Chapter 2: Out of the Woods

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     Writers note-  Sorry I did mean to update last night , but there was a last minute party for my sister in law's b day.  We were up till 4 am .   This is a short chapter , but I have to finish up some chores and hope to be able to write another chapter later tonight.   So here it is-  We will get to meet 2 of he 5 guys here,  but we won't get any answers to the mysteries surrounding Selene :)

    They stare at me and I stare at them- it feels like an eternity.  And then the energy trapped in my body starts heating up.  Oh my god, what is happening?!  All this energy-  it needs a purpose.  I don't know what to do but I need to figure something out soon.  The heat is causing pain now and I start to whimper  as I sink towards the ground.  Part of me is aware of the two boys slowly approaching me.  The blond one's mouth is moving ,  but I am too consumed with what is happening inside my body to pay attention to what he is saying.   It has to stop.   I am now kneeling on the ground with my palms pressing into the dirt.  I sink down even further and press my forehead down as well.  Out, out!  I start to feel the energy move and immediately the pain starts to recede and the heat cools.  I feel the energy seeping from my body into the ground below me.   

      Slowly I become aware of my surroundings.  The sweat on my skin,  my ragged breathing that is starting to even out, the small twigs and dead leaves poking into my shins and palms  - and one of the boys kneeling close to me.

"Can you hear me?  Are you ok? "

     The fear of having strangers so near has me pushing myself up from the dirt and scurrying back on my butt and hands .   It is the dark haired boy who  had been speaking to me.  He has his hands up in a surrender pose and he is looking at with me with what appears to be concern on his face.  He is still close enough for me to see that he has dark brown eyes-  like dark chocolate.  Remembering that there were two of them,  I quickly look up, trying to see where the blond is.   He is standing just behind chocolate eyes and he too has his hands up where I can see them.  He seems to be holding his breath and his eyes are wide.  Green eyes,  the color of spring grass. 

    Eyes-  If I can see theirs, they can see mine!  Not only  that,  but I had definitely been acting strangely. As fast as I can , I lower my eyes from the blond's.  Will they try to take me away to be locked up in a hospital like Mother is always saying?  I need to get out of here. Keeping them in site but not looking at their faces,  I slowly push myself back up to my feet.  Chocolate eyes rises to standing as well.  His movement causes me take another nervous step back and he slowly raises his hands back up in the surrender pose.

     "We aren't going to hurt you.  I promise."  The blond's voice is soft and flows smoothly.   I force myself to stay tense and ready,  even though I can already feel my self wanting to relax. I can't remember the last time someone spoke to me so kindly.  He continues speaking in that same soft voice,  " My name is Dwyer and this is Kenji.  You seem to be breathing a little easier.  Are you feeling better?"   I nod my head up and down for yes.  He continues to speak, "That is good.  You had us worried.."  He pauses and seems to wait a moment.  Is he waiting for me to say something?    " We were just taking a look around; the woods here are really beautiful.  We truly did not mean to scare you.  Can you tell us your name?"  The whole time he spoke,  he kept his voice low and he slowly relaxed his posture.  I couldn't help it and I felt my self start to relax a little too. Could  I tell them my name? For some reason I want to.  I want someone who talks to me kindly to know my name.

    "Selene."  My voice cracks and is so small , I am not even sure at first they have heard me.

    "That is a beautiful name," Kenji says as he too slowly lowers his hands. He also keeps his voice soft, almost a whisper.   His voice isn't as smooth as Dwyer's, but is still nice and holds no sense of impatience.     I start to wring my hands together.  What do I say next?  The people on t.v. make conversation look so easy... 

   Dwyer takes an easy step up so  that he is now standing next to Kenji, and they share a quick look.  Dwyer starts speaking again.  "We are in the area for work , but just had to get out and get some fresh air.  Being cooped up in that hotel room was driving us batty."  His voice is still flowing and gentle , but he is speaking at a more normal volume and it feels like he is happy.  I take a quick glance to the lower part of his face and see a relaxed smile on his face.  I look to Kenji's face and notice that he has lost the worried look that had his mouth pulled straight.

"Do you live in the area?" Dwyer asks and I turn my head back to him.  I hesitantly nod yes and gesture behind me towards the house. 

"oh, you live in that big white house ?"  Kenji pushes some of his hair off his forehead as he asks.
 He then snaps his fingers.  "Hey , I don't suppose you would give us a tour of the woods would you?  I bet you know all the best parts."  He sounds excited.

    Give them a tour?  I am not even supposed to be talking to them.  I want to though.  Why do I want to?  Maybe because they saw my eyes and they didn't say anything about them.  They are still talking to me and want to spend more time with me even after they saw them.  Aren't they uneasy? But no, they seem fine.    I want to say yes.  I want to spend more time with them.  Nobody else ever comes back here from the house-  nobody would know I was breaking the rules... Dwyer takes a step closer to me and ducks his head down to look me in the face.  I jump a little in surprise and my eyes meet his,  but I don't back away from him.  He smiles at me.

"Its getting late and soon it will be dark.  How about you think about it some more.  We will be here tomorrow  at noon with some lunch,  and if you are up for it,  you can join us.  If not, well, we will just have a peaceful lunch and then go back to the hotel.  No pressure."   There is no malice in his green eyes and his voice really soft again.   I do the only thing I can, and nod my head.  Dwyer straightens  up and walks backwards to stand again with Kenji.  "We hope to see you again tomorrow Selene."  

   Kenji smiles at me and gives me a little wave as a small piece of hair falls back on his forehead and in his eyes again.  I lift one of my hands and wave back.  Then they are walking away. 

   Dwyer was right, it was duskier and soon would be dark.  I needed to get home.  I head back toward the house and with every step away from the boys I feel heavier. I am going back to that house to be a ghost again. I laugh nervously at myself-  How can a ghost feel heavy?  They float don't they?   I enter the house and make my way to the kitchen.  Mary has left some leftovers wrapped up on the counter   and I pick at that for while while I continue to think about the boys.  I head up to my room , brush  my teeth and change into a large t shirt to sleep in.   It's not real late and there is no way I am going to fall asleep anytime soon, so I sit on the small window seat under my bedroom window, my legs tucked under me.  My life is changing.  I can feel it.  For better or worse, I don't know, but I do know it will never be the same.  I look through the window and towards the now dark woods. 

I also know that I will be there tomorrow at noon.

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