Not What He Seems

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"Come on, come on. Should be just enough to finish the job." Stan handed me his fez and glove and wiped his head. "Whew." He said looking at his now glowing forehead. "Can't be too careful with this stuff." A red light flashed and a buzzer started going off. Stan started smiling at me "Hand me the journal." I gave him the first journal and he began reading. "Warning...blah blah blah, extreme usage could result in minor gravity anomalies... can it, poindexter!" He yelled slamming the journal shut. "We've come this far. I'm not giving up now!" He pushed a big button. "Yes, this is it." I looked at Stan who was now floating in the air with me. There was a loud thump before I fell to the floor. "It's gonna be a bumpy ride, but it'll be worth it." He was playing with his watch and it began counting down. "Just eighteen more hours. Finally, everything changes. Today." I looked at him and smiled. Although I had no idea what was going on and what Stan was doing I was told to help out and not to tell anyone I know. If he was to get caught I was to destroy everything and tell no one what has happened. 

"ugh, Mabel it's so early," I whined as she pulled me and Dipper down a hallway. "Ahh! It's here it's here!" I sighed looking at the door. "Okay, so I was just opening random doors - because I'm a creep - when I found something amazing." I rubbed my eyes looking at her. "If it was worth waking up at seven AM for, that will be amazing," Dipper stated also rubbing his eyes. "Feast your eyes!" She opened the closet door to find fireworks. "DO NOT TOUCH!" Was written on the side of the box. "Crazy rooftop fireworks party!" They yelled at each other. "Not so fast, kids! There is no way on earth you're setting off those dangerous, illegal fireworks." He smiled bending down and touching their shoulders. "Without me." I smiled brightly and we ran off to the roof. 

"Here you go, sweetie," Stan said lighting a rocket for Mabel. "Set something on fire for your Grunkle Stan." She aimed the rocket and screamed. "I AM THE GOD OF DESTRUCTION!" It shot off. "Hold on a minute. Do you have a permit for those?" Me and Dipper looked at each other. "Uh..." Stan smiled. "Uh, do you have a permit for being totally lame?" We all started laughing and the officers chuckled. "Well, I can't argue with that. Carry on." Bulbs said before walking away. "But seriously though we should probably clean this mess up." I looked around and looked at the small fires. "With water balloons?" Mabel asked looking at Stan. "I don't see why not." 

Stan and I sat on the porch while the twins were playing with the water balloons. "To Grunkle Stan! Not just a great uncle!" Mabel said holding up an ice pop. "The greatest uncle!" Dipper finished throwing a balloon at us. "Alright, alright. I tell you it's unnatural for siblings to get along as well as you do." He said looking at them. "Ha-ha! Don't worry we've still got plenty of summer left." Mabel yelled attacking Dipper in a hug. "To drive each other crazy!" I laughed along with them when Stan started nervously laughing. "Yeah, plenty of summer left." He rubbed the back of his head. "Kids, there's something I, uh, something I should tell you. It's um." He scratched his chin. "Well it's complicated. I...I'm gonna go refresh my soda!" He walked off and the twins looked at me. "What was that?" I shrugged. "No idea," I said looking around. 

"What the-" Mabel asked looking around at agents that were surrounding us. Dipper gasped and I looked around, I was still on the porch and no one had seen me. "Kids are secure. Roof team! Go!" Agents came rappeling down out of a helicopter and into the shack. I snuck in and hid in the secret spot in the kitchen when I looked out of the window they were putting Stan in the back of a car. "Stan?" I whispered looking over at him in handcuffs. "Ugh! Hey, hands off, you stooge!" An agent puts Stans face on the trunk of a car. "Aah! I don't understand! What did I do that warrants this much arresting?" I looked over at the door. The secret project. I looked back out of the window. "The government guys? I thought you got eaten by zombies!" Dipper yelled looking at them. "We survived. Barley." 

"This is security footage of a government waste facility." He said holding up a tablet to the twins. I couldn't see it but I already knew what it was. It was a video of him stealing the dangerous waste. I heard someone coming and I hid behind the curtain. "Wait! Grunkle Stan! You've got the wrong guy! Our Grunkle Stan might shoplift the occasional tangerine, but he's not some evil super villain!" Mabel said to the agent. "Listen, kid. We've been watching your family all summer and we've seen some disturbing things. But nothing as dangerous as what your uncle is hiding. Somewhere hidden in this shack is a doomsday device." I bit my lip. "Trigger, you take the children. I'll talk to the old man." He looked back at the twins. "Sorry to break it to you kids. But you don't know your uncle at all." An agent took the twins away and put them in a car. I caught Dipper looking and I waved at him. "I'll get you." I mouthed before hiding back in the house. "There's another somewhere. She's lived with him for a while. Find her."  I quickly ran out of the window and hid in the woods. "Heading into work. Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo" Wendy sang stopping and looking at me. "Or maybe not." She said looking at the agents and walking away.I grabbed the golf cart and drove through the woods. "I'll cut them off at the interstate," I said out loud before hitting the pedal and driving faster. 

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