Chapter 10: Leader of the Pack Brings Chinese

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   "What's Owen getting for dinner man?"  Aiden asks Felix.  Felix doesn't get a chance to answer though because we hear a knocking at the door.  Kenji gets off the bed and opens the door.  He starts taking several bags from the person on the other side. 

   "Thank you for the assistance Kenji,"   I hear a rich and polished voice say.  I feel the others moving around me but my eyes are fixed on the man who is now walking into the room.  This has to be Owen.  I wait for the usual anxiety to swamp me again, but i doesn't.  I think that maybe being around the boys all day has helped me settle a little-  or it could be that I am just too darn worn out from the events of the day.  Either way, I am able to calmly take in his appearance.  He is wearing black shoes that are in great condition, black slacks that have been neatly pressed, and a white button up dress shirt.  It is buttoned all the way up and he is even wearing a maroon tie.  He is tall and lean.  His skin is pale, and his face has interesting angles.  He would probably be breathtaking if he was smiling.   His face is shaved smooth and his brown hair is combed in place neatly.  He is wearing a pair black glasses that are simple, yet elegant.  He is a very well put together man.  Everything is perfectly in place.  His eyes are a steel gray, and they are looking right back at me. 

  Normally, I would immediately lower my eyes, but this time I don't. There is no uneasiness in his gaze, no judgement.  In fact, there seems to be no emotion at all.  Only ,  a sort of detached curiosity.  He seems to be analyzing every bit of me.  Gathering information.  It intrigues me.  We hold each others' gaze for a moment, each trying to figure the other out.  When I can get nothing else from his eyes, I move on to take in other details.  The length of his lashes, the shape of his ears, how soft his hair looks... I am not able to figure out much though.  He is not as open as the other guys.  He seems more cautious of strangers, but not panicky about it like I am.  It also seems that he likes things orderly and neat- judging by his perfect appearance.  He posture radiates confidence.  Other than that, I get nothing of his personality.  It is like he is wearing a costume.  It is strange meeting someone like him after meeting all the other guys who are so vibrant in their personalities.  Even Kenji, who is quiet, seems to radiate a calm kindness and gentle happiness.   Owen is still watching me,  his head now tilted to the side just a bit.  I am happy to see that , like the others, he doesn't seem uncomfortable with my coloring.  This is the 5th person that I have met that has shown no signs of discomfort. 

    Is it my family that is weird?  Or maybe the guys just haven't been around me long enough yet? This is more likely.  I mean, even after I stopped giving any signs that I was seeing and hearing things my family could not, they still could not stand the sight of me and called me a freak. There is something else that is not right about me- I just haven't figured it out yet.  Once these people get to know me better, they will know though. The happiness that had filled me up on the way here slowly bleeds away and despair takes it's place.  I want to run and hide away somewhere, but I can't.  I have no where to go.  I would never make it on my own.  I do not know enough about anything  to make it on my own. I will learn as much as I can from them, as quickly as I can.   And then I will leave, hopefully before they are caused too much distress by me.  Movement in Owen's face brings me out of my head.  His lips have pulled down into a frown, and his eyes are squinted slightly , giving him a more fierce look.   He has already found something wrong and is disappointed in me!  I feel like crying.

   "Well, you two  can continue staring at each other all you want, we're going to eat while the food is hot." Aiden's declaration drags Owen's attention away from me.  I close my eyes and try to calm myself.  I can't start crying now.  I allow myself two deep breaths as I listen to the rustle of bags and containers.  When I open my eyes, I see a bunch of paper plates, drinks, and cardboard containers on the table next to the bed I am on.  The table is completely covered.    Aiden and Dwyer are filling up their plates.   It appears to be rice, noodles, different meats and vegetables, and something that looks fried. 

   "What kind of Chinese do you like Hime?" asks Kenji's soft voice from beside me.  

   "Umm...  I'm not sure... Mary never made Chinese...."  

   Dwyer gasps loudly, "Oh Cutie! That is awful!  Kenji, some of everything for her."  Kenji nods and immediately starts piling food onto a plate.  My eyes grow huge when he brings it back to me.

   "That is way too much,"  I whisper in awe. 

   "Eat what you can . I'll finish the rest" Aiden grumbles and then settles himself back down on the bed near my feet.  I don't know how he plans to finish mine; his plate is over flowing as well. The other guys all get their food.  Kenji settles back in his spot at the foot of the bed, Dwyer comes back to his spot beside me, and Owen and Felix sit at the chairs that surround the little table.  I try a few bites of what I think is chicken.  It's not too bad. Pretty sweet though. 

   "So Owen, this little darling is Selene..."  I blush at Felix's words.

   "It is a pleasure to meet you Selene.  I am Owen." says the polished voice.

   "It is nice to meet you too,"  I say shyly.  This time I only look at his chin, and not his eyes.  I don't want to see his disappointed eyes again.

   "So, what do you think Cutie? You like the food?"  Dwyer says to break the moment of uneasy silence in the room.

   "Ah, yes.  Thank you. It is very good," I reply with a little smile.  It feels forced to me, I hope he doesn't notice.  The room goes quiet again as everyone eats their dinner.  I notice the news is still going softly on the tv.  Every once in a while I feel Owen's heavy eyes on me.  I finish as much as I can, but I don't really have much of an appetite.   My eyes find Aiden's and I offer him my plate. 

   "You need to eat more than that doll" he replies.

   "I really can't," I plead with him.

  Felix comes to my rescue.  "She's probably just knackered mate.  Leave her be."

   Aiden sighs but takes my plate.  Everyone else finishes up their food and soon they are all cleaning things up.  I really need to pee.  I start to get up off the bed.  "Whoa! What are you doing?"  I immediately have Aiden's full attention and I freeze in confusion.

   "Bathroom?" I squeak.  Dywer and Kenji snicker a little behind me.

   "Oh, let me help you" Aiden says as he scoops me up.  I just sigh.   He walks me to the bathroom and then sets me down on my feet inside.  He leaves the room and I close the door to do my business.  When I am done, Aiden is right outside the door waiting to scoop me up again.

  "She is allowed to walk some, Aiden.  She just needs to be careful" I hear Felix say.  Aiden's only response is a grunt.

   Dwyer chuckles, "You only say that now because Aiden got to her first." This earns  him a punch in the shoulder from Felix.  I hold my breath in fear, but Dwyer only laughs louder and Felix is smiling at him.  I guess they are just playing... 

   "Settle down gentlemen" Owen commands. I am put back down in my spot on the bed and Aiden fusses with my ice pack and ankle.  Everyone else settles down around me in the same spots that they were in before Owen had come in. I see Owen's left eyebrow raise slightly at this and my face turns pink yet again.  He doesn't say anything about it though.  He smooths his tie and then sits in one of the chairs at the little table.  He crosses one leg over the other and leans back.  He adjusts his glasses by pushing them further up on his nose ," Miss Selene, it appears that there are some things we need to discuss."

sorry that i did not get my update up this last weekend.  I hope you like this though.  I will try my best to write again this weekend.

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