Museum!"Wendy yelled to Dipper. "That's where we're going." 

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