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I walked into the superstore and glanced around. "Here we are, the Summerween Superstore!" Stan yelled as we all walked in together. "Wait, summer-what?" I looked back at Dipper. "Summerween!" Stan pulled out a candle from his pocket. "The people of this town love Halloween so much, they celebrate it twice a year. And wouldn't you know it, it's today!" I giggled and looked at the two twins. "Do you always carry that calendar in your pocket?" Dipper questioned. Stan paused for a moment and looked around. "Yes." I smiled brightly. "Summerween? Something about this feels unnatural." Mabel said scratching her chin. "There's free candy! And I already have my costume planned!" I said nudging Stan. Every year we would stay in and scar the trick or treaters that came to the door. 

"TO THE COSTUME AISLE!" The twins yelled in unison while Soos was playing with a skull. "I'd lend you a hand....But I don't see to have any!" It said before cackling. "Haha, this guy tells it like it is." I shook my head laughing. "Sir, could you please stop pushing that?" A working said clearly annoyed with him. "Ma'am, make these heads less hilarious, and you got yourself a deal." He pushed the skull causing it to cackle. "UGH..." The worked whined.  I looked over at Stan who was holding a barrel of fake blood. "Ha ha! When the children come to our door tonight, they're gonna run away screaming from Stan Pines and Y/N Y/L/N, Masters of Fright!" He turned to face a baby and scared it causing it to scream. 

"Have the police come and eject the Pines family from the store." A worked said into her walkie talki. "NOT TODAY!" Stan yelled throwing a smoke bomb on the floor. "MY EYES!" She screamed as we all ran out with our Summerween stuff. "You paid for the stuff, right?" Mabel asked looking at Stan who looked at me. "Of course!" I shook my head knowing he used Stan Bucks. 

I hung up the last decoration and stepped off the chair. "I'm so excited!" Mabel yelled giddily. "We're gonna have the best costumes, get the most candy..." Dipper said. "And have the biggest stomachaches ever!" I giggled and Soos came in dressed as a superhero. "Dude, I've never seen you guys so pumped." I nodded and walked towards the door. "Well, back at home, me and Dipper were kind of the kinds of trick-or-treating." She got out a memory book and showed us their costumes. "Twins in costumes, the people eat it up." I nodded. "Well, you dudes better be careful out there. It's a night of ghouls and goblins. Not to mentions." He switched off the lights and turned on a flashlight. "The Summerween Trickster." I rolled my eyes turning on the lights. "The Summer-what-what?" I shook my head. "It's an old myth, totally not true." I said before running off to get changed.

I ran back downstairs in my outfit when I heard Dipper talking to soeone. "No! Uh, yeah! Trick-or-treating is for babies!" He started laughing nervously, Wendy was here obviously. "I guess." He finished his sentence. "You should come to this party with us! Tambry's parents are out of town, and it's gonna be OFF THE CHAIN!" Wendy yelled. "Not surprised you didn't hear about it." I shook my head going to the living room and sitting next to Stan. "Ready to scare the little brats?!" I questioned putting in my fangs and showing off my outfit. "More than ready kiddo!" He said getting up.  

"Grunkle Stan, these are my best friends, Candy and Grenda!" Mabel said as she stood next to her friends. She was dressed as Strawberry Jelly and Candy was dressed as a piece of Candy and Grenda was a witch. "I am so sweet I could eat myself!" Candy said to Stan. "Hello, Mr Pines!" Grenda said to him. "You got a cold, honey? Something wrong with your voice there?" I glared at Stan who was also dressed as a vampire. "What do you mean? Why would you say that?" He waved his cape and walked away. "Is Waddles going with you?" I asked looking at Waddles. "I wish he could, but he has some very important meetings to attend!" She said as Waddles walked over with a suit attached to his chest. "File these documents under 'I', for 'I have a curly tail'!" I giggled. "What about your brother?" I looked down at the floor. I hadn't told her what Dipper said earlier. "Oh man guys, just wait until you see Dipper's costume! It's amazing! Here he comes now!" Dipper walked in dressed like normal. "That is a vert good Dipper costume." Candy said to him. 

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